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In some cases, you may find courses which have more than one catalogue number assigned to a single meet (a single lecture, tutorial, lab etc.). Multiple catalogue numbers indicate that the course is cross-listed. For more information about the cross-listing, please see the course description in the Courses Web site.

FacDeptTermCourse IDLOITypeMeetCat.No.DayTimeDurationRoomInstructorsNotes/Additional Fees
LEEECSYResearch Directions in Computing
 1001  1.00 A ENLECT 01 K00V01 M16:3060  Melanie Baljko This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 1001  1.00 B ENLECT 01 D47H01 M16:3060  Melanie Baljko This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
LEEECSFComputational Thinking through Mechatronics
 1011  3.00 E ENLECT 01  M10:3060  W10:3060  James A. Smith This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 N90V02 M17:00180    
 LAB  02 N90V03 M17:00180    
 LAB  03 N90V04 M17:00180    
 LAB  04 N90V05 R14:30180    
 LAB  05 N90V06 R14:30180    
 LAB  06 N90V07 R14:30180    
 LAB  07 N90V08 R18:00180    
 LAB  08 N90V09 R18:00180    
 LAB  09 N90V10 R18:00180    
 LAB  10 N90V11 T13:00180    
 LAB  11 N90V12 T13:00180    
 LAB  12 N90V13 T13:00180    
 1011  3.00 F ENLECT 01  M11:3060  W11:3060  James A. Smith This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 H37H02 M17:00180    
 LAB  02 H37H03 M17:00180    
 LAB  03 H37H04 M17:00180    
 LAB  04 H37H05 R14:30180    
 LAB  05 H37H06 R14:30180    
 LAB  06 H37H07 R14:30180    
 LAB  07 H37H08 R18:00180    
 LAB  08 H37H09 R18:00180    
 LAB  09 H37H10 R18:00180    
 LAB  10 H37H11 T13:00180    
 LAB  11 H37H12 T13:00180    
 LAB  12 H37H13 T13:00180    
LEEECSWComputational Thinking through Mechatronics
 1011  3.00 Z ENLECT 01  M10:3060  W10:3060  Babak Tavakoli-Gheynani This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 A84Q02 T17:00180    
 LAB  02 A84Q03 R17:00180    
LEEECSFIntroduction to Computing: A Net-centric Approach
 1012  3.00 A ENLECT 01  F14:30120  Andriy Pavlovych This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 T27V02 T9:30180    
 LAB  02 T27V03 T9:30180    
 LAB  03 T27V04 T9:30180    
 LAB  04 T27V05 W16:00180    
 LAB  05 T27V06 W16:00180    
 LAB  06 T27V07 W16:00180    
 1012  3.00 B ENLECT 01  R14:30120  Amir Chinaei This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 M74H02 M9:30180    
 LAB  02 M74H03 M9:30180    
 LAB  03 M74H04 M9:30180    
 LAB  04 M74H05 M13:00180    
 LAB  05 M74H06 M13:00180    
 LAB  06 M74H07 M13:00180    
 1012  3.00 C ENLECT 01 Cancelled   
 LAB  01 Cancelled   
 LAB  02 Cancelled   
 LAB  03 Cancelled   
 LAB  04 Cancelled   
 LAB  05 Cancelled   
 LAB  06 Cancelled   
LEEECSWIntroduction to Computing: A Net-centric Approach
 1012  3.00 M ENLECT 01  M10:3060  W10:3060  Amir Chinaei This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 W68B02 R13:00180    
 LAB  02 W68B03 R13:00180    
 LAB  03 W68B04 R13:00180    
 LAB  04 W68B05 F14:00180    
 LAB  05 W68B06 F14:00180    
LEEECSFIntroduction to Computer Science and Programming
 1015  3.00 A ENLECT 01  T14:00120  Michael S. Brown This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 P84U02 R11:00180    
 LAB  02 P84U03 R11:00180    
 LAB  03 Cancelled   
 LAB  04 P84U05 F14:00180    
 LAB  05 P84U06 F14:00180    
 LAB  06 Cancelled   
LEEECSFDiscrete Mathematics for Computer Science
 1019  3.00 A ENLECT 01 U21N01 (SC MATH)
F33U01 (LE EECS)  
M17:3090  R17:3090  Natasha May This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 1019  3.00 B ENLECT 01 C68V01 (SC MATH)
R26C01 (LE EECS)  
T10:0090  R10:0090  Iouldouz Raguimov This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
LEEECSWDiscrete Mathematics for Computer Science
 1019  3.00 M ENLECT 01 T15G01 (SC MATH)
K73Y01 (LE EECS)  
T10:0090  R10:0090  Iouldouz Raguimov This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 1019  3.00 N ENLECT 01 M62P01 (SC MATH)
E20U01 (LE EECS)  
T11:3090  R11:3090  Nursel Ruzgar This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 1019  3.00 O ENLECT 01 Cancelled  This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.

