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Making your dreams possible

We offer competitive funding packages to help meet the financial needs of our graduate students.  Our funding model is comprised of a fellowship amount and salary amounts from working as a Teaching Assistant and Research Assistant.   For additional funding, we recommend applying for scholarships and awards.  Please visit Faculty of Graduate Studies – Funding and Awards for more information on scholarship and award opportunities.

Students looking at a laptop

2025-2026 Academic Year Funding Packages

Graduate students starting in the 2025-2026 academic year can expect to receive funding support from York as follows:

  • Full-time master’s domestic students receive $64,142* for 6 terms (2 years).  After paying tuition, the annual pay per year is approximately $21,414**.
  • Full-time master’s international students receive $88,142* for 6 terms (2 years).  After paying tuition, the annual pay per year is approximately $21,414**.
  • Full-time doctoral domestic students receive $28,198* per year.  After paying tuition, the annual pay per year is approximately $23,000**.
  • Full-time doctoral international students receive $41,891* per year.  After paying tuition, the annual pay per year is approximately $23,000**.

Funding is contingent on continuous registration as a full-time student, continued satisfactory academic performance, and fulfilment of any funding-related employment obligations.

*Amounts are subject to change in future years. **The approximate annual pay is Gross earnings.

Each student in the Civil Engineering Department will normally receive funding for Teaching Assistantship and Research Assistantship as well as a standard Fellowship.
Teaching AssistantshipThe graduate students at the department play a key role in undergraduate education by assisting the course directors in many aspects of teaching from lecturing to delivering labs and tutorials, to grading assignments and exams, to ensuring that the course is following the accreditation guidelines of the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board.

Research Assistantship:Research is a fundamental component of students’ life at our department and students receive a portion of their salary because of being engaged in research activities.

York Graduate Fellowship: The York Fellowship is part of each funding package given to full-time students.
The Government of Canada’s research agencies and funded partners—the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), and Mitacs—promote innovation in research and reward academic excellence by offering a number of valuable and prestigious scholarships and awards. National foundations, created to honour the legacy of great Canadians, also offer major scholarship and fellowship programs which aim to support and enhance the research, innovation, and leadership of top emerging scholars from around the world who have chosen to pursue their graduate studies in Canada.

Canada Graduate Scholarships – Master’s (CGSM)
Ontario Graduate Scholarships (OGS) and QEII Graduate Scholarships in Science and Technology (QEIIGSST)
SSHRC Fellowships and CGS Doctoral Awards (DF/CGSD)
CIHR Doctoral Foreign Study Awards and CGS Doctoral Awards (DFSA/CGSD)
NSERC Postgraduate Scholarships and CGS Doctoral Awards (PGSD/CGSD)
Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships (VCGS)
SSHRC Impact Talent Award
Michael Smith CGS Foreign Study Supplements (CGSFSS)
Trudeau Doctoral Scholarships
Governor General’s Gold Medals
W.L. Mackenzie King Memorial Scholarships
Mitacs Awards
Robert Bertram Doctoral Research Award
If you still have questions more information is available here.