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About the Program

From modern telecommunication systems to renewable power generation or medical devices, electrical engineers develop skills that are in-demand in diverse industries.

In Lassonde’s Electrical Engineering program, you will have the chance to train your hands and your mind. We will first teach you about the big concepts that make up electrical engineering.

You will gain in-depth knowledge as you learn about designing a whole slew of power electronics, signal processors and assistive medical devices in your upper years.

Your learning will be enhanced in our various lab spaces designed to teach you about Medical Devices, Microelectronics, Power Systems, Embedded Systems, and Robotics. 

A minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 percent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.

Most 2000-, 3000-, and 4000-level EECS courses require the following general (that is, common) prerequisites, in addition to other course-specific prerequisites: a cumulative grade point average of 4.50 or better over all completed major EECS courses.

For requirements by degree, visit York’s academic calendar.
Degree Checklists are a complete listing of all program-specific courses required for successful graduation.
• A strong programming foundation

• Electronic fabrication, testing and measurement

• Rapid prototyping of electronic and mechatronic systems

• Embedded systems and digital logic design including sensor interfacing and
actuation of electromechanical devices

• Digital signal processing using MATLAB modelling software

• Verilog circuit-modelling language for FPGA circuit programming

• Circuit design for chips, motors, small controllers or antennas

• Analysis, design and optimization of hardware and software

• Ericsson


• Nascent

• Ministry of Health and Long Term Care

• Loyalty One

• Teledyne

• Telus

First Year


EECS 1101, 3 Credits

The Objectives of 1011 are threefold: providing a first exposure to procedural programming, teaching students a set of soft computing skills (such as reasoning about algorithms, tracing programs, test-driven development), and demonstrating how computers are used in a variety of engineering disciplines. It uses problem-based pedagogy to expose the underlying concepts and an experiential laboratory to implement them. An integrated computing environment (such as MATLAB) is used so that students can pick up key programming concepts(such as variables and control flow) without being exposed to complex or abstract constructs. The problems are chosen with consultation with the various engineering disciplines in the Faculty with a view of exposing how computing is used in these disciplines. Two hours per week for instructor’s lectures and three hours per week for lab work and tutorials. Prerequisites: None. Course credit exclusions: LE/EECS1541 3.00.
MATH 1028, 3 Credits

An introduction to propositional logic and application to switching circuits; sets, relations and functions; predicate logic and proof techniques; induction with applications to program correctness; basic counting techniques with applications; graphs and trees with applications in circuit analysis, information storage and retrieval, Huffman coding; automata and applications in software engineering. Prerequisites: MHF4U (Advanced Function) and MCV4U (Calculus and Vectors). Course Credit exclusions: LE/CSE 1019 3.00 (prior to Fall 2014), LE/EECS 1019 3.00, SC/CSE 1019 3.00 (prior to Summer 2013), SC/MATH 1019 3.00, SC/MATH 2320 3.00.
MATH 1013, 3 Credits

Introduction to the theory and applications of both differential and integral calculus. Limits. Derivatives of algebraic and trigonometric functions. Riemann sums, definite integrals and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Logarithms and exponentials, Extreme value problems, Related rates, Areas and Volumes. Prerequisite: SC/MATH 1515 3.00 or SC/MATH 1520 3.00, or a high school calculus course. Course credit exclusions: SC/MATH 1000 3.00, SC/MATH 1300 3.00, SC/MATH 1505 6.00, SC/MATH 1513 6.00, SC/MATH 1530 3.00, SC/MATH 1550 6.00, GL/MATH/MODR 1930 3.00, AP/ECON 1530 3.00. Prior to Fall 2009: Prerequisite: AS/SC/MATH 1515 3.00 or AS/SC/MATH 1520 3.00, or a high school calculus course. Course credit exclusions: AS/SC/MATH 1000 3.00, AK/AS/SC/MATH 1300 3.00, AS/SC/MATH 1505 6.00, AS/SC/MATH 1513 6.00, AS/MATH 1530 3.00, AK/AS/MATH 1550 6.00, GL/MATH/MODR 1930 3.00, AS/ECON 1530 3.00.
MATH 1025, 3 Credits

