BEST Awards
BEST has designed a number of Awards/ Fellowships and Medals to help you achieve your entrepreneurial potential throughout your studies to highlight and improve your experience.
On Arrival
BEST Entrance Award

The BEST Entrance Award is offered to undergraduate students who are entering the Lassonde School of Engineering. This award is only available once a year in September.
Eligibility Criteria
- Only open to first year Lassonde students
- Demonstrate an entrepreneurial track record
- Show leadership in creating a new initiative
- Provide evidence of their entrepreneurial initiatives and interests
Application Process
To apply for this award, students must complete and submit the online BEST Entrance Award application available on the BEST website, which will include questions regarding evidence of their entrepreneurial initiatives (leadership and/or involvement in entrepreneurship activities) that demonstrate their commitment to continued entrepreneurial engagement. Students will be selected for the BEST Entrance Award by the BEST Awards committee.
While you are here
BEST Award

BEST awards help selected students in the pursuit of activities, programs, and courses related to their entrepreneurial education while at Lassonde. The application is open year-round.
Eligibility Criteria
Being in good academic standing in their program and demonstrate how funding will help their entrepreneurial education and must possess two of the following attributes:
- Demonstrated leadership
- Evidence of entrepreneurial talent
- Entrepreneurial engagement
While you start your Venture
Bergeron Fellowship

BEST Fellowships awarded to support entrepreneurial students starting ventures. It is generally awarded as part of BEST Co-op or in the BEST Lab.
Eligibility Criteria
- Demonstrated leadership
- Evidence of entrepreneurial talent
- Entrepreneurial engagement
- Financial need within the business
- Acceptance into the BEST lab
- Being in good academic standing in their program
Application Process
To apply for this award, please email Maedeh at maedeh.sedaghat@lassonde.yorku.ca with a subject title of the Bergeron Fellowship and briefly explain why you would like to apply for this award and how this award can support you with your entrepreneurial initiatives. The BEST Awards Committee will review and announce the recipients.
While you run your Venture
Bergeron Medal

Bergeron Medal is an annual award to recognize the accomplishments of top one or two graduating students at Lassonde School of Engineering who have demonstrated outstanding achievements as an active student at BEST. Some examples of engagement are completion of BEST Certificate, BEST Co-op, active participation in BEST Experiential Learning programs and starting their venture at BEST Lab.
Eligibility Criteria
- Active engagement at BEST
- Demonstrated leadership and entrepreneurial mindset
- Being in good academic standing in their program
Application Process
No application is required. Students must be active members at BEST Program.
The BEST Awards Committee will shortlist the candidates and will coordinate final adjudication with the Dean of the Lassonde School of Engineering for final approval.