LEEECSWObject Oriented Programming from Sensors to Actuators
 1021  3.00 X ENLECT 01  M11:3060  W14:3060  James A. Smith This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 R02J02 M14:30180    
 LAB  02 R02J03 M14:30180    
 LAB  03 R02J04 M14:30180    
 LAB  04 R02J05 W18:00180    
 LAB  05 R02J06 W18:00180    
 LAB  06 R02J07 W18:00180    
 LAB  07 R02J08 F17:30180    
 LAB  08 R02J09 F17:30180    
 LAB  09 R02J10 F17:30180    
 LAB  10 R02J11 T13:30180    
 LAB  11 R02J12 T13:30180    
 LAB  12 R02J13 T13:30180    
 1021  3.00 Z ENLECT 01  M10:3060  W10:3060  James A. Smith This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 K49S02 M14:30180    
 LAB  02 K49S03 M14:30180    
 LAB  03 K49S04 M14:30180    
 LAB  04 K49S05 W18:00180    
 LAB  05 K49S06 W18:00180    
 LAB  06 K49S07 W18:00180    
 LAB  07 K49S08 F17:30180    
 LAB  08 K49S09 F17:30180    
 LAB  09 K49S10 F17:30180    
 LAB  10 K49S11 T13:30180    
 LAB  11 K49S12 T13:30180    
 LAB  12 K49S13 T13:30180    
LEEECSFProgramming for Mobile Computing
 1022  3.00 A ENLECT 01  F14:30120  Mufleh Al-Shatnawi This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 Y32Y02 F10:30180    
 LAB  02 Y32Y03 F10:30180    
 LAB  03 Y32Y04 F10:30180    
 LAB  04 Y32Y05 W12:30180    
 LAB  05 Y32Y06 W12:30180    
LEEECSWProgramming for Mobile Computing
 1022  3.00 M ENLECT 01  T14:30120  Jackie Wang This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 E79U02 M18:00180    
 LAB  02 E79U03 M18:00180    
 LAB  03 E79U04 M18:00180    
 LAB  04 E79U05 R9:30180    
 LAB  05 E79U06 R16:30180    
 1022  3.00 N ENLECT 01  M14:30120  Jackie Wang This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 V26F02 F10:30180    
 LAB  02 V26F03 F10:30180    
 LAB  03 V26F04 F10:30180    
 LAB  04 V26F05 R9:30180    
 LAB  05 V26F06 R9:30180    
 1022  3.00 O ENLECT 01  M10:30120  Mufleh Al-Shatnawi This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 Z73Z02 W14:30180    
 LAB  02 Z73Z03 W14:30180    
 LAB  03 Z73Z04 W14:30180    
 LAB  04 Z73Z05 R16:30180    
 LAB  05 Z73Z06 R16:30180    
LEEECSWDiscrete Mathematics for Engineers
 1028  3.00 M ENLECT 01  M13:3060  W13:3060  F13:3060  Marcus Brubaker This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 TUTR 01 Q80K02 (SC MATH)
Y86Y02 (LE EECS)  
 TUTR 02 Q80K03 (SC MATH)
Y86Y03 (LE EECS)  
 TUTR 03 Q80K04 (SC MATH)
Y86Y04 (LE EECS)  
 TUTR 04 Q80K05 (SC MATH)
Y86Y05 (LE EECS)  
 TUTR 05 Q80K06 (SC MATH)
Y86Y06 (LE EECS)  
LEEECSFComputer Use: Fundamentals
 1520  3.00 A ENLECT 01 W75R01 M13:3060  W13:3060  F13:3060  Hui Wang This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 1520  3.00 B ENLECT 01 Q22D01 M16:3060  W16:3060  F16:3060  Onoise Gerald Kio This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 1520  3.00 C ENLECT 01 J69M01 T14:3090  R14:3090  Andriy Pavlovych This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 1520  3.00 D ENLECT 01 D16V01 M19:00180  Paul Kashiyama This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 1520  3.00 G ENLECT 01 T63G01 M10:3060  W10:3060  F10:3060  Amir Chinaei This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 1520  3.00 H ENLECT 01 N10P01 M17:3090  R17:3090  Jia Xu This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
LEEECSWComputer Use: Fundamentals
 1520  3.00 M ENLECT 01 G57B01 M13:0090  W13:0090  Hui Wang This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 1520  3.00 N ENLECT 01 A04K01 T19:00180  Onoise Gerald Kio This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 1520  3.00 O ENLECT 01 Q51S01 M11:3090  W11:3090  Andriy Pavlovych This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 1520  3.00 P ENLECT 01 J98E01 M17:3060  W17:3060  F17:3060  Elli D. Gkouti This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 1520  3.00 Q ENLECT 01 D45N01 M14:3060  W14:3060  F14:3060  Onoise Gerald Kio This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 1520  3.00 R ENLECT 01 T92V01 M17:3090  R17:3090  Paul Kashiyama This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
LEEECSFComputer Use: Programming
 1530  3.00 A ENLECT 01 N39H01 M17:3090  W17:3090  Habib-ur Rehman This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
LEEECSWComputer Use for the Natural Sciences
 1540  3.00 M ENLECT 01 H66W01 M15:3090  W15:3090  Babak Tavakoli-Gheynani This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
LEEECSWIntroduction to Computing for the Physical Sciences
 1541  3.00 M ENLECT 01  T14:3060  R14:3060  Mehdi Abbasi This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 Q15K02 T9:30180    
 LAB  02 Q15K03 T15:30180    
 LAB  03 Q15K04 T18:30180    
