Leading in creating solutions for a just and sustainable world

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Lassonde made significant strides in advancing practical, sustainable, inclusive, human-centred solutions to achieve our key initiatives aimed at addressing the world’s complex social, economic and environmental challenges.

We supported the ingenuity and expertise of our faculty as they pursued interdisciplinary research internationally that tackled real-world problems in health care, transportation, clean water and sanitation, emergency preparedness, materials design and more. Many of these efforts helped Lassonde contribute to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

Through leadership of Lassonde’s three organized research units, involvement in various research initiatives at York and beyond, and meaningful engagement with external stakeholders and communities, we helped transform vital knowledge into practical strategies, right from the design of any project we undertook.

To further increase the School’s innovative impact, Lassonde advanced new technology entrepreneurship and knowledge-mobilization initiatives, including those led by the Bergeron Entrepreneurs in Science and Technology (BEST) program.

Find out how Lassonde’s innovative approaches are establishing the School as a leading global site of conducting interdisciplinary engineering research and creating positive change.

Key Highlights

Science researcher looking over medical notes

How artificial intelligence could predict whether breast cancer patients will benefit from chemotherapy (UN SDG 3)

An interdisciplinary study conducted by a Lassonde professor together with health science researchers holds promising results for breast cancer patients. Ali Sadeghi-Naini, associate professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science and York Research Chair, collaborated with Sunnybrook Health Centre researchers on a study that found advanced imaging techniques combined with machine learning using AI can predict how patients will respond to chemotherapy before treatment starts with almost 90% accuracy. The research has immense implications for the survival rates of patients.

Lassonde news releases, including the release on which this story was based, were referenced by more than 50 media publications.

“Lassonde researchers are tackling future transportation challenges using AI approaches, positioning the School and York as the next hub for innovation in this field.”

From the article All Aboard! Next Stop, the Autonomous Train (UN SDG 9)
