Lassonde Professional Development

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You will receive a certificate upon successful completion of all coursework requirements. Please note that not all LassondePD courses offer certificates. For more information, please see individual course details.
We will make every effort to present the program as advertised, but, at times, it may be necessary to change the date, delivery format, instructors or content of our courses. In the event of a program cancellation, LassondePD will reimburse you the paid fees.  
Should you decide to withdraw from a course, we would ask that you please send your cancellation request in writing 7 days prior to the course start date. If you decide to withdraw less than 7 days before the course start date a $75 administration fee will apply. No other refund is available.
We offer discounts to groups of 5 or more students. Please note that the group discount is only available for members enrolling in courses at the same time and when payment is made with one invoice.
Based on the course offering, we deliver the training in a self-paced, hybrid or in-person format.