LEEECSFIntroduction to Computing for Mathematics and Statistics
 1560  3.00 A ENLECT 01  M11:3060  F11:3060  Maryam Keyvanara This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 X84H02 T13:00180    
 LAB  02 X84H03 R13:00180    
LEEECSWIntroduction to Computing for Mathematics and Statistics
 1560  3.00 M ENLECT 01  R18:00120  Minas E Spetsakis This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 C31Q02 M14:30180    
 LAB  02 C31Q03 W14:30180    
 LAB  03 C31Q04 F14:30180    
LEEECSWIntroduction to Computing for Psychology
 1570  3.00 M ENLECT 01 J62T01 T11:3090  F11:3090  I Scott MacKenzie This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
LEEECSFProgramming for Digital Media
 1710  3.00 A ENLECT 01  M12:3060  W12:3060  F12:3060  Matthew J Kyan This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 D09F02 W10:3090    
 LAB  02 D09F03 W10:3090    
 LAB  03 D09F04 W10:3090    
 LAB  04 D09F05 W10:3090    
LEEECSWBuilding Interactive Systems
 1720  3.00 M ENLECT 01  T14:3090  R14:3090  Matthew J Kyan This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 T56N02 W12:3090    
 LAB  02 T56N03 W12:3090    
 LAB  03 T56N04 W12:3090    
 LAB  04 T56N05 W12:3090    
LEEECSFIndustry Practicum
 1910  3.00 A ENISTY 01 V66T01  0:000  Amir Chinaei This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and is an asynchronous course with no specified meeting times. Additional information will be provided by your course instructor (by email or on the course Moodle website).
LEEECSWIndustry Practicum
 1911  3.00 M ENISTY 01 P13F01  0:000  Amir Chinaei This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and is an asynchronous course with no specified meeting times. Additional information will be provided by your course instructor (by email or on the course Moodle website).
LEEECSFIntroduction to the Theory of Computation
 2001  3.00 A ENLECT 01  M16:0090  W16:0090  Alireza Mahmoodi This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 TUTR 01 N03W02 R16:0090    
 2001  3.00 B ENLECT 01  M13:0090  W13:0090  George Tourlakis This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 TUTR 01 G50X02 F13:0090    
 2001  3.00 C ENLECT 01  T14:3090  R14:3090  Jeffrey A Edmonds This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 TUTR 01 W97Q02 F14:3090    
LEEECSWIntroduction to the Theory of Computation
 2001  3.00 M ENLECT 01  T14:3090  R14:3090  Ruth Urner This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
 TUTR 01 Q44C02 F14:3090    
 2001  3.00 N ENLECT 01  M13:0090  W13:0090  Enas AlTarawneh This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
 TUTR 01 J91Y02 F13:0090    
LEEECSFFundamentals of Data Structures
 2011  3.00 A ENLECT 01 C29W01 M11:3090  W11:3090  Hamzeh Khazaei This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 2011  3.00 E ENLECT 01 S76H01 T9:3090  R9:3090  Andriy Pavlovych This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
LEEECSWFundamentals of Data Structures
 2011  3.00 M ENLECT 01 M23Q01 M17:3090  W17:3090  Andriy Pavlovych This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
 2011  3.00 N ENLECT 01 F70C01 M16:0090  W16:0090  Jia Xu This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
 2011  3.00 O ENLECT 01 W17K01 T11:3090  R11:3090  Uyen T Nguyen This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
 2011  3.00 Z ENLECT 01 P64T01 T8:3090  R8:3090  Andriy Pavlovych This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
LEEECSFComputer Organization
 2021  4.00 A ENLECT 01 Cancelled   
 LAB  01 Cancelled   
 LAB  02 Cancelled   
 2021  4.00 B ENLECT 01 Cancelled   
 LAB  01 Cancelled   
 LAB  02 Cancelled   
 2021  4.00 E ENLECT 01 Cancelled   
 LAB  01 Cancelled   
 LAB  02 Cancelled   
LEEECSWComputer Organization
 2021  4.00 M ENLECT 01 Cancelled   
 LAB  01 Cancelled   
 LAB  02 Cancelled   
 2021  4.00 N ENLECT 01 Cancelled   
 LAB  01 Cancelled   
 LAB  02 Cancelled   
 2021  4.00 Z ENLECT 01 Cancelled   
 LAB  01 Cancelled   
 LAB  02 Cancelled   
LEEECSFComputer Organization
 2021  4.00 A ENLECT 01  W10:0090  F10:0090  Minas E Spetsakis This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 T25A02 R14:30180    
 LAB  02 T25A03 T16:00180    
 2021  4.00 B ENLECT 01  M14:3090  W14:3090  Minas E Spetsakis This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 W66D02 F13:30180    
 LAB  02 W66D03 F10:30180    
 2021  4.00 E ENLECT 01  M17:3090  W19:3090  James A. Smith This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 J60V02 M19:00180    
 LAB  02 J60V03 T19:00180    
LEEECSWComputer Organization
