Electrical engineering and computer science are at the forefront of technological changes that are improving safety and transforming the quality of life for people across the world in many fields including energy, electronics and nanoelectronics, control systems, signal processing, telecommunications, robotic systems and biomedical instruments.
This Department integrates the fields of computer science, computer security, electrical engineering, computer engineering and software engineering. As only the second Canadian engineering school to do so, Lassonde’s Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science joins leading North American counterparts, such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of California at Berkeley, in blending these theoretical and applied disciplines.
The Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science offers a full range of undergraduate and graduate programs including undergraduate three-year and Honours BA and BSc programs, a BASc program, and graduate programs leading to MSc and PhD degrees. An optional internship is available at all levels providing students with the opportunity to experience computer science in real world environments.
Our undergraduate engineering curriculum is designed to meet the rigorous, holistic and globally competitive attributes established by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board. These include not only technical, but also professional, ethical, entrepreneurial, project-design and communications competencies for engineers. Similarly, undergraduate Computer Science Honours programs are accredited by the Computer Science Accreditation Council.