Money Matters
Find out what the co-op/internship fees are and how to maintain OSAP’s Continuation of Interest-Free Status (CIFS). You may be eligible to enter interest-free status if you are on OSAP and your work-term is 8 months or longer.
Lassonde Co-op Fees
Registration: $200
A one-time non-refundable fee charged to your student account upon acceptance into the Lassonde Co-op / Internship program.
Co-op Fees
Upon securing a co-op work term, you will be automatically enrolled in the associated Co-op work term course(s).
Co-op Fees
CO-OP 1ST Work Period
COOP 2109 0.0
You will be enrolled in COOP 2109 for the full duration of your first work period.
$500 per each 4-month work term
COOP 2100 2.0
You are enrolled in this Professional Development course once during your first work term.
Standard cost per credit fees apply. Click here for more information on York’s course fees.
CO-OP 2nd Work Period
COOP 3109 0.0
You will be enrolled in COOP 3109 for the full duration of your second work period.
$500 per each 4-month work term
COOP 3100 2.0
You are enrolled in this Professional Development course once during your last work term.
Standard cost per credit fees apply. Click here for more information on York’s course fees.
OSAP | CIFS & Co-op
An overview of OSAP | CIFS on a work term.
Continuation of Interest-Free Status (CIFS)
As a Lassonde Co-op/Internship student, your enrolment in the mandatory co-op/internship courses is considered full-time courseload for OSAP purposes. If you received OSAP funding previously, you may be eligible to apply for Continuation of Interest-Free Status (CIFS).
- Once you see the course(s) added to your account, you can then apply for CIFS for the current work term period (this includes summer terms)
- Your CIFS application can only include your study period for the co-op course(s) you are currently enrolled in. Completion of a new CIFS application is required if you wish to maintain your full-time status with the National Student Loans Service Centre (NSLSC)
The mandatory co-op/internship courses are:
- COOP 2100, 2109, 3100, 3109
- EECS 3900, 3980
- DATT 3929
When to apply to CIFS
We recommend you apply for interest free status as soon as your COOP course enrolment is added to your student account. Typically, we process your enrolment within the first 2 weeks on the term.
Scenario: Fall work term, winter study session
Nicole will be on a work term during the fall term and will return to full-time studies for the winter term.
At the beginning of the fall session, Nicole will complete a Continuation of Interest Free Status (CIFS) form to keep her loans in good standing while enrolled in the co-op/internship work term course.
Nicole will apply for OSAP for the winter session only (January to April)
Deadline to apply to CIFS
Your application must be received no later than 21 days before the end of the current term (i.e. Summer, Fall or Winter). Do not wait to submit your application until the deadline as you will be responsible to pay for any interest accrued.
How to apply to CIFS
Apply online via the OSAP website.
The average processing time is 1 – 3 weeks.
After you submit your CIFS application, your full-time status needs to be confirmed by York University. You will know this has been done when your status shows as “Eligible”. Once you see this status, we recommend you contact the NSLSC to discuss any outstanding interest and/or payments that may be required.
If you received out-of-province government loan, please contact your loan provider for details on how to maintain interest-free status. Please refer to any correspondence you have received from the Loan Centre.
- Log in to your OSAP account.
- On the Application page, click “Apply for interest-free status”.
- In the field asking for your program name, write “Co-op” or “Internship” (not your academic program)
- If a status is requested, indicate that Co-op/Internship is full-time
- Note that “study period” is your work term dates. For example, if you are on co-op for Fall, your study period is September – December
Additional Financial Considerations
Health & Dental Plans, Scholarships
Health & Dental Plans
- To maintain your student health & dental plan coverage as per YFS student union while on a work term, students are responsible for ensuring they opt-in during the opt-in periods. Students should always check their Student Account Statement to confirm enrollment before seeking undergoing treatments or purchasing services and medications. Contact the Co-op team if you need a supporting letter to verify your active student status.
- DEADLINES: Typically, the Fall deadlines are in the month of September to October and the Winter deadline is in the month of January to February.
If you have a scholarship, students may be able to defer it while you are on a work term.
Contact the Undergraduate Student Awards at bursary@yorku.ca for the process.
Eligibility for loans and grants
While you’re on a work term, you may NOT be eligible for grants and student loans as you are not taking courses towards your academic degree.
Contact the Co-op team via Group Drop-ins to discuss your options.
⠀⠀⠀● Interview preparation
⠀⠀⠀● Access to an exclusive job board
⠀⠀⠀● Organizing & scheduling job interviews
⠀⠀⠀● Liaising between you and your employers
⠀⠀⠀● Conducting employer/employee evaluations
⠀⠀⠀● Providing resume critiques & career advising
⠀⠀⠀● Improving and ensuring a smooth Co-op experience
⠀⠀⠀● Monitoring jobs to ensure quality and safety standards
Please visit How to make payments
Before you apply, here are some considerations:
⠀⠀⠀1. You are required to include your co-op earnings on your application as study period income
⠀⠀⠀2. You will use up more weeks of your OSAP lifetime limit
Contact Registrarial Services for specific answers on apply while on a co-op work term.
⠀⠀⠀● by telephone at 416-872-9675 (416-872-YORK)
⠀⠀⠀● in person at their offices in the first-floor lobby of the Bennett Centre for Student Services