 2021  4.00 M ENLECT 01  M14:3090  W14:3090  Pooja Vashisth This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
 LAB  01 N01B02 T10:00180    
 LAB  02 N01B03 R10:00180    
 2021  4.00 N ENLECT 01  M11:3090  W11:3090  Kamen Kanev This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
 LAB  01 G48K02 R18:00180    
 LAB  02 G48K03 F13:00180    
 2021  4.00 Z ENLECT 01  R19:00180  Robert Allison This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
 LAB  01 W95S02 T19:00180    
 LAB  02 W95S03 M19:00180    
LEEECSFAdvanced Object Oriented Programming
 2030  3.00 A ENLECT 01  T16:0090  R16:0090  Marzieh Ahmadzadeh This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 S98G02 M16:0090    
 LAB  02 S98G03 M17:3090    
 2030  3.00 B ENLECT 01  M11:0090  W11:0090  Matthew J Kyan This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 M45P02 T11:3090    
 LAB  02 M45P03 T13:0090    
 2030  3.00 C ENLECT 01  T17:3090  R17:3090  Hui Wang This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 F92B02 W17:3090    
 LAB  02 F92B03 W17:3090    
 LAB  03 F92B04 W17:3090    
 2030  3.00 E ENLECT 01  T13:0090  R13:0090  Marzieh Ahmadzadeh This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 W39J02 M14:3090    
 LAB  02 W39J03 R17:3090    
 LAB  03 W39J04 F18:3090    
 LAB  04 W39J05 M14:3090    
LEEECSWAdvanced Object Oriented Programming
 2030  3.00 M ENLECT 01  T13:0090  R13:0090  Yves Lesperance This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
 LAB  01 P86S02 W11:0090    
 LAB  02 P86S03 W11:0090    
 LAB  03 P86S04 W11:0090    
 2030  3.00 Z ENLECT 01  T16:00180  Marzieh Ahmadzadeh This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
 LAB  01 J33E02 M15:3090    
 LAB  02 J33E03 M17:0090    
LEEECSFSoftware Tools
 2031  3.00 A ENLECT 01  M19:0060  R19:0060  Hui Wang This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 X20A02 W19:00120    
 LAB  02 X20A03 W19:00120    
 2031  3.00 B ENLECT 01  T16:0060  F16:0060  Uyen T Nguyen This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 B67J02 R9:00120    
 LAB  02 B67J03 R11:00120    
 LAB  03 B67J04 R9:00120    
LEEECSWSoftware Tools
 2031  3.00 M ENLECT 01  T10:3060  R10:3060  Marzieh Ahmadzadeh This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
 LAB  01 S14R02 W13:00120    
 LAB  02 S14R03 W15:00120    
 2031  3.00 N ENLECT 01  F14:30120  Hui Wang This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
 LAB  01 Y61D02 T15:00120    
 LAB  02 Y61D03 T17:00120    
 LAB  03 Y61D04 T15:00120    
 2031  3.00 O ENLECT 01  F9:30120  Hui Wang This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
 LAB  01 F08M02 W9:00120    
 LAB  02 F08M03 W11:00120    
LEEECSFIntroduction to Embedded Systems
 2032  4.00 E ENLECT 01 Cancelled   
 LAB  01 Cancelled   
 LAB  02 Cancelled   
LEEECSWIntroduction to Embedded Systems
 2032  4.00 Z ENLECT 01 Cancelled   
 LAB  01 Cancelled   
 LAB  02 Cancelled   
LEEECSFIntroduction to Embedded Systems
 2032  4.00 E ENLECT 01  T14:3090  R14:3090  Mokhtar Aboelaze This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 U99V02 M12:30120    
 LAB  02 U99V03 F16:30120    
LEEECSWIntroduction to Embedded Systems
 2032  4.00 Z ENLECT 01  W16:30180  Ebrahim Ghafar-Zadeh This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 Z75W02 R16:00120    
 LAB  02 Z75W03 F16:00120    
LEEECSFElectrical Circuits
 2200  3.00 E ENLECT 01  T11:3090  R11:3090  Hossein Kassiri This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 N61G02 W13:30180    
 LAB  02 N61G03 F16:30180    
 LAB  03 N61G04 W16:30180    
 LAB  04 N61G05 R16:30180    
 LAB  05 N61G06 R19:30180    
 LAB  06 N61G07 R13:30180    
LEEECSWElectronic Circuits and Devices
 2210  3.00 Z ENLECT 01  T14:3090  R14:3090  Hossein Kassiri This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
 LAB  01 P49N02 M16:30180    
 LAB  02 P49N03 R18:00180    
 LAB  03 P49N04 M16:30180    
 LAB  04 P49N05 R18:00180    
 LAB  05 P49N06 R18:00180    
LEEECSWSoftware Development Project
 2311  3.00 Z ENLECT 01  W11:30120  Vassilios Tzerpos This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
 LAB  01 G28J02 M11:30120    
 LAB  02 G28J03 M11:30120    
LEEECSFFortran and Scientific Computing
 2501  1.00 E ENLECT 01 H08P01 M17:3090  Babak Tavakoli-Gheynani This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
LEEECSFIndustry Practicum
 2910  3.00 A ENISTY 01 X60Z01  0:000  Amir Chinaei This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and is an asynchronous course with no specified meeting times. Additional information will be provided by your course instructor (by email or on the course Moodle website).
