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Computer Science for Software Development

Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.Sc.)

Fall only

Offered exclusively at Markham Campus

Explore Your Passion. Find out more about Computer Science for Software Development at Lassonde.

About the Program

In today’s tech-driven world, Computer Science offers diverse career opportunities. The unique Markham Campus program emphasizes hands-on, flexible learning and vital soft skills.

Skilled software developers are crucial for the functionality of daily applications. This program focuses on software development, allowing specialization in cloud computing, cybersecurity, and data science. It also covers ethics, privacy, and social responsibilities.

By applying your knowledge beyond the classroom, you can shape the world and pursue your passions. The program offers experiential learning, co-op opportunities, and a wide array of career paths in technology. If you’re a creator aiming to make a positive impact, this program sets you up for a successful career.

three students looking at laptop

Sample Career Paths

  • Computer Systems Analyst
  • Information Security Analyst
  • Software Developer
  • Software Engineer – Fullstack
  • Cyber Security Analyst
  • Information Security Analyst
  • Data Scientist
  • Machine Learning Specialist

Some of our Co-op Employers

  • IBM
  • Nascent
  • Caseware
  • CGI
  • RBC
  • Thales
  • The Regional Municipality of York
  • Ontario Ministry of Education
  • Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities

How to Apply

You can apply to the Lassonde School of Engineering through the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) website or you may use York University’s online application.

Applying to one of our Engineering programs?

You can apply to all our Engineering programs by selecting Engineering (BEng) – including Co-op on the application form, since we have a common Engineering foundation year.

You can secure a spot in your preferred Engineering program before you have to accept your offer of admission (deadlines apply). This is done through the Engineering Program Guarantee

Enhance your Computer Science for Software Development experience

Take it to the next level

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Co-op at Lassonde

Work with major corporations, non-profit, and public sector organizations to expand your career options. You can work a minimum of 12 months up to a maximum of 20 months while on co-op.

BEST startup 2023 Second-place team: Train Reality with Dr. Jon Kerr

BEST Program

The BEST program is a unique entrepreneurship initiative that brings together the Lassonde School of Engineering, Schulich School of Business and Osgoode Law School. BEST offers students the environment, culture and resources to learn how they can use technology to solve societal challenges, become creators and grow as entrepreneurs.

three young women colleagues sit at desk work together

Connect with a Markham Academic Advisor

Our dedicated Academic Advising team at the Markham Campus is committed to providing you with the information, guidance, and support needed to realize your academic aspirations.

Application and Admissions Info

Important Information for applicants

First Year

Course CodeCreditsCourse Title
LE/CSSD 11013.00Coding through Biology (CS1 A)
LE/CSSD 11023.00Coding through Chemistry (CS1 B)
LE/CSSD 12014.00Coding with Objects (CS 2)
LE/CSSD 12024.00Web-Centric Programming
LE/CSSD 12034.00Logic and Computing
LE/CSSD 11612.00Teamwork and Communication in Software Development
SC/MATH 15163.00General Mathematics for Software Development
LE/CSSD-DIGT 11723.00Being a Digital Citizenship
LE/CSSD-DIGT 12723.00Mobilizing Digital Citizenship
The Year-1 program is designed to establish a strong foundation in computer science by blending programming skills with practical applications in various scientific fields. Students gain proficiency in procedural and object-oriented programming, with an emphasis on real-world problems. Key web development skills are also introduced, alongside the critical mathematical concepts essential for logical reasoning and problem-solving in computing. Furthermore, the program fosters teamwork and communication abilities, preparing students to effectively collaborate in diverse, professional software development environments. Overall, the program equips students with a versatile skill set pivotal for future academic and career pursuits in technology.

Second Year

Course CodeCreditsCourse Title
LE/CSSD 21014.00Object-Oriented Programming
LE/CSSD 21024.00Data Structures and Algorithms 
LE/CSSD 21030.50Shell Scripting
LE/CSSD 21042.00Programming in C
LE/CSSD 21051.00Programming in Assembly
LE/CSSD 21060.50Testing, Debugging, and Profiling C code
LE/CSSD 22024.00Design and Analysis of Algorithms
LE/CSSD 22034.00Software Design
LE/CSSD 22613.00Professionalism, Systems Thinking, and Meaningful Impact in Technology
LE/CSSD 20611.00Preparation for the Workplace: Portfolios & Interviewing
LE/COOP 21002.00Professional Development for Co-Op Students
LE/CSSD 22113.00Fundamentals of Distributed Computing
LE/CSSD 22313.00Introduction to Data Science and Application
LE/CSSD 24014.00User Interface Development
The Year 2 program builds upon the introductory knowledge gained in Year 1, focusing on deepening the technical skills necessary for complex software development. Students advance their understanding of object-oriented programming and are introduced to critical data structures and algorithms that form the backbone of efficient coding practices. The program delves into low-level programming with courses in C and Assembly, sharpening students’ abilities to interact directly with hardware and optimize performance. A strong emphasis is placed on practical application through shell scripting and the testing, debugging, and profiling of code. Additionally, the program broadens students’ perspectives on software engineering by addressing software design principles, distributed computing, and user interface development, ensuring a holistic approach to system creation. Alongside these technical skills, the curriculum reinforces the importance of professionalism, ethical considerations, and diversity in the workplace, preparing students to become well-rounded, industry-ready professionals.  

