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Groundbreaking research in Space Science

The graduate program in Earth and Space Science (ESS) in combination with the Centre for Research in Earth and Space Science (CRESS) and the Department of Earth and Space and Engineering (ESSE) conduct groundbreaking research in the areas of atmospheric Science and Meteorology, Geomatics Science and Geomatics Engineering, and Space Science and Space Engineering.

Earth and Space Science was one of the founding graduate programs at York University and the Lassonde School of Engineering and CRESS is recognized internationally for, amongst other accomplishments, the development of satellites and scientific instruments for space exploration and scientific analysis.

Our Programs

Our faculty members and graduate students conduct collaborative, interdisciplinary research within and beyond the Lassonde School of Engineering from our advanced laboratory facilities. Our researchers work with many leading national and international research institutions and industrial partners.

Our research areas include atmospheric science, earth science, geomatics engineering, planetary science and space engineering.