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ICAL Policies

  1. ICAL Mandate
    The mandate of IC@L is to establish itself as a nationally leading and internationally recognized research unit focusing on the science of computing and its realization to enable novel solutions and technologies. The future of many disciplines depends on advances in computational science via theoretical and empirical research, and hardware and software development. IC@L joins computational scientists with hospitals, industry and government to address the next generation of computational problems. It addresses critical issues for a knowledge society and advances problem solving in areas such as health, environment, and business.
  2. ICAL Membership
    There are three types of membership within ICAL.
    Full Members: Faculty members who are directly affiliated with ICAL.
    Associate Members: Faculty members from outside Lassonde School of Engineering, or professionals from industry and government sectors.
    Trainee Members: Graduate students and post-doctoral researchers involved in ICAL-related research
  3. ICAL Executive
    The executive committee provides focused leadership and oversight, handling specific tasks and decisions. They implement strategic initiatives and maintain high operational standards, crucial to the research center’s success.
    Members include:
    – Aijun An, Professor, EECS
    – Marios Fokaefs, Assistant Professor, EECS
    – Kostas Kontogiannis, Professor, EECS
    – Marin Litoiu, Professor, ITEC
    – Maleknaz Nayebi, Associate Professor, EECS
    – Razieh Salahandish, Assistant Professor, EECS
    – Ping Wang, Professor, EECS
  4. ICAL Board
    Our board serves as the primary steering committee, providing strategic guidance, specialized expertise, quality assurance, networking, and advocacy. They oversee the research center’s activities, supporting its goals and ensuring success and growth.
    Members include:
    – Kostas Kontogiannis, Professor, EECS
    – John Tsotsos, Professor, EECS
    – Marin Litoiu, Professor, EECS
    – Sotirios Liaskos, Professor, ITEC
  5. ICAL Advisory Committee
    Our External Advisory Board provides valuable expertise and strategic guidance, helping to shape our vision and ensure high standards. They facilitate connections with experts and funding sources, advocate for our work, and allow us to test strategic thinking. Their contributions are essential to our success and growth.
    Members include:
    – Marcus Brubaker, Researcher with Google
    – Miriam Capretz, Professor at Western University
    – Kelly Lyons, Professor at UofT
    – Joe Wigglesworth, STSM and IBM Canada
  6. ICAL Overheads
    Some grants and contracts include overhead funding to cover indirect costs. For IC@L-related grants or contracts, the Vice-President Research and Innovation (VPRI) will allocate 60% of the overhead to IC@L and retain the remaining 40% for general VPRI initiatives. Of the overhead received by IC@L, 33% will be directed to the Principal Investigator (PI) to support their research, while the remaining 67% will be retained for IC@L operations. This allocation means that the PI will receive 19.8% of the total overhead. To route a grant or contract through IC@L, the PI should indicate this preference on the bottom of Page 2 of the ORS Checklist during the application process. For more details on the benefits of IC@L membership, please refer to the Membership Benefits tab.