Topics include spherical and cylindrical coordinates in Euclidean 3-space, general matrix algebra, determinants, vector space concepts for Euclidean n-space (e.g. linear dependence and independence, basis, dimension, linear transformations etc.), an introduction to eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Prerequisites: One 12U or OAC mathematics course or equivalent. Course credit exclusions: SC/MATH 1021 3.00, SC/MATH 2021 3.00, SC/MATH 2221 3.00, GL/MATH/MODR 26503.00. Prior to Fall 2009: Course credit exclusions: AK/AS/SC/MATH 1021 3.00, AS/SC/MATH 2021 3.00, AK/AS/SC/MATH 2221 3.00, GL/MATH/MODR 2650 3.00.
PHYS 1800, 3 Credits

Survey of the fundamental concepts of statics and dynamics with an emphasis on engineering applications. This is a calculus-based course intended primarily for engineering students. It includes tutorial and laboratory components. Three lecture hours per week; Two laboratory hours per week (for a total of Nine sessions); One tutorial hour per week. One term. Three credits. Prerequisites: 12U Physics or OAC Physics or SC/PHYS 1510 4.00. MHF4U Advanced Functions and MCV4U Calculus and Vectors, or 12U Advanced Functions and Introductory Calculus, or OAC Algebra and OAC Calculus. Corequisites: SC/MATH 1013 3.00 or SC/MATH 1300 3.00 or SC/MATH 1505 6.00. Course Credit Exclusions: SC/PHYS 1010 6.00, SC/PHYS 1410 6.00, SC/PHYS 1420 6.00.
ENG 1101, 4 Credits

Who is an engineer and what are his/her ethical and academic integrity obligations; communications strategies for technical subjects in oral and written forms; dealing with ambiguity, uncertainties, and open-ended problems in a technical context, problem definition strategies. 4 hours per week lectures and 1 hour per week tutorial session.


CHEM 1100, 4 Credits

The course is designed for Engineering students interested in refreshing and expanding their general chemistry knowledge while exploring the relationship between the structure of matter, properties and processing. This course will focus mainly on covering important introductory concepts to understand solution chemistry including reactivity, thermochemistry, structure and properties of materials. The course is divided into six sections. The first section covers an introduction to the topic of Materials Science and its impact on our daily lives as well as future trends and reviews key chemistry concepts required for this course. The second section will present the states of matter (gas, liquid and solid), their physical characteristics and the forces holding materials together (bonding and intermolecular forces). The third section will expend on the liquid phase and properties of solutions including equilibrium, solubility, pH and pKa. The fourth section will deal with thermochemistry and its first law with an emphasis on enthalpy as well as phase changes and phase diagrams. Section six will present an introduction to the properties of solids (electronic and mechanical) and criteria in the selection of materials will also be discussed. Section seven will present in more detail structure-properties and processing of soft materials (natural and artificial polymer) in the context of the material covered in the other sections. Four lecture hours per week, one tutorial hour per week, and three hours of laboratory or active learning exercises every other week. One term. Four credits. Prerequisites: 12U chemistry or equivalent. Course credit exclusion: SC/CHEM 1000 3.00.
EECS 1021, 3 Credits

The objective of 1021 is to introduce computational thinking – a process-based approach to problem-solving. It uses a problem-based pedagogy to expose the underlying concepts and an experiential laboratory to implement them. The programming language is chosen so that it is widely used in a variety of applications, is object-oriented, and is of industrial strength (Java is an example of such a language). The problems are chosen in order to expose abstract programming concepts by immersing them in relevant and engaging applications. The experiential laboratory is based on sensors and actuators that connect to a computer. The problems are chosen with consultation with the various engineering disciplines in the Faculty with a view of exposing how computing is used in these disciplines. Two hours per week lectures and three hours per week for lab work and tutorials. Prerequisites: LE/EECS1011 3.00. Course credit exclusions: LE/EECS 1022 3.00, LE/EECS1020 3.00, LE/CSE 1020 3.00, AK/AS/SC/CSE 1020 3.00.
MATH 1014, 3 Credits