LEEECSWIndustry Practicum
 2911  3.00 M ENISTY 01 C07A01  0:000  Amir Chinaei This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and is an asynchronous course with no specified meeting times. Additional information will be provided by your course instructor (by email or on the course Moodle website).
LEEECSFProfessional Practice in Computing
 3000  3.00 A ENLECT 01 A55B01 T17:3090  R17:3090  Jarek Gryz This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
LEEECSFDesign and Analysis of Algorithms
 3101  3.00 A ENLECT 01 Cancelled   
 TUTR 01 Cancelled   
 3101  3.00 E ENLECT 01  M16:0090  W16:0090  Andranik Mirzaian This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 TUTR 01 E39F02 F16:0090    
LEEECSWDesign and Analysis of Algorithms
 3101  3.00 M ENLECT 01  T13:0090  R13:0090  Jeffrey A Edmonds This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
 TUTR 01 U86N02 F13:0090    
 3101  3.00 N ENLECT 01  T16:0090  R16:0090  Jeffrey A Edmonds This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
 TUTR 01 Z33W02 F16:0090    
 3101  3.00 Z ENLECT 01  M14:3090  W14:3090  Andranik Mirzaian This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
 TUTR 01 H80X02 F14:3090    
LEEECSFNumerical Methods I
 3121  3.00 A ENLECT 01 G02X01 (SC MATH)
A79R01 (LE EECS)  
T13:0090  R13:0090  Dong Liang This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
LEEECSWNumerical Methods II
 3122  3.00 M ENLECT 01 P38S01 (SC MATH)
H32X01 (LE EECS)  
M10:3060  W10:3060  F10:3060  Snezhana Kirusheva This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
LEEECSFDigital Logic Design
 3201  4.00 E ENLECT 01 Cancelled   
 LAB  01 Cancelled   
 LAB  02 Cancelled   
 LAB  03 Cancelled   
 LAB  04 Cancelled   
LEEECSFDigital Logic Design
 3201  4.00 E ENLECT 01  W8:3090  F8:3090  Andrew W. Eckford This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 V06Z02 M9:30120    
 LAB  02 V06Z03 T9:30120    
 LAB  03 V06Z04 W19:30120    
 LAB  04 V06Z05 R9:30120    
LEEECSFCommunication Networks
 3213  3.00 E ENLECT 01 B13X01 T11:3090  R11:3090  Ping Wang This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
LEEECSFComputer Network Protocols and Applications
 3214  3.00 A ENLECT 01 D38U01 T13:0090  R13:0090  Hazem Mohamed Saad Ibrahim This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
LEEECSWComputer Network Protocols and Applications
 3214  3.00 M ENLECT 01 T85F01 T10:0090  R10:0090  Habib-ur Rehman This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
LEEECSWEmbedded Systems
 3215  4.00 Z ENLECT 01 Cancelled   
 LAB  01 Cancelled   
 LAB  02 Cancelled   
LEEECSWDigital Systems Engineering: Modeling, Implementation and Validation
 3216  3.00 Z ENLECT 01  T17:3060  R17:3060  Mokhtar Aboelaze This course will no longer hold any in person activities. This course is offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 S25Q02 M13:00180LAS 1002  
 LAB  02 S25Q03 F13:30180LAS 1002  
 LAB  03 S25Q04 M16:00180LAS 1002  
 LAB  04 S25Q05 T14:30180LAS 1002  
 LAB  05 S25Q06 T10:00180LAS 1002  
LEEECSFOperating System Fundamentals
 3221  3.00 A ENLECT 01 Y21Y01 M19:0090  W19:0090  Habib-ur Rehman This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 3221  3.00 E ENLECT 01 E68U01 T16:0090  R16:0090  Jia Xu This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
LEEECSWOperating System Fundamentals
 3221  3.00 M ENLECT 01 V15F01 M11:3060  W11:3060  F10:3060  Hamzeh Khazaei This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
 3221  3.00 N ENLECT 01 Cancelled  This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials
 3221  3.00 Z ENLECT 01 X09A01 T19:0090  R19:0090  Hamzeh Khazaei This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
LEEECSFSoftware Design
 3311  3.00 A ENLECT 01  T14:3090  R14:3090  Jackie Wang This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 B56J02 W10:0090    
 LAB  02 B56J03 W8:3090    
 3311  3.00 B ENLECT 01 Cancelled  This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.

