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Department: Department of Biosystems Engineering

University: University of Manitoba

Key research areas:  Bioengineering for sustainability; Biofuels; Biopolymers; Biodegradable materials; Microbial and enzymatic degradation of biopolymers and synthetic polymers; Bioremediation of recalcitrant compounds

Contact details:  


Phone: 204 474 7429

Cell phone: 204 292 1669

David B. Levin is a Professor in the Department of Biosystems Engineering, at the University of Manitoba. Dr. Levin received a Bachelor degree in Environmental Studies (BEs)at the University of Waterloo in 1977, a Master of Science (MSc) from the University of Guelph (in Entomology) in 1979, and a Doctorate (PhD) from McGill University (Virology) in 1987). His research is focused on biotechnologies for sustainability including biofuels, biodegradable polymers, bioremediation, microbial and enzymatic degradation of synthetic polymers, and microbial production of antioxidants. His research is multidisciplinary integrates microbiology, biotechnology, and genome sciences with bioprocess and biosystems engineering. He is currently the co-lead on a $1.3 million CDN Agriculture and Agri-Food Science (AAFC) funded research program titled, “Tailoring Biopolymers for Food Packaging Applications”.