Kamelia Atefi Monfaredcatefi@yorku.caCivil EngineeringCivil EngineeringGeomechanics, Coupled processes in porous media, Ground improvement techniquesContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Rashid Bashirrbashir@yorku.caCivil EngineeringCivil EngineeringGeoenvironmental engineering, Soil mechanics, Hydrogeology, Geotechnical design, Soil cover designAccepting domestic students for Master’s and PhD. Accepting Visa students for PhD.
Satinder Brarsatinder.brar@lassonde.yorku.caCivil EngineeringCivil EngineeringApplied biotechnology, Water resource management, Wastewater treatment, Bioremediation, Bioresource management
Liam Butlerliam.butler@lassonde.yorku.caCivil EngineeringCivil EngineeringClimate-resilient structures, structural engineeringContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Ahmed Eldyastiahmed.eldyasti@lassonde.yorku.caCivil EngineeringCivil EngineeringWastewater managementContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
John Galesjgales@yorku.caCivil EngineeringCivil EngineeringStructural Buildings (Timber, steel and concrete); Transportation (human factors and AI), Engineering Education, Heritage buildings.Specialization: Fire Engineering. Next Generation Wood Alliance program has a number of allocations for students interested in wood and timber engineering. Looking Fire focused.
Kevin Gingerichkging@yorku.caCivil EngineeringCivil EngineeringTransportation studiesContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Stephanie Gorastephanie.gora@lassonde.yorku.caCivil EngineeringCivil EngineeringDrinking water management, Drinking water treatment, UV advanced oxidation processesContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Shooka Karimpourshooka.karimpour@lassonde.yorku.caCivil EngineeringCivil EngineeringEnvironmental hydrodynamics, Microplastic mobility, Microplastic hydrodynamics, Turbulent modellingContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Usman T. Khanutkhan@yorku.caCivil EngineeringCivil EngineeringWater resource engineering, Flood risk management, Data-driven modelling, Water resource management, Urban hydrology
Magdalena Krolmkrol@yorku.caCivil EngineeringCivil EngineeringNumerical modeling of groundwater flow and contaminant transport, Groundwater remediation technologies
Mehdi Nourinejadmehdi.nourinejad@lassonde.yorku.caCivil EngineeringCivil EngineeringTransportation system planning, Transportation system controlContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Dan Palermodan.palermo@lassonde.yorku.caCivil EngineeringCivil EngineeringSeismic applications, Concrete StructuresContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Stavroula Pantazopouloupantazo@yorku.caCivil EngineeringCivil EngineeringEarthquake Engineering of Structures, Seismic Assessment and Retrofit of Structures, Innovative Construction Materials, Climate effects on Structures
Specialization: Structural Engineering