Calculus in Polar Coordinates. Techniques of Integration. Indeterminate Forms. Improper Integrals. Sequences, infinite series and power series. Approximations. Introduction to ordinary differential equations. Prerequisite(s): One of SC/MATH 1000 3.00, SC/MATH 1013 3.00, SC/MATH 1300 3.00, or SC/MATH 1513 6.00; for non-science students only, six credits from SC/MATH 1530 3.00 and SC/MATH 1540 3.00, SC/MATH 1550 6.00, AP/ECON 1530 3.00 and AP/ECON 1540 3.00. Course credit exclusions: SC/MATH 1010 3.00, SC/MATH 1310 3.00, SC/MATH 1505 6.00, GL/MATH/MODR 1940 3.00. Prior to Fall 2009: Prerequisite(s): One of AS/SC/MATH 1000 3.00, AS/SC/MATH 1013 3.00, AK/AS/SC/MATH 1300 3.00, or AS/SC/MATH 1513 6.00; for non-science students only, six credits from AS/MATH 1530 3.00 and AS/MATH 1540 3.00, AK/AS/MATH 1550 6.00, AS/ECON 1530 3.00 and AS/ECON 1540 3.00. Course credit exclusions: AS/SC/MATH 1010 3.00, AK/AS/SC/MATH 1310 3.00, AS/SC/MATH 1505 6.00, GL/MATH/MODR 1940 3.00.
PHYS 1801, 3 Credits

A survey of physics in which fundamental concepts in electricity, magnetism and optics are emphasized through engineering applications. This is a calculus-based course intended primarily for engineering students. It includes tutorial and laboratory components. Three lecture hours per week. Two laboratory hours per week (for a total of 9 sessions). One tutorial hour per week. One term. Three credits. Prerequisites: SC/PHYS 1800 3.00. Course Credit Exclusions: SC/PHYS 1010 6.00, SC/PHYS 1410 6.00, SC/PHYS 1420 6.00
ENG 1102, 4 Credits

This course will cover engineering design methodology; features and elements of good design with environment and human interface considerations; aesthetics in design and idea communication using graphics and technical drawings. Lectures: 4 hours per week for 12 weeks. Tutorials: 1 hour per week for 12 weeks Pre-req.: LE ENG 1101 4.0.

Second Year


EECS 2021, 4 Credits

Introduction to computer organization and instruction set architecture, covering assembly language, machine language and encoding, addressing modes, single/multicycle datapaths (including functional units and controls), pipelining, memory segments and memory hierarchy. Prerequisites: cumulative GPA of 4.50 or better over all major EECS courses (without second digit “5”); LE/EECS 1021 3.00 or LE/EECS 1022 3.00 or LE/EECS 1720 3.00 or LE/EECS 1030 3.00. Previously offered as: LE/CSE 2021 4.00, SC/CSE 2021 4.00.
EECS 2032, 4 Credits

This course introduces students to embedded systems. The students will learn basic features of embedded system architecture, as well as how to design, implement, and test programs for embedded systems. Topics include microcontrollers architectures, peripherals and communication protocols, interfacing, program development, and testing. Prerequisites: General Prerequisite: Cumulative GPA of 4.50 or better over all major EECS courses (without second digit “5”), LE/EECS 1021 3.00 , or LE/EECS 1022 3.00, and LE/EECS 2021 4.00. Course Credit Exclusion LE/EECS 2031 3.00, LE/EECS 3215 4.00, LE/CSE 3215 4.00. Co-requisites: LE/EECS 2030 3.00.
EECS 2200 , 3 Credits

This course covers the basic principles of linear circuits. Kirchhoff’s laws, circuit equations, RL, RC, and RLC circuits, three-phase circuits, power analysis and power factor, and magnetically coupled circuits. Prerequisites: cumulative GPA of 4.50 or better over all major EECS courses (without second digit””5″), SC/PHYS 1010 6.00 or SC/PHYS 1801 3.00. Course credit exclusions: SC/PHYS 3050 3.00.
EECS 2210, 3 Credits

