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The OSIRIS-REx Laser Altimeter was the Canadian contribution to this NASA mission to study and sample the near-Earth asteroid (101955) Bennu. Details of the overall mission can be found at The mission was launched from Space Launch Complex 41 on Thursday, Sept. 8, 2016 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida 2016 by a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket.

The OSIRIS-REx Laser Altimeter consists of two assemblies connected by an electrical cable. The leftmost assembly contains power conversion, computer and timing circuitry. the rightmost assembly contains the two lasers, the two-axis scanning mirror and the optical detectors. Details of the instrument may be found in The OSIRIS-REx laser altimeter (OLA) investigation and instrument.

The spacecraft rendezvoused with Bennu in December 2019 and OLA was initially operated. The instrument was extremely successful and more than fulfilled its major mission goals by August 2020. The details of the approach for processing the OLA data are detailed in Digital terrain mapping by the OSIRIS-REx mission and in Global shape modeling using the OSIRIS-REx scanning Laser Altimeter.

The shape model produced using OLA data provided a backbone for interpreting datasets from other instruments. As an example, the November 2020 issue of science has a number of manuscripts that use OLA data and a cover image.

The movie below was created using the OLA model (degraded resolution for the web) with a uniform albedo and rendered with shadows to highlight the topographic relief.

Selected Manuscripts