Accepting domestic students for Master’s and PhD. May accept Visa PhD students.
Peter Parkpeter.park@lassonde.yorku.caCivil EngineeringCivil EngineeringTransportation engineering, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), Road and railway safety, Transportation Security, Geographic Information Systems (GIS)Contact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Matthew Perras
mperras@yorku.caCivil EngineeringCivil EngineeringGeological engineering, Rock mechanics, Fracture mechanics, Numerical modelling, Environmental influences on fracture growthContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Jitendrapal (Jit) Sharmajit.sharma@lassonde.yorku.caCivil EngineeringCivil EngineeringGeotechnical engineeringContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Kevin Zhangkzhang1@yorku.caCivil EngineeringCivil EngineeringSustainable buildings, high performance building materials, embodied and operational carbon, decarbonizationSpecialization: Building Science
Mokhtar AboelazeElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer EngineeringComputer networks, Computer architectureContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Robert Allisonallison@eecs.yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer EngineeringVisual perception, human computer interaction in virtual and augmented environments, graphical displays and applications
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer EngineeringMemory technologies, AI hardware, neuromorphic computingWe are interested in students with mixed-signal design, digital design, integrated circuits background who are open to learn neuromorphic and AI hardware design principles. Machine learning knowledge will be an advantage.
Andrew Eckfordaeckford@cse.yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer EngineeringMolecular communication, Computational biology, Biologically inspired sensorsContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Hui Jianghuijiang@yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer EngineeringMachine learning, Audio processingContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Melanie Baljkobaljko@yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Digital MediaHuman-Computer Interaction, Anti-Technoableism, Assistive Technologies, Social Technologies, Commons-Based Peer Production
John Amanatidesamana@yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer ScienceComputer graphicsContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Aijun Anaan@yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer ScienceData mining, machine learningContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Alvine Boaye Bellewonderss@yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer Sciencesafety assurance, autonomous driving systems, generative AI, Knowledge representation and reasoning, EDI in computing.Specialization: Software Engineering
Michael S. Brownmbrown@cse@yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer ScienceIn-camera processing, image enhancement and restoration, color processing, AI
Gene Cheunggenec@eecs.yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer ScienceGraph signal processing, 3D imagingSpecialization: Communications & Controls (VISTA)
Suprakash Dattadatta@yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer ScienceBioinformatics, Computer networksContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Konstantinos Derpaniskosta@yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer ScienceComputer vision, AI, data scienceContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Elham Dolatabadiedolatab@yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer ScienceMultimodal Learning,
Foundation Models,
Brain Computer Interface,
Specialization: Machine Learning Deep Learning Healthcare
Jeff Edmonds
jeff@cse.yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer ScienceComplexity theory, scheduling, proof systems, probability theoryContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Marios Fokaefsfokaefs@yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer ScienceSoftware engineeringContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Parke Godfreygodfrey@cse.yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer ScienceDatabasesContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Jarek Gryzjarek@cse.yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer ScienceDatabase systems, AIContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
James Elderjelder@yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer EngineeringHuman vision, computer vision, computational neuroscience’ and ‘AI’
Marios Fokaefsfokaefs@yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Software Engineering, Computer ScienceDevOps, AIOps, Software reliability, Performance Engineering, Software modeling and design, mobile and cloud applicationsKeele and Markham Campus
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Electrical EngineeringSemiconductor devices, microfabrication, printed electronics, Printed electronics, additive manufacturing, 3D printing, machine learning, semiconductor devices, microfabrication, transistors, sensors, flexible electronics, wearable electronics
Arash Habibi
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer ScienceCybersecurity, Network Security, Informaiton Security, System SecuritySpecialization: Cybersecurity

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Software Engineering(1) Automated software engineering using AI, e.g., LLMs, with a focus on code generation, software testing, and repair. (2) Trustworthy AI software systems with a focus on robustness and explainability.Accepting domestic students for Master’s and PhD. Accepting Visa students for PhD.
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer ScienceMobile robotics, Computer vision, Immersive displays, Virtual reality
Zhen Ming (Jack) Jiangzmjiang@cse.yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Software EngineeringAI Engineering (AI4SE and SE4AI), Software Performance Engineering, Automated Program Analysis and Debugging
Shahin Kamalikamalis@yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Electrical EngineeringDesign and analysis of algorithms, online and approximation algorithms, learning-augmented algorithms, algorithmic AI, graph algorithms, theoretical foundations of blockchain technology
Houshang Karimihkarimi6@yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Electrical EngineeringPower systems, control systems, power electronics, smart grid, microgrid, renewable energy systems.Specialization: Electrical Power
Hossein Kassirikassiri@yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Electrical EngineeringAnalog and Mixed-Signal Electronic Integrated Circuits, Brain-Computer interfaces, On-chip Implementation of Machine Learning Algorithms, wireless implantable medical devices, neural recording and stimulation systems
Hamzeh Khazaeihkh@eecs.yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer ScienceSustainable Machine Learning Systems, Performant Computing Systems and Serverless Computing.Specialization: Cloud Computing Systems.

Accepting domestic students for Master’s and PhD. Accepting Visa students for PhD.
Kostas Kontogianniskkontog@yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer ScienceSoftware Engineering, Software Analytics, AIOps, Cyber-Physical Systems, Service-Oriented ComputingSpecialization: Software Engineering.

