Degree Requirements
Candidates for the MSc degree must complete five graduate three-credit courses and successfully defend a Master’s thesis if they wish to follow the Thesis Option, or seven graduate three-credit courses and a project if they prefer the Project Option.
Upon acceptance to the MSc program, the Candidate will meet with their thesis supervisor, who will advise them on the degree requirements and assist them in their course selection and research. The checkpoints in the MSc program are listed in the following table, along with both expected and mandatory completion times, measured from entry into the program. Students also are required to submit a Progress Report each term on December 31 (Fall Term) April 30 (Winter Term) and August 31 (Summer Term), until the completion of degree requirements.
Note: Learn more about the MSc in Computer Science with Specialization in Artificial Intelligence.

MSc Program Checkpoints
Supervisor Selection | Before admittance | |
Supervisory committee selection | 3 terms | 3 terms |
Course requirement | 2 terms | 3 terms |
Thesis proposal | 3 terms | 4 terms |
Thesis defence | 5 terms |
There is a breadth requirement on the selected graduate courses; at least one course must be from each of the following three groups:
- Theory of Computing and Scientific Computing
- Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Systems
- Systems: Software and Hardware
No more than one-third of the course requirement can be integrated with undergraduate courses (EECS5xxx courses). Details about these groups can be found under the link to “Courses”.
Graduates with an honours degree in Computer Science or equivalent, with at least a B+ average in the last two years of study, may be admitted as Candidates for the Masters program in Computer Science. In addition, those admitted must have completed the equivalent of a senior-level course in the area of theoretical computer science.
Applicants must also satisfy specified requirements set out by the Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS), such as demonstrating competence in the English language. The following are the minimum English Language test scores (if required): TOEFL: 90-91 (iBT) or IELTS 7.
The above requirements are the minimum requirements and do not guarantee admission. The admissions committee will consider all evidence in the file and decide.
Applicants must also satisfy specified requirements set out by the Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS), such as demonstrating competence in the English language. The following are the minimum English Language test scores (if required): TOEFL: 90-91 (iBT) or IELTS 7.
The above requirements are the minimum requirements and do not guarantee admission. The admissions committee will consider all evidence in the file and decide.
Students that choose the Thesis Option must choose an area of specialization and submit a thesis on an approved subject. The thesis work will be supervised by a faculty member of the Graduate Program. Before work on the thesis starts, the Thesis Supervisory Committee must approve of the thesis topic. MSc theses are evaluated according to FGS requirements. In particular, there is an oral examination conducted by the Thesis Examining Committee.
Students that choose the Project Option must choose an area of specialization and submit a project report. The Project work is supervised by a faculty member of the Graduate Program. The project is a body of work similar to a thesis in quality but of more limited scope and/or degree of originality. Project topics may include implementation and evaluation of recently published ideas, development of novel software/hardware applications or improvements of algorithms. The student and the supervisor have to agree on the topic and the exact scope of the project early and the agreement must be submitted in writing to the Graduate Director. The Project Report is evaluated by the Supervisor and a Reader who must also be a member of the Graduate Program.
Students must maintain continuous registration in the Program. A year (12 months) consists of three terms: fall, winter, and summer. Students are expected to complete the Master’s Programs in no more than five terms (20 months) and the Doctoral Program in no more than twelve terms (48 months). Leaving for more than 4 weeks a term requires the permission of both the program director and the dean of FGS. According to Faculty regulations, beyond the second year of M.Sc. or MASc study, full–time students are automatically converted to part-time and are no longer eligible for financial support.
The MSc program covers a wide variety of sub-disciplines in Computer Science. For more information, see our Research Areas page.
Graduate Program Director: Professor Manos Papagelis
Graduate Program Coordinator: Ciara Campbell
Our main office is located in the Lassonde Building, room 1012T.
Telephone: (416) 736-2100 extension 66183
Fax: (416) 736-5872
By email:
By Mail:
Graduate Program in EECS, LAS 1012T
York University
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, Ontario M3J 1P3
Graduate Program Coordinator: Ciara Campbell
Our main office is located in the Lassonde Building, room 1012T.
Telephone: (416) 736-2100 extension 66183
Fax: (416) 736-5872
By email:
By Mail:
Graduate Program in EECS, LAS 1012T
York University
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, Ontario M3J 1P3