This course covers the basic material required in the design of both analog and digital electronic circuits. Diodes, transistors (both BJT and FET), amplifiers, rectifiers. Prerequisites: Cumulative GPA of 4.50 or better over all major EECS courses (without second digit “5”), LE/ENG 2200 3.00. Course credit exclusion: SC/PHYS 3150 3.00.
EECS 3451, 4 Credits

An introduction to the mathematical background in signals and systems; signal and image processing: sampling, discrete Fourier transform, filtering; linear system theory; Kalman filtering; feedback. Prerequisites: cumulative GPA of 4.50 or better over all major EECS courses (without second digit “5”); LE/EECS 2021 4.00, SC/MATH 1310 3.00. Course credit exclusions: SC/MATH 4130B 3.00, SC/PHYS 4060 3.00. Previously offered as: LE/CSE 3451 4.00. PRIOR TO FALL 2014: course credit exclusions: SC/MATH 4830 3.00. PRIOR TO SUMMER 2013: course credit exclusions: SC/CSE 3451 4.00, SC/EATS 4020 3.00.


ENG 2001, 3 Credits

Introduction to management, economics and safety as they relate to engineering projects, including the following. Project management: work breakdown structures, Gantt charts, logic diagrams and change management. Engineering economics: time value of money, comparison methods, rates of return. Workplace safety. Group design projects. Weekly tutorial. Prerequisites: LE/ENG 1101 4.00 or LE/ENG 1000 6.0.
ENG 2003, 3 Credits

Students learn to effectively employ communication strategies essential to a successful engineering career, including the social, rhetorical, ethical, and practical aspects of professional communications. The focus is on building individuals’ confidence and judgment through communications assignments based on case studies. Two lecture hours per week. Two laboratory hours per week. Prerequisites: LE/ENG 1101 4.0.
MATH 2015, 3 Credits

Topics covered include partial derivatives; grad, div, curl and Laplacian operators; line and surface integrals; theorems of Gauss and Stokes; double and triple integrals in various coordinate systems; extrema and Taylor series for multivariate functions. Prerequisite: One of SC/MATH 1010 3.00, SC/MATH 1014 3.00, SC/MATH 1310 3.00; or SC/MATH 1505 6.00 plus permission of the course coordinator. Course credit exclusions: SC/MATH 2010 3.00, SC/MATH 2310 3.00, GL/MATH 2670 3.00, GL/MODR 2670 3.00, GL/MATH 3200 3.00.
MATH 2930, 3 Credits

This is an applied probability and statistics course for engineering students. The aim is to provide an application-oriented introduction to probability and statistics. The examples will be from a wide selection of engineering disciplines. The probability component is about 30% of the lectures. About 40% of the time, the lectures and tutorials focus on solving practical statistical problems that emerge from engineering problems. Prerequisites: SC/MATH 1014 3.00 or equivalent; SC/MATH 1025 3.00 or equivalent; LE/EECS 1011 3.00 or equivalent. Course credit exclusions: SC/MATH 1131 3.00; SC/MATH 2560 3.00; SC/MATH 2570 3.00; SC/MATH 2565 3.00.
PHYS 2020, 3 Credits

The elements of electric and magnetic fields are developed together with DC and AC circuit theory. Prerequisites: SC/PHYS 1010 6.00, or SC/PHYS 1800 3.00 and SC/PHYS 1801 3.00, or SC/ISCI 1310 6.00, or a minimum grade of C in SC/PHYS 1410 6.00 or SC/PHYS 1420 6.00. Corequisite: SC/MATH 2015 3.00.
PHYS 2211, 1 Credit

An introductory laboratory course for second-year students. The course consists of 10 experiments covering basic concepts of electromagnetism. Normally three laboratory hours per week. One term. One credit. Prerequisite: SC/PHYS 1010 6.00, or SC/PHYS 1800 3.00 and SC/PHYS 1801 3.00, or SC/ISCI 1310 6.0 or a minimum grade of C in SC/PHYS 1410 6.00 or SC/PHYS 1420 6.00. Corequisite(s): SC/PHYS 2020 3.00. Course credit exclusion: SC/PHYS 2213 3.00

