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Group A: Structural Engineering

CIVL 4001, 3 Credits

Modern methods of structural analysis related to statically indeterminate structures. The flexibility and stiffness methods of analysis. Matrix formulation and computer analysis. Analysis of structural systems including continuous beams, frames, and trusses. Introduction to the finite element method. 

Prerequisite(s): LE/CIVL 3130.
CIVL 4002, 3 Credits

Behaviour and design of reinforced concrete members subjected to biaxial bending, torsion, lateral loads and two-way action. Limit States and ultimate strength methods for beams and one-way slabs (singly and doubly reinforced) in flexure and shear. Two-way slab systems. Strip method, direct design approach and equivalent frame analysis of two-way slabs. Yield-line theory of slabs. Moment re-distribution. Design of short beam-columns. Deflection, cracking and vibration control. Design of footings.

Prerequisite(s): LE/CIVL 3130 3.00; LE/CIVL 3230.300.
CIVL 4003, 3 Credits

Properties of structural steel. Introduction to design of structural steel members and connections according to CSA S16 Design of Steel Structures. Limit states design principles. Design of tension members, compression members, and beam-columns. Composite design. Local and lateral torsional buckling. Strength and stability of columns. Shear and tension strength of bolts, prying action, and design
of base plates.

Prerequisite(s): LE/CIVL 3130 3.00; LE/CIVL 3230 3.00.
CIVL 4004, 3 Credits

Review of kinematics and dynamics of particles and rigid bodies. Introduction to structural dynamics. Single-degree-of-freedom systems including equation of motion, free- and forced-vibration, damped and undamped response. Multiple-degree-of-freedom systems. Seismic response of structures and response spectrum for earthquake motions. 

Prerequisite(s): LE/CIVL 3130 3.00; LE/CIVL 3230 3.00.

Group B: Geotechnical Engineering

CIVL 4011, 3 Credits

Topics include: embankments, geosynthetic reinforced steep slopes and retaining walls, earth and mine tailings dams, deep excavations and tunnels. The role of instrumentation to ensure the safety of earth structures and to determine their performance during their service life is also presented. Application of key concepts is emphasized during hands-on computer sessions based on the state-of-the-art geotechnical software. 

Prerequisite(s): LE/CIVL 3210; LE/CIVL 3140.
CIVL 4012, 3 Credits

Unsaturated soil as a four-phase material; total, matric and osmotic suctions; soil water characteristic curves (SWCCs); drying, wetting and scanning SWCCs; fitting SWCC data; flow through unsaturated soils; unsaturated hydraulic conductivity functions; shear strength of unsaturated soils.

Prerequisite(s): LE/CIVL 3210.00.
CIVL 4013, 3 Credits

Groundwater flow on a regional scale; aquifers, aquitards and aquicludes; interconnectivity of surface water and groundwater systems; contaminant transport via groundwater; hydrogeology of oil extraction; groundwater flow modeling.

Prerequisite(s): LE/CIVL 2240 3.00; LE/CIVL 3110 3.00.
CIVL 4015, 3 Credits

In this course students will examine physical, thermal and mechanical properties of frozen soils, frost action, heat flow in soils and thaw behaviour of frozen ground. The aim of this course is to provide students with an introduction to permafrost engineering. Throughout the course, students will examine topics including: surface features in permafrost, ground ice landforms, thermal regimes in permafrost areas, thermal and mechanical properties of frozen soils, heat flow equations, site investigation in permafrost areas, and foundations and slope stability challenges in permafrost.

Prerequisite(s): LE/CIVL 3210.
CIVL 4016, 3 Credits

This course presents applications of geomechanics and rock engineering principles to design of rock slopes and underground excavations through discussion of case histories and presentation of empirical and numerical design methodologies. The focus will be on surface and underground construction challenges related to the inherent variability of rock and rock mass properties. The use of industry standard design tools and software will be incorporated into analysis and open-ended design problems.

Prerequisite: LE/CIVL 3210 3.00.
CIVL 4031, 3 Credits

Properties and usage of soil and rock as pavement materials; selection and characterization of subgrade, sub-base and base materials; properties and usage of bitumen and asphalt; manufacture and use of bituminous concrete; mix design; use of recycled construction materials in road construction; prediction and characterization of traffic loadings; stress distribution in flexible and rigid pavements; principles of mechanistic design; assessment and prediction of pavement condition; measurement and reporting of physical distress including cracking, rutting and roughness.

Prerequisite(s): LE/CIVL 3110 3.00; LE/CIVL 3250 3.00 or LE/CIVL 3260 3.00.

