Lassonde Co-op

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Forms & Resources

Download or print our forms before your work term begins.
We offer a variety of resources to help you prepare for your first work term.

Co-op Program Participation Terms and Conditions

Searching for a Co-op

Career Resources:
● Workshop Handouts: Resume Samples (for formatting) – PDF
● Resume Checklist – PDF
● Applicant Tracking Systems – Tips for your Resume – PDF

Employer-Based Resources:
Note: These resources are based on each employer’s preferences and recruitment methods. Use these resources to strengthen your applications depending on the employer you are targeting.
● How to Write a Kick-Ass Resume by Tesla Recruiters – Article
● Google Resume Example & Writing Guide – Article
Resources from the York University Career Centre:
● Workshop Handouts: Cover Letter Samples – PDF
● Cover Letter Format – Did You Know? – PDF
● Cover Letter Tips Checklist – PDF
● Parts of a Cover Letter – PDF
Co-op & Internship Mid-term Job Seeker Guide
● Guide for navigating your job search – from continuing to actively submit applications, to interviews & job offers Click to download – PDF

LinkedIn Resources
● Rock Your LinkedIn Profile Course

Resources from the York University Career Centre:

Preparing for Coffee Chats – Networking Conversations
● Building Connections: 20 Second Introduction – PDF
● Dos and Don’ts for Building and Maintaining Online Relationships – PDF
● Informational Interviewing Guide – PDF

Resources for Black Students
Black Engineers of Canada 
National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)

Resources for Indigenous Students
York Career Resources for Indigenous Students

Resources for LGBTQ+ Students
York Career Resources for LGBTQ+ Students

Resources for New Grads
York Career Resources for New Grads

Securing a Co-op

Review terms and conditions from the employer’s contract and the Co-op Program prior to officially accepting a co-op. Contact the Lassonde Co-op Team to discuss your offer, salary negotiation, and any other related questions.

Review the following scenarios and action steps for when you secure a co-op job offer:

Did you apply for the position through the Co-op Portal?
1.     Log in to the Co-op Portal and fill out the work term record for the appropriate term (Fall/Winter/Summer) on your profile in the Co-op Portal
2.     For instructions, review the Creating a Work Term Record for Co-op Program document

Did you apply for the position outside of the Co-op Portal or are not sure if the job offer you have qualifies as a co-op term?

1.     Log in to the Co-op Portal and fill out the work term record for the appropriate term (Fall/Winter/Summer) on your profile in the Co-op Portal
2.     For instructions, review the Creating a Work Term Record for Co-op Program document
3.     If not included in your job offer, please send a copy of the job description to

Have you received a verbal offer from a Co-op Coordinator and you’ve been asked to accept and finalize your co-op job offer?

1.     Log in to the Co-op Portal and review the details of your offer by viewing your work term record
2.     For instructions, review the Accepting and Finalizing Co-op Job Offer document.

Unable to create a Work Term Record? This could be due to a variety of reasons such as your profile may not be configured to have an eligible work term.

1.  Please fill out the Register Your Co-op/Internship Job Offer Form and send to

A few reminders:

– Please note it is your responsibility to drop your courses prior to the drop deadline if you accept a work term.
– ** SUMMER TERM ONLY: For Civil Engineering students scheduled to take the Surveying course in May should inform their employer that their start date will be after completion of the course. Join Co-op Group Drop-ins or contact a Co-op Coordinator if you need us to verify this with your employer.

On a Work Term

Each work term, you will be sent specific guidelines and dates regarding the submission of key documents and reports, including the Learning Agreement and Work Term Report. Your supervisor will be contacted to submit a formal evaluation at the end of each 4-month work term. Submission of these documents and reports are an essential part of receiving a Pass grade in the zero credit co-op/ internship work term course, EECS 3900/EECS3980/DATT 3929/COOP 2109/COOP 3109.

Learning Objectives Form
Due on the fifth week of your first term with an employer, this learning agreement outlines your learning objectives for your work term.

On the Job Success for Co-op & Internship
This document provides you with some on-the-job success tips and can be useful especially for those going on a first work term.

Supervisor Evaluation Form
To be completed by your supervisor two weeks prior to the end of each work-term.

Work Term eCheck-in Form – Supervisor
Mid-way through each 4-month work term, supervisors fill out a quick survey about the students’ progress. This check-in is a way to keep connected with students’ progress including times when students’ supervisors, responsibilities or projects change. Students also out a student-focused Work Term eCheck-in.

Work Term Report
Due two weeks prior to the end of each work-term.

Lassonde Co-op & Internship Program Performance Evaluation Process
This document outlines the program’s performance evaluation process, highlighting the areas in which your supervisor plays an essential role.