Third Year

Course CodeCreditsCourse Title
LE/CSSD 31013.00Software Requirements & Analysis
LE/CSSD 31021.00Introduction to Functional Programming
LE/CSSD 31031.00Introduction to Logic Programming
LE/CSSD 31041.00Programming for Multicore CPU
LE/CSSD 31051.00Programming for GPU
LE/CSSD 32014.00Data Management
LE/CSSD 32033.00Software Testing and Quality
LE/CSSD 31062.00Principles of Computer Networks
LE/CSSD 31072.00Operating Systems Essentials
LE/CSSD 3070/1/2/3/41.00Undergraduate Research
LE/CSSD 3075/6/7/8/91.00Programming Challenges
Course CodeCreditsCourse Title
LE/CSSD 31113.00Introduction to Cloud Computing
LE/CSSD 32113.00Software Development for Cloud Computing
Course CodeCreditsCourse Title
LE/CSSD 31213.00Information Systems Forensics
LE/CSSD 32213.00Network Security
Course CodeCreditsCourse Title
LE/CSSD 31313.00Machine Learning
LE/CSSD 32313.00Machine Learning Project
In Year 3, students delve deeper into specialized areas of computer science, enhancing their practical and theoretical knowledge in core and elective streams. The common courses build upon foundational concepts in software requirements, diverse programming paradigms, data management, and essential computer science principles like software testing, networking, and operating systems. Additionally, research and programming challenges courses encourage independent learning and problem-solving skills. The elective streams in Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity, and Data Science allow students to tailor their education to specific interests and career goals. Cloud Computing stream courses focus on cloud services and software development for cloud-based applications. The Cybersecurity stream offers in-depth study of information systems forensics and network security. In contrast, the Data Science stream deepens understanding in machine learning and its practical applications. Overall, the third-year program equips students with a blend of advanced technical skills, specialized knowledge, and practical experience, preparing them for the complexities and challenges of the evolving field of computer science.

Fourth Year

Course CodeCreditsCourse Title
LE/CSSD 40712.00Capstone Project: Requirements
LE/CSSD 40722.00Capstone Project: Documentation
LE/CSSD 40734.00Capstone Project: Implementation
LE/CSSD 41033.00Software Project Management
LE/CSSD 40612.00Advanced Preparation for the Workplace
Course CodeCreditsCourse Title
LE/CSSD 42113.00Orchestration and DevOps for Cloud Computing
Course CodeCreditsCourse Title
LE/CSSD 42213.00Vulnerability Detection
Course CodeCreditsCourse Title
LE/CSSD 42313.00Advanced Topic in Data Science – Computer Vision and NLP
In Year 4, the program culminates with an emphasis on real-world application and specialization, preparing students for their transition into professional roles. The Capstone Project, spanning requirements, documentation, and implementation phases, allows students to undertake comprehensive software development projects from concept to deployment, simulating real-world scenarios. This experience is augmented by a course in Software Project Management, which equips students with skills in managing the lifecycle of software projects using contemporary methodologies like Agile. The Advanced Preparation for the Workplace course further helps in transitioning from academic to professional settings, emphasizing the application of co-op experiences and e-portfolios.
In the specialized streams, the Security Stream focuses on advanced cybersecurity topics like Vulnerability Detection, preparing students for roles in IT security and ethical hacking. The Data Science Stream delves into complex areas like Computer Vision and NLP, enhancing skills in AI and machine learning for big data analytics. Meanwhile, the Cloud Computing Stream’s Orchestration and DevOps for Cloud Computing course equips students with practical knowledge in cloud-based application development and management, preparing them for modern software engineering roles. Overall, the Year 4 program equips students with a blend of advanced technical skills, project management acumen, and specialized knowledge, making them well-prepared for the challenges of the tech industry.

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