Lassonde Co-op

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Co-op Job Search Appointments (Virtual)

Lassonde Co-op is partnering with York University’s Career Education & Development to bring you additional job search support for success in your co-op/internship search!

This 10 minute session is open to Co-op/Internship students with an eligible work term to meet with a Career Educator to get support for 1 primary job search concern. Some examples include:

1) co-op application document review (resume or cover letter). One document per visit. Note: the Career Educator can shorten this meeting if your resume does not show evidence that you have updated your resume based on resources provided in the Resume Fundamentals for Co-op Workshop.


2) mock interview prep to help prepare for an upcoming interview


3) co-op job search advice to discuss and explore job search strategies

How to book this 10-minute appointment: appointments are made bookable at 9:00 am on the day of the session scheduled. Book your appointment via MS Bookings

Appointments will be held in person (Bergeron Centre) and you will be sent a confirmation email with the location. Upon arrival to the Bergeron, please check -in at the Welcome Desk on the first floor and you will be be called upon when your appointment begins.

Appointment limits & late policy: Only one appointment per day per student. Students who book multiple appointments will be given the first appointment and the remaining appointments will be cancelled. Students who arrive late will only be given the remainder of their appointment time.


Feb 27 2023


1:30 pm - 3:00 pm

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