 LAB  01 Cancelled  (Backup) 
 LAB  02 Cancelled  (Backup) 
 3311  3.00 E ENLECT 01  M17:3090  W17:3090  Jackie Wang This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 Y50D02 W14:3090    
 LAB  02 Y50D03 W16:0090    
LEEECSWSoftware Design
 3311  3.00 M ENLECT 01  M11:3090  W11:3090  Maleknaz Nayebi This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
 LAB  01 E97M02 F10:0090    
 LAB  02 E97M03 F11:3090    
 3311  3.00 Z ENLECT 01  M16:0090  W16:0090  Song Wang This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
 LAB  01 V44U02 R13:0090    
 LAB  02 V44U03 R14:3090    
LEEECSWSystem Specification and Refinement
 3342  3.00 Z ENLECT 01  T11:3090  R11:3090  Franck van Breugel This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
 LAB  01 R60Q02 T13:0060    
 LAB  02 R60Q03 T13:0060    
LEEECSFIntroduction to Artificial Intelligence and Logic Programming
 3401  3.00 A ENLECT 01 N32Z01 M14:3090  W14:3090  Vitaliy Batusov This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
LEEECSFIntroduction to Database Systems
 3421  3.00 A ENLECT 01 Y07C01 T14:3090  R14:3090  Parke Tremayne Godfrey This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 3421  3.00 B ENLECT 01 E54Y01 T10:0090  F10:0090  Wenxiao Fu This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
LEEECSWIntroduction to Database Systems
 3421  3.00 M ENLECT 01 V01T01 W19:00180  Habib-ur Rehman This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
 3421  3.00 N ENLECT 01 Z48F01 T14:3090  R14:3090  Jarek Gryz This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
 3421  3.00 O ENLECT 01 Cancelled  This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials
LEEECSFIntroduction to 3D Computer Graphics
 3431  3.00 A ENLECT 01 Z91G01 M11:3090  W11:3090  Petros Faloutsos This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
LEEECSFSignals and Systems
 3451  4.00 E ENLECT 01  M11:3090  R13:0090  Gene Cheung This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 X38P02 F13:00180    
 LAB  02 X38P03 M17:30180    
 LAB  03 X38P04 M14:30180    
LEEECSWSignals and Systems
 3451  4.00 Z ENLECT 01  T13:0090  R13:0090  Yong Peter Lian This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 H08C02 M12:00180    
 LAB  02 H08C03 F12:00180    
 LAB  03 H08C04 W14:30180    
 LAB  04 H08C05 F9:00180    
LEEECSFUser Interfaces
 3461  3.00 A ENLECT 01 B42A01 M10:0090  W10:0090  Melanie Baljko This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
LEEECSWUser Interfaces
 3461  3.00 M ENLECT 01 R89X01 T14:3090  R14:3090  Melanie Baljko This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
 3461  3.00 N ENLECT 01 Cancelled  This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials
LEEECSFApplied Cryptography
 3481  3.00 A ENLECT 01 B85B01 T8:3090  R8:3090  Mohammad Reza Faghani This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
LEEECSFIntroduction to Computer Security
 3482  3.00 A ENLECT 01  M13:0090  W13:0090  Natalija Vlajic This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 A97P02 T17:30120    
 LAB  02 A97P03 F13:00120    
LEEECSWIntroduction to Computer Security
 3482  3.00 M ENLECT 01  M13:0090  W13:0090  Natalija Vlajic This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
 LAB  01 E83D02 M9:30120    
 LAB  02 E83D03 M9:30120    
 LAB  03 E83D04 M9:30120    
LEEECSFElectrical Systems for Mechanical Engineers
 3505  3.00 E ENLECT 01  T14:3090  R14:3090  Hany E. Z. Farag This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 TUTR 01 A06E02 W12:3060    
 TUTR 02 A06E03 W13:3060    
 TUTR 03 A06E04 F10:3060    
 TUTR 04 A06E05 F11:3060    
LEEECSFSystems and Random Processes in Discrete Time
 3602  4.00 E ENLECT 01  T13:0090  F13:0090  Gene Cheung This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 S32J02 R15:00180    
 LAB  02 S32J03 R13:00180    
LEEECSFElectromechanical Energy Conversion
 3603  4.00 E ENLECT 01  M13:0090  W13:0090  Afshin Rezaei Zare This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 Y79S02 M15:00180    
 LAB  02 Y79S03 T15:00180    
LEEECSWElectromagnetic theory and wave propagation
 3604  4.00 Z ENLECT 01  T10:0090  R10:0090  Andrew W. Eckford This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
 LAB  01 W24D02 M9:30180    
 LAB  02 W24D03 W9:30180    
LEEECSFSemiconductor Physics and Devices
 3610  4.00 E ENLECT 01  M19:0090  W19:0090  Gerd Grau This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 F26E02 T15:00180    
LEEECSWAnalog Electronics
 3611  4.00 Z ENLECT 01  T8:3090  R8:3090  Yong Peter Lian This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
 LAB  01 V73M02 F10:30180    
 LAB  02 V73M03 R17:00180    
LEEECSFComputer Science Internship Work Term
 3900  0.00 A ENPRAC 01 V30Y01  0:000   This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and is an asynchronous course with no specified meeting times. Additional information will be provided by your course instructor (by email or on the course Moodle website).
$475.00 – Course Materials 
LEEECSWComputer Science Internship Work Term
 3900  0.00 M ENPRAC 01 Z77U01  0:000   This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and is an asynchronous course with no specified meeting times. Additional information will be provided by your course instructor (by email or on the course Moodle website).