Markham Campus
Yong (Peter) Lianplian@eecs.yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Electrical EngineeringBiomedical circuits, Biomedical Systems, Energy efficient signal processing
Scott Mackenziemack@cse.yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer Sciencehuman-computer interaction with an emphasis on human performance measurement and modeling, interaction devices and techniques, text entry, mobile computing, gaming, accessible computing, touch-based interaction, eye tracking, experimental methodology, Fitts’ lawAccepting domestic students for Master’s and PhD programs.
Sana Maqsoodsmaqsood@yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer ScienceCybersecurity, Computer security system usability, Computer security system accessibility, Interactive technologiesContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Jonathan Michaelsjmichae@yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer ScienceBrain-computer interfaces, motor control, neural computation
Andranik Mirzaian
andy@cse.yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer ScienceOptimization, Computational geometryContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Uyen Trang Nguyen
unguyen@yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer ScienceComputer ScienceInformation security, Network Security, Online social networking, Cellular networks, Financial technology, Wireless ad-hoc, Wireless sensor networks, Cyber securityContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Kiemute Oyibokoyibo@yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer SciencePersuasive design, Personalization, User modeling, User experience, Digital health, Machine learning applicationsContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Richard Murrayrfm@yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer ScienceComputational neuroscience; human and computer vision; psychophysicsSpecialization: Visual perception
Emmanouil (Manos) Papangelispapaggel@cse.yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer ScienceData mining, machine learning
Aditya Potukuchiapotu@yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer ScienceData science, codingContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Hung Phamhvpham@yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Software EngineeringSoftware testing, Software repair, ML/AI for Software, SE for AISpecialization: Software Engineering and Machine Learning
Simona Pisanasimone.pisana@lassonde.yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Electrical EngineeringNanostructured materials, Nanostructured devices, Graphene-based isotopic separation, sonoluminescence, high-temperature magnetization dynamicsAccepting domestic students for Master’s and PhD programs. May accept visa students for PhD. Please inquire with supervisor.
Eric Ruppertruppert@cse.yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer Scienceconcurrent computing, shared-memory algorithms and data structuresSpecialization: Theoretical Computer Science
Ali Sadeghi-Nainiasn@eecs.yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Electrical EngineeringAI for Personalized Medicine, Quantitative Imaging and Biomarkers, Smart Digital Pathology, Image-guided Cancer TherapeuticsSpecialization: Biomedical Engineering, AI and Machine Learning, Medical Imaging

Accepting domestic and visa students for PhD only.
Laleh Seyyed-Kalantarilsk@yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer ScienceGenerative AI, LLM, Diffusion models, AI in drug discivery, AI in medical imaging, AI fairnessSpecialization: Optimization; AI in Medical Imaging; Machine learning with Healthcare

Markham Campus
Minas Spetsakisminas@cse.yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer ScienceContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Jarek Szlichtaszlichta@yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer ScienceData Science, AI
George Toulakistgeorge@yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer ScienceLogic-modal logic, Computability, ComplexityContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Hina Tabassumhinat@yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Electrical Engineering5G/6G wireless networks, open radio access networks, multi-access edge computing, quantum sensing and machine learning, wireless sensing and localization, machine learning, mobility management in satellite, aerial, and terrestrial networksSpecialization: Communications & Controls
Ruth Urneruruth@yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer Sciencestatistical and algorithmic learning theory; robustness to adversarial and strategic perturbations; interpretability and fairness in machine learning. Enjoyment of mathematics required.Specialization: Machine Learning
Vassillios Tzerposbil@cse.yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer ScienceAudio ProcessingContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Franck Van

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer Science, Software Engineeringmodel checking, software verification
Jia Xujxu@yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer ScienceReal time systems, Embedded systemsContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Ping Wangpingw@eecs.yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Electrical EngineeringAI-empowered modern communication networks, 5G and beyond communication networks, AI-enabled Semantic Communications, Internet of things, Vechicular communications, Satellite CommunicationsSpecialization: Communications & Controls
Song Wangwangsong@eecs.yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Software EngineeringSoftware engineering, Machine learningSpecialization: Software Engineering & Machine Learning

