Information last updated June 21, 2021
The Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science has prepared this webpage to clarify and expand on our plans for the Fall 2021 semester in our undergraduate programmes. This page will be routinely updated in the lead-up to the fall, as necessary.
How will courses be delivered in the fall?
All EECS courses will have their lectures delivered remotely for the duration of the Fall 2021 term. Course Directors may provide opportunities for some labs, tutorials, office hours, or other course activities to take place in-person. All in-person activities in the fall are optional; if you are unable to come to campus for in-person labs or tutorials, high-quality remote programming will be available to you.
Why did you choose this plan?
In short, the Department is trying to strike a balance. We are eager to welcome students back to campus for meaningful in-person learning but we recognize that many students are still apprehensive or unable to return to campus for health or other reasons. There are also a significant number of international students in our programmes who may not be able to travel to Toronto to arrive in time for the start of the Fall term.
What about safety? What if there is a 4th wave in Toronto?
Throughout the pandemic, safety has been and will remain our number one concern; if the health situation deteriorates significantly and public health regulations change, we will pull back and cancel all scheduled in-person activities.
If you do choose to come on campus for in-person learning, all social distancing and mask regulations must strictly be followed. More information is available here:
If lectures are remote, why are most EECS courses coded as taking place in person?
If a course is coded as REMT, there is no in-person component for that course. By coding most of our courses LECT (the University’s usual delivery code) we preserve our nimbleness as the health situation gradually evolves over the fall. This is to say, the Department wants to provide students with flexible options to achieving their Course Learning Outcomes, and extend opportunities for in-person activities where it is practical to do so.
As the fall term progresses and, hopefully, new case counts remain under control, it’s possible that more students will wish to return to campus to participate in in-person learning activities. If this happens, more optional in-person labs and activities may be held on campus, while still providing a high-quality alternatives for those not coming to campus.
Can the instructor require me to take in-person tests/exams?
No. During the fall term, no in-person evaluation in EECS courses will be mandatory.
What happens if plans change over the summer? What if the province or university declare that the fall term will be fully in-person?
If such an order were to be given by the Province of Ontario and/or the University, EECS would be required to follow the guidelines set out by the Province and/or the University.
If this were to happen, students who are unable to come to campus for the fall would be accommodated as best we are able.
What about winter?
At this time, we are planning for the Winter 2022 term to be a full return to campus with all courses being delivered in-person. Please stay tuned for regular communication updates from the University.