$475.00 – Course Materials 
LEEECSFIndustry Practicum
 3910  3.00 A ENISTY 01 S54X01  0:000  Vassilios Tzerpos This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and is an asynchronous course with no specified meeting times. Additional information will be provided by your course instructor (by email or on the course Moodle website).
LEEECSWIndustry Practicum
 3911  3.00 M ENISTY 01 M01R01  0:000  Vassilios Tzerpos This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and is an asynchronous course with no specified meeting times. Additional information will be provided by your course instructor (by email or on the course Moodle website).
LEEECSFComputer Security Internship Work Term
 3980  0.00 A ENPRAC 01 X24G01  0:000   This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and is an asynchronous course with no specified meeting times. Additional information will be provided by your course instructor (by email or on the course Moodle website).
$475.00 – Course Materials 
LEEECSWComputer Security Internship Work Term
 3980  0.00 M ENPRAC 01 B71P01  0:000   This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and is an asynchronous course with no specified meeting times. Additional information will be provided by your course instructor (by email or on the course Moodle website).
$475.00 – Course Materials 
LEEECSFDirected Studies
 4070  3.00 A ENISTY 01 D96E01  0:000  Aijun An This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and is an asynchronous course with no specified meeting times. Additional information will be provided by your course instructor (by email or on the course Moodle website).
LEEECSWDirected Studies
 4070  3.00 M ENISTY 01 U43M01  0:000  Aijun An This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and is an asynchronous course with no specified meeting times. Additional information will be provided by your course instructor (by email or on the course Moodle website).
LEEECSFComputer Science Project
 4080  3.00 A ENISTY 01 G79A01  0:000  Aijun An
Song Wang 
This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and is an asynchronous course with no specified meeting times. Additional information will be provided by your course instructor (by email or on the course Moodle website).
LEEECSWComputer Science Project
 4080  3.00 M ENISTY 01 A26J01  0:000  Aijun An
Matthew J Kyan
Emmanouil Papangelis
Saed Alrabaee 
This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and is an asynchronous course with no specified meeting times. Additional information will be provided by your course instructor (by email or on the course Moodle website).
$0.00 – Course Materials 
LEEECSYComputer Science Capstone Project
 4088  6.00 A ENISTY 01 Q73R01  0:000  Michael R Jenkin
Aijun An
Melanie Baljko
Michael S. Brown 
LEEECSYSoftware Development Capstone Project
 4090  6.00 A ENISTY 01 G30D01  0:000  Aijun An This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and is an asynchronous course with no specified meeting times. Additional information will be provided by your course instructor (by email or on the course Moodle website).
LEEECSWAdvanced Data Structures
 4101  3.00 M ENLECT 01 S18A01 M17:3090  W17:3090  Andranik Mirzaian This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
LEEECSFComputational Complexity
 4115  3.00 A ENLECT 01 Y65J01 T11:3090  R11:3090  Eric Ruppert This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
LEEECSFIntroduction to Quantum Computing
 4141  3.00 A ENLECT 01 Cancelled   
LEEECSWMathematics of Cryptography
 4161  3.00 M ENLECT 01 X78Y01 (SC MATH)
N85W01 (LE EECS)  
T10:0090  R10:0090  Jorge Barbosa de Mello This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
LEEECSFComputer Architecture
 4201  3.00 E ENLECT 01 P20V01 M10:0090  W10:0090  Sebastian Magierowski This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
LEEECSFDigital Communications
 4214  4.00 E ENLECT 01  T14:3090  R14:3090  Hina Tabassum This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 Z19N02 F10:30180    
 LAB  02 Z19N03 F10:30180    
LEEECSWMobile Communications
 4215  3.00 M ENLECT 01  W14:30180  Ping Wang This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
 LAB  01 N68W02 F11:30120    
 LAB  02 N68W03 F11:30120    
LEEECSFSoftware Engineering Requirements
 4312  3.00 E ENLECT 01  T16:0090  R16:0090  Song Wang This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 F12S02 W17:3060    
LEEECSWSoftware Engineering Testing
 4313  3.00 Z ENLECT 01 V59D01 M14:3090  W14:3090  ZhenMing Jiang This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
LEEECSFAdvanced Software Engineering
 4314  3.00 E ENLECT 01 P06M01 M13:0090  W13:0090  Marin Litoiu This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
LEEECSWMission-Critical Systems
 4315  3.00 Z ENLECT 01  M8:3090  W8:3090  Franck van Breugel This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
 LAB  01 X53V02 F9:0060    
LEEECSWArtificial Intelligence
 4401  3.00 M ENLECT 01 H15X01 T10:0090  R10:0090  Yves Lesperance This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
LEEECSFIntroduction to Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition
 4404  3.00 A ENLECT 01 A62R01 T10:0090  R10:0090  Ruth Urner This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
