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10: reduce inequalities

UNHack Challenge 11

Proposed by Facilities Services / Campus Planning, Design and Construction (Johanna Classon)

How to improve physical accessibility for in person activities and events on campus?

Challenge Summary:

As University campus actually function as small cities where people visit, work and live they often overlook the importance of good way finding navigational tools for all who come to experience campus life, even if for a short period of time like Convocation, or a music concert, or for a longer period of time such a earning a degree or working on campus. A solution that is both sustainable and accessible, not just physically but digitally, to all users is something that is missing from York University. 
While there are apps that accomplish similar tasks such as York’s Community Safety app or the interactive campus map that takes you from point A to point B using a very simple set of tools is definitely an asset but it does not highlight ‘areas of interest’ such as historical significance of certain buildings or ‘events happening’ such as a football game, along the route.  It would be great if this was real live information that all could benefit from in real time as well as potentially generate internal revenue as it would enable better spatial searchability and discoverability with location-based notifications and georeferencing. 
Having a long term sustainable accessible way finding solution that uses clear, concise, easy to understand using commonly used terminology is what we’re after. It needs to give accurate and effective directions to all regardless of their ability. It would also give users the ability to provide feedback to us so we can improve the user overall experience.

List of Helpful Resources:

York Safety App Designed for York U students, faculty and staff, the free app provides one-stop access to all of the University’s safety resources.

Getting Around Campus To help you get around or between campuses safely, York University offers a number of different services.