Yan Shvartzhnaideryansh@eecs.yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer ScienceComputer SecurityCybersecurity, Contextual integrity, Information technologyContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Nataliji Vlajicvlajic@cse.yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer ScienceComputer Security, Computer EngineeringNetwork security, Information securityContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Petros Faloutsospfal@cse.yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer ScienceDigital MediaComputer graphics, animationContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Matthew Kyanmkyan@cse.yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer ScienceDigital MediaMedia-rich dataset managementContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Hany Faraghefarag@cse.yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer ScienceElectrical EngineeringModelling techniques, Control techniques, Renewable generation, Energy storage, Electric vehicles, Renewable energyContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Ebrahim Ghafar-Zadehegz@yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer ScienceElectrical EngineeringBiologically inspired integrated sensors and actuators, Integrated circuits, Microfluidics, Disease diagnostics, Life science applicationsContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Richard Hornseyrhornsey@yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer ScienceElectrical EngineeringEngineering EducationContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
John Lam johnlam@cse.yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer ScienceElectrical EngineeringPower ElectronicsContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Xiaohui Yuxhyu@yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer ScienceDatabase systems, data science, applied machine learning
Sebastian Magierowskimagiero@cse.yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Electrical EngineeringMicrosystems, NanosystemsContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Afshin Rezaei-Zarerezaei@cse.yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Electrical EngineeringEnergy engineering, power systems, Energy systems, Grid systems, Geomagnetic disturbancesContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Razieh Salahandish
raziehs@yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Electrical EngineeringBiomedical engineering, Electrical and electrochemical sensors, Integrated microfluidics systems, Biiosensing organ-on-chip platforms and Wearable medical devicesContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Amir Sodagarsodagar@cse.yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Electrical EngineeringBiomedical systemsContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Pirathayini Srikanthapsrikan@eecs.yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Electrical EngineeringSmart distribution systems, Cybersecurity in smart grid, Distributed coordinationContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Maleknaz Nayebimnayebi@yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Software EngineeringSoftware engineeringContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Gias Uddinguddin@yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Software EngineeringSystems engineering, Human-computer interaction, AI, Machine learningContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Marin Litoiumlitoiu@yorku.caElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
Software EngineeringSoftware engineering, Internet of Things (IoT), Cyber Physical SystemsContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Yongsheng Chenyongsheng.chen@lassonde.yorku.caEarth and Space Science and EngineeringEarth and Atmospheric ScienceClimate modellingContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Costas Armenakisarmenc@yorku.caEarth and Space Science and EngineeringGeomatics EngineeringGeomatics/GeoInformatics; Mobile Sensing and Mapping Systems; Drones; Information from Image and Range data; 3D modelling
Michael Bazzocchimbazz@yorku.caEarth and Space Science and EngineeringSpace EngineeringAstronautics, Asteroid Science and Engineering, Orbital Dynamics and Control, Mission and Systems Design, Satellites, Spacecraft Formations, Space Debris, Robotics, Space Robotics, Terrestrial Robotics, Industrial Robotics, Personal Robotics, Assistive Robotics
Sunil Bisnathsbisnath@yorku.caEarth and Space Science and EngineeringGeomatics EngineeringGeomatics Engineering, positioning, navigation, optimal estimation, machine learning, GPS, satellite-based navigation, inertial navigation systems, autonomous vehicles, smartphone positioning
Michael Dalydalym@yorku.caEarth and Space Science and EngineeringSpace EngineeringPlanetary scienceContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Regina Leereginal@yorku.caEarth and Space Science and EngineeringSpace EngineeringNanosatellites, Space Situational Awareness (SSA)Contact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
John Mooresjmoores@yorku.caEarth and Space Science and EngineeringSpace EngineeringPlanetary scienceContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Ryan Orszulikryan.orszulik@lassonde.yorku.caEarth and Space Science and EngineeringSpace EngineeringSmart materials, Smart structures, robotics, mechatronics, additive manufactureContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Mark Gordonmgordon@yorku.caEarth and Space Science and EngineeringEarth and Atmospheric ScienceAtmospheric science, Pollutants, Greenhouse gas emissions, Air quality modelsAccepting domestic Master’s students.
Jinjun Shanjjshan@yorku.caEarth and Space Science and EngineeringSpace EngineeringSpace engineering, Autonomous systems, Aerospace studies, Space instrumentationContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Gary Klaassengklaass@yorku.caEarth and Space Science and EngineeringEarth and Atmospheric ScienceAtmospheric scienceContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Isaac Smithibsmith@yorku.caEarth and Space Science and EngineeringEarth and Atmospheric Science, Planetary SciencePlanetary science, Mars explorationContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Neil Tandonneil.tandon@lassonde.yorku.caEarth and Space Science and EngineeringEarth and Atmospheric ScienceGeomatics, Climate ModelsContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Peter Taylorpat@yorku.caEarth and Space Science and EngineeringEarth and Atmospheric ScienceMeteorology, Climatology, Numeric modelsContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Baoxin Hubaoxin@yorku.caEarth and Space Science and EngineeringGeomatics EngineeringGeomatics, 3D scene reconstruction, Remotely sensed data, characterization InSAR technology, Spatial-temporal data analysis and modelling
Spiros Pagiatakisspiros@yorku.caEarth and Space Science and EngineeringGeomatics EngineeringGeodesy, GeodynamicsContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Ryan Orszulikryan.orszulik@lassonde.yorku.caEarth and Space Science and EngineeringSpace EngineeringSmart materials, Smart structures, robotics, mechatronics, additive manufactureSpecialization: Eng Design