LEEECSWIntroduction to Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition
 4404  3.00 Z ENLECT 01 R09C01 T13:0090  R13:0090  Hui Jiang This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
LEEECSWData Mining
 4412  3.00 M ENLECT 01 C00H01 M16:0090  W16:0090  Parke Tremayne Godfrey This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
LEEECSFBuilding E-Commerce Systems
 4413  3.00 A ENLECT 01  W14:30120  Farzin Zaker This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 S47P02 F13:30120    
 LAB  02 S47P03 F13:30120    
LEEECSWBuilding E-Commerce Systems
 4413  3.00 Z ENLECT 01  M12:30120  Marin Litoiu This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
 LAB  01 Y94B02 W9:30120    
 LAB  02 Y94B03 W11:30120    
LEEECSFInformation Networks
 4414  3.00 A ENLECT 01 Z84N01 T17:30180  Emmanouil Papangelis This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
LEEECSWBig Data Systems
 4415  3.00 M ENLECT 01 K89K01 T11:3090  R11:3090  Parke Tremayne Godfrey This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
LEEECSWIntroduction to Robotics
 4421  3.00 M ENLECT 01  W10:0090  F10:0090  Michael R Jenkin This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 X67H02 R9:30120    
 LAB  02 X67H03 R11:30120    
LEEECSFComputer Vision
 4422  3.00 A ENLECT 01  M11:3090  W11:3090  James H. Elder This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 C14Q02 M16:00120    
 LAB  02 C14Q03 W16:00120    
LEEECSFHuman-Computer Interaction
 4441  3.00 A ENLECT 01 F41K01 T14:3090  R14:3090  I Scott MacKenzie This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
LEEECSWMobile User Interfaces
 4443  3.00 M ENLECT 01  T14:3090  R14:3090  I Scott MacKenzie This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
 LAB  01 F84Y02 R17:30120    
 LAB  02 F84Y03 R17:30120    
LEEECSWDigital Signal Processing: Theory and Applications
 4452  3.00 M ENLECT 01 Cancelled   
LEEECSWDigital Signal Processing: Theory and Applications
 4452  3.00 M ENLECT 01 Z53A01 M8:3060  W8:3060  F8:3060  Ping Wang This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
LEEECSWHypermedia and Multimedia Technology
 4461  3.00 M ENLECT 01 V88S01 T16:0090  R16:0090  Melanie Baljko This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
LEEECSFDigital Audio
 4462  3.00 A ENLECT 01 Y72C01 M9:0060  T9:0060  R9:0060  Vassilios Tzerpos This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
LEEECSFIntroduction to Virtual Reality
 4471  3.00 A ENLECT 01 Cancelled   
 LAB  01 Cancelled   
LEEECSWIntroduction to Virtual Reality
 4471  3.00 M ENLECT 01  M17:30180  Petros Faloutsos This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 W42B02 T17:3090    
LEEECSFComputer Security Project
 4480  3.00 A ENISTY 01 K20D01  0:000  Aijun An
Natalija Vlajic 
This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and is an asynchronous course with no specified meeting times. Additional information will be provided by your course instructor (by email or on the course Moodle website).
LEEECSWComputer Security Project
 4480  3.00 M ENISTY 01 D67M01  0:000  Aijun An
Uyen T Nguyen
Natalija Vlajic
Saed Alrabaee 
This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and is an asynchronous course with no specified meeting times. Additional information will be provided by your course instructor (by email or on the course Moodle website).
$0.00 – Course Materials 
LEEECSWComputer Security Laboratory
 4481  4.00 M ENLECT 01  M13:0090  W13:0090  Saed Alrabaee This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
 LAB  01 X82N02 F14:30120    
LEEECSFComputer Security Management: Assessment and Forensics
 4482  3.00 A ENLECT 01 Cancelled   
LEEECSFNetwork Security and Forensics
 4482  3.00 A ENLECT 01 Cancelled   
LEEECSWNetwork Security and Forensics
 4482  3.00 M ENLECT 01 Z61E01 M10:0090  F13:0090  Natalija Vlajic This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
LEEECSWDigital Very Large Scale Integration
 4612  4.00 Z ENLECT 01  T13:0090  R13:0090  Sebastian Magierowski This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 C43X02 T14:30180    
LEEECSFPower Electronics
 4613  4.00 E ENLECT 01  T13:0090  R13:0090  John Chi Wo Lam This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 S61B02 W13:00180    
 4614  4.00 E ENLECT 01 Cancelled   
 LAB  01 Cancelled   
 4614  4.00 Z ENLECT 01  T10:0090  R10:0090  Simone Pisana This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 LAB  01 X08N02 M16:00180    
LEEECSWIntroduction to Energy Systems
 4622  4.00 Z ENLECT 01  W17:3090  R17:3090  Afshin Rezaei Zare This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
$0.00 – Course Materials 
 LAB  01 F55T02 T17:30180    
LEEECSWMedical Imaging Techniques: Principles and Applications
 4640  3.00 E ENLECT 01 D75D01 T11:3090  R11:3090  Ali Sadeghi-Naini This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.
 4640  3.00 Z ENLECT 01 Cancelled   
 LAB  01 Cancelled   
LEEECSFIntroduction to Microfluidics for Life Science Applications
 4645  4.00 E ENLECT 01 Cancelled   
 LAB  01 Cancelled   
LEEECSYDigital Media Project
 4700  6.00 A ENLECT 01 U14U01 T10:00180  Petros Faloutsos
Yu-Zhi Joel Ong 
This course will be offered through remote/online delivery and can have synchronous sessions during the day and time noted.