2023 – 2024 Research Highlights
Marios Fokaefs is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Lassonde School of Engineering, where he directs the EASE (Economics and Administration of Software Engineering) lab. His expertise revolves around Software Engineering and more specifically on software evolution and DevOps. His research focuses on Software Engineering Economics, Software Performance Engineering, Cloud Computing and Self-Adaptive Systems among others. Professor Fokaefs holds a BSc in Computer Science from University of Macedonia, Greece, and a MSc and PhD on Software Engineering from the University of Alberta. Before joining York University, he was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer and Software Engineering at Polytechnique Montreal. He has long-standing partnerships with various companies, most notably IBM Canada, while his work is also funded by NSERC, Mitacs and the Wellcome Trust.
Research Interests
- Software design and architecture.
- Software Evolution
- Versioning, Code/Model comparison, Migration
- Cloud Computing
- Scalability, Containers, Microservices
- Software Performance Engineering
- Performance Modeling, Self-adaptive systems
- DevOps, BizDevOps, DevSecOps, MLOps, AIOps
- Software Engineering for AI
Selected Publications
- A Secure Standard for NFT Fractionalization. W. Haouari & M. Fokaefs. arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.08190, 1, 2024.
- BlockCompass: A Benchmarking Platform for Blockchain Performance. M. Rasolroveicy, W. Haouari, & M. Fokaefs. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 3, 2024.
- DMBench: Load Testing and Benchmarking Tool for Data Migration. F. Hamouda, M. Fokaefs, & D. Jania. Companion of the 15th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance, 1, 2024.
- IntelliChain: An Intelligent and Adaptive Framework for Decentralized Applications on Public Blockchain Technologies: An NFT Marketplace Case Study. M. Rasolroveicy & M. Fokaefs. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 2, 2024.
- Towards Rapid Design of Compartmental Models