ACM Programming Contest
The ACM Programming Contest is a contest that draws thousands of participants from around the world. The EECS Department chooses students to represent York at the regional ACM Programming contest.
In order to be eligible, students must participate in York programming contests.

Women in Computer Science and Engineering (WICSE)

Women in Computer Science and Engineering (WICSE) committee seeks to provide resources and assistance to female undergraduate and graduate students in order to enhance their leadership skills, boost their confidence, and support their participation in Science and Engineering activities. Our goal is to inspire female students to pursue their passions, explore new opportunities, and make meaningful and lasting connections.
The CSHub
The Computing Students Hub (CSHub)The Computing Students Hub was founded in 2013 at York University. It is a club for all students interested in technology and who want to meet individuals with similar interests, regardless of faculty.

The Digital Media Students Association (DMSA)
The Digital Media Students Association (DMSA)The objective of the Digital Media Student Association is to provide students with academic and social support from within the Digital Media program community and to act as a liaison between the student body and faculty.
The Devices for Disabilities Club
This student club is an official student chapter of the Tetra Society of North America. The club’s activities are part of the Tetra’s “Youth in Transition” project, which involves students at nine colleges and universities in the Greater Toronto Area and the Peel region. As participants in this project, they engage with students who are looking for custom-developed assistive devices (devices that assist circumvent barriers that arise as a result of disability, typically physical disability in our case).
Members of this club can come from any program or department at York University. The club members will work closely with the Lassonde School of Engineering to ensure that Tetra projects for students with disabilities will be built on-site, here at York University.