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BEST Startup Experience Testimonials

A few takeaways from BEST Startup Experience 2022 participants

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A few takeaways from BEST Startup Experience 2022 participants

Ayush Sharma

(Computer Science)

“My Biggest takeaway was the efficiency with which out group showed, whether it be researching for up and coming technologies and incorporating them in our product, or thinking about how to effectively market the product. This experience gave a greater appreciation of working with teams and like minded people.”

Adam Hallag

(Electrical Engineering)

“The biggest takeaway from this experience was working in teams. When working in teams, I learned to communicate more effectively with fellow peers. This is significant as in the real workplace, being able to offer ideas and explain them clearly to others, will come a long way. Also, building trust among others is very important, and also comes a long way.”

Fadi Naem

(Software Engineering)

“My biggest takeaway from this experience was that as the future generation, it is in our power to build or grow something to help the world especially during these times.”

Adhithya Kurup

(Environmental Biology)

“My biggest takeaway was the belief that persistence and hard work bring success. I learned more about myself which includes my collaborative skills, communication skills etc. This startup experience gave me an insight on how unique we can think and work.”

Elmira Onagh

(Computer Science)

“I learned how effective teamwork can be and how having a diverse team can help with coming up with out-of-the-box ideas. I learned more about my strength areas and with help of the mentor I learned about techniques that I can use in real life.”

Sutharsini Ravichandra

(Computer Science)

“I’ve learned that half the battle of do something worthwhile is putting yourself out there.”

Ahmed El-Dib

(Software Engineering)

“I gained a huge confidence boost from the experience. Working with strangers that I had never met before and being able to come up with a pitch that we were happy with under such a tight time constraint was very eye opening. It helped me feel comfortable under pressure and improved my communication. Very glad I participated.”

Ahmad Chamseddin

(Computer Engineering)

“Going through this activity I didn’t think the miro board was a good start. However, towards the end of our project when we were creating our pitch. We often looked back at the miro board. It was a very useful tool that helped us organize our ideas, problems and solutions. It’s better not to rush to the conclusion but rather question the problems.”

Maney Zaveri

(Financial And Business Economics)

“My biggest takeaway was to learn about how to develop a start up. I learnt how to start from the basic step like identifying the problem and have 10 stages further on. The steps really simplified he process.”

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