Group C: Hydrotechnical Engineering

CIVL 4021, 3 Credits

Application of fluid mechanics fundamentals to design of hydraulic structures; concrete gravity dam and spillway; hydraulic structures used in flood control, irrigation, hydropower generation, navigation, water supply, drainage, watershed preservation, and water parks. Prerequisite(s): LE/CIVL 3120.
CGS/CIVL 4022, 3 Credits

Watershed analysis and simulation using state-of-the-art modeling software, such as HEC-HMS; watershed runoff in rural and urban settings; road drainage systems and storm water storage ponds; determination of peak runoffs for hydrological design; water usage analysis for irrigation, hydropower generation and drought management; flood control systems and management of excess water; economics of water resources management. Prerequisite(s): LE/CIVL 3120; LE/CIVL 3220.

Group D: Transportation Engineering

CIVL 4033, 3 Credits

CIVL 4033 Traffic Simulation Modelling will teach the principles, theories, and application processes of traffic simulation modelling for 4th year Civil Engineering students to understand the complex interactions between traffics and surface infrastructure system. This course covers a variety of topics related to traffic simulation modelling such as car following and gap acceptance theories and swept path analysis. This course also provides students the opportunity to learn how to use the state-of-the-industry simulation tools (e.g., VISSIM, AutoTURN) to make informed decisions on the various surface infrastructure improvement projects.

Prerequisites: LE/CIVL 3260 3.00.
CIVL 4034, 3 Credits

CIVL 4034 Freight Transportation builds on core transportation courses by adapting the concepts and theories of passenger transportation to the realm of freight transportation with an emphasis on truck patterns. This topic is regionally important given the prominent role of nearby Peel Region as the largest Canadian hub for freight. The course will cover topics such as traditional freight modelling assumptions, the demand for goods movement arising from economic markets, trip generation models, truck movement models such as truck tours, societal impacts of freight, and future impacts of connected and autonomous (CAV) vehicles. In addition, the course will introduce students to optimization problems such as the transportation problem, p-median, and capacitated plant.

Prerequisites: LE/CIVL 3260 3.00.

Group E: Environmental Engineering

CIVL 4041, 3 Credits

A design-based course where geotechnical and hydrogeological principles are applied to study environmentally sustainable disposal of municipal solid waste. Students will conduct practical design tasks to investigate the planning, design, construction, operation and post-closure of phases of an engineered municipal waste disposal facility. Throughout their design tasks, topics studied will include: source and nature of waste; disposal options; design methodologies; environmental legislation and regulations; public perception; societal and environmental impact of landfills; contaminant transport modeling; use of geosynthetic materials; and design issues and tradeoffs.

Prerequisite(s): LE/CIVL 3210 3.00.
CIVL 4042, 3 Credits

The course introduces the process of environmental impact assessment (EIA) in the context of sustainable development associated with Canadian agricultural and industrial settings. The role of the EIA process in engineering design and control of adverse environmental effects is illustrated using a number of case studies. The concept of integrated management of resources is used to emphasize the need to achieve a sustainable balance between environmental protection and economic development.

Prerequisite(s): LE/CIVL 2240 3.00; LE/CIVL 3210 3.00.
CIVL 4043, 3 Credits

This course introduces advanced topics in the discipline of sanitary/environmental engineering, including design of lime soda ash softening in drinking water treatment, design of biological wastewater treatment systems, and sludge and residual solids management in water and wastewater treatment. An introduction to tertiary wastewater treatment is also provided along with a discussion of wastewater disposal issues.

Prerequisite(s): LE/CIVL 3240 3.00.
CIVL 4044, 3 Credits

This course provides essential geotechnical engineering concepts and their applications in the analysis and design of environmental system, with particular focus on waste containment facilities. Topics include: variably-saturated flow in soils; nature of contaminants and the contaminant transport processes; engineered barrier, drainage and cover systems; geosynthetic barriers; remediation of contaminated ground; geotechnical aspects of mine waste management and rehabilitation.

Prerequisite(s): LE/CIVL 3240 3.00

Complementary Study Electives: General Education Courses**

Entrepreneurship Cluster
Art of Design Cluster
Law and Society Cluster
Global Engineer Cluster
Human Health and Environment Cluster

*To be selected from a list of 3000- and 4000-level engineering courses from other Engineering programs within Lassonde.
[Approval from course instructor and undergraduate program director required for enrolment.]

**Complementary studies courses offered by expert units within the broader University.