Accepting domestic Master’s and PhD students. Accepting international PhD students.
Gunho Sohngsohn@yorku.caEarth and Space Science and EngineeringGeomatics EngineeringGeomaticsContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Jiaoguo Wangjgwang@yorku.caEarth and Space Science and EngineeringEarth and Space ScienceMulti-sensor (GNSS receivers/ IMUs/Cameras/LiDAR/Ultrasonic Beacons)
integrated kinematic positioning & Navigation – System development & Optimization estimation methods (Least-Squares & Kalman filter)
Specialization: Multi-sensor integration & data fusion (positioning & Navigation)
Jim Whitewaywhiteway@yorku.caEarth and Space Science and EngineeringEarth and Atmospheric ScienceMars atmospheric science, Earth atmospheric scienceSpecialization: Space Science
Alidad Amirfazlialidad2@yorku.caMechanical EngineeringMechanical EngineeringSurface engineering, Thermofluidics, Fluid Mechanics, Wetting & Capillarity, Icing, coatingContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Solomon Boakye-Yiadomsboakyey@yorku.caMechanical EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMachine Learning for Materials Discovery, In-Situ Process Monitoring During Metal 3D Printing, High Strain Rate and Ballistic Performance of Advacned Alloys, Development of Biofidelic Head-Neck Surrogate Models, Injury PredictionSpecialization: Materials
Alex Czekanskialex.czekanski@lassonde.yorku.caMechanical EngineeringMechanical EngineeringComputational solid mechanics, Experimental solid mechanics, Additive Manufacturing, Bioprinting, Soft materials, Design engineering education
Marina Friere-Gormalymarina.freire-gormaly@lassonde.yorku.caMechanical EngineeringMechanical EngineeringSustainable energy, Water systemsContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Ronald Hansonhansonre@yorku.caMechanical EngineeringMechanical EngineeringAerodynamic applicationsContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Cuiying Jiancuiying.jian@lassonde.yorku.caMechanical EngineeringMechanical EngineeringDesigns, materials, and platforms for green energy and environmental applications
Roger Kemperskempers@yorku.caMechanical EngineeringMechanical EngineeringTwo-phase heat transfer, thermal energy transport and exhange technology development
Siu-Ning (Sunny) Leungleungsun@yorku.caMechanical EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMicrostructures, Nanostructures
Andrew Maxwellandrew.maxwell@lassonde.yorku.caMechanical EngineeringMechanical EngineeringEntrepreneurship, Technology CommercializationSpecialization: Business
Garrett Melenkagmelenka@yorku.caMechanical EngineeringMechanical EngineeringBraided composites, composite materials, 3D printingSpecialization: Materials
Paul O-Brienpaul.obrien@lassonde.yorku.caMechanical EngineeringMechanical EngineeringPhotothermal energy storage materials, Thermal energy storage materials, Sustainable infrastructureContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Pouya Rezaiprezai@yorku.caMechanical EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMicrofluidics, Lab on a Chip, Point of Care Diagnostics, Point of Need Detection, Health and Safety Monitoring, Environmental Monitoring
Reza Rizvirrizvi@yorku.caMechanical EngineeringMechanical EngineeringPolymers, Inorganic materials, Materials engineering, Manufacturing engineeringContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Terry Sachlossachlos@yorku.caMechanical EngineeringMechanical EngineeringBiomedical engineering, Stem cell engineering, Regenerative medicine, Additive manufacturing, EntrepreneurshipContact supervisor to determine if they are accepting students.
Nima Tabatabaeinimatab@yorku.caMechanical EngineeringMechanical EngineeringBiomedical Optics, Instrumentaion, Medical Devices, Microscopy, Optical Sensing and Imaging, Applied Machine LearningSpecialization: Biomedical Instrumentation
Zheng Hong (George) Zhugzhu@yorku.caMechanical EngineeringMechanical EngineeringDynamics and control, Computational mechanics, Space robotics, Tethered spacecraft systems, Additive Manufacturing in Space, Space debrisSpecialization: Dynamics and Control