At least 3 additional credits from

SC/BIOL 1000 3.00, SC/BIOL 1001 3.00, SC/CHEM 1001 3.00, SC/CHEM
2011 3.00, LE/ESSE 1011 3.00, LE/ESSE 1012 3.00, SC/PHYS 1070 3.00
[alternatively SC/PHYS 1470 3.00], SC/PHYS 2010 3.00, SC/PHYS 2040
3.00, SC/PHYS 2060 3.00, HH/IHST 1001 3.00, HH/IHST 1002 3.00

Third Year


EECS 3201, 4 Credits

Theory, analysis, and design of logic circuits used in digital systems. Students will be introduced to the design of switching circuits to implement logic gates, digital number representation and arithmetic circuits. They will learn how to use logic gates to construct combinational and sequential logic circuits and functional blocks. The course and the laboratory introduce the students to hardware description language and modern cad tools. Prerequisites: Cumulative GPA of 4.50 or better over all major EECS courses.(without second digit of ‘5 ) LE/EECS 1021 3.00 or LE/EECS 1022 3.00; SC/PHYS 1012 or SC/PHYS 1412 or SC/PHYS 1422 or SC/PHYS 1801 3.0 or SC/PHYS 1010
EECS 3604 4.00, 4 Credits

Provides the student with an introduction to partial differential equations and the mathematics of wave propagation. Specific applications to electromagnetic waves are discussed. Guided waves, transmission lines, and antennas are also introduced. Prerequisites: cumulative GPA of 4.50 or better over all major EECS courses (without second digit “5”); SC/MATH 1014 3.00 or SC/MATH 1025 3.00 or SC/PHYS 2020 3.00.
EECS 3622 4.00, 4 Credits

The course discusses the basic modeling and analysis techniques in electrical energy systems including generation, transmission, and distribution systems. It covers the power system fundamentals consisting of 3-phase systems, complex and phasor quantities, single line diagrams and Per Unit system of calculations. Concept of complex power and active and reactive power are covered and reactive power compensation is also described. Functional descriptions and modeling of generators, transformers, transmission lines, motors and other loads are discussed. Various types of renewable energy systems are also introduced and basic functionality of the critical components of these systems are discussed. Prerequisites: Cumulative GPA of 4.50 or better over all major EECS courses (without second digit “5”); LE/EECS 2200 3.00. Course Credit Exclusion LE/EECS 4622 4.00


ENG 3000, 3 Credits

An introduction to the legal and ethical frameworks of the engineering profession, preparing students for the Professional Practice Examination required for certification as a professional engineer. Also covered are associated professional issues such as entrepreneurship, intellectual property and patents. Prerequisites: LE/ENG 2001 3.00. Course credit exclusions: LE/EECS 3000 3.00
ENG 4550, 3 Credits

This course provides an introduction to classical control theory. From a base of dynamic system modeling the course will develop methods for modifying system behaviour through feedback so as to produce desired performance and meet specifications in spite of disturbances and modeling errors. Students are expected to be versed in Linear Algebra, Ordinary Differential Equations, and Complex Variables. Signals and Systems would also be a definite asset. Prerequisites: SC/MATH 2015 3.00.

Fourth Year

ENG 4000, 6 Credits

The project will include significant elements of design and implementation. The format is intended to resemble engineering projects in practice, including specifications, background research, innovative solutions, analysis, testing and communication. 2 terms. Prerequisite(s): 21 3000-level science or engineering credits in the Engineering Program, exclusive of LE/ENG 3000 3.00. Prerequisite or corequisite: LE/ENG 3000 3.00. Course credit exclusions: CIVL4000 , ESSE4000.

At least 37 additional credits of Electrical Engineering technical electives from the following two lists (normally to be taken in 3rd and 4th year):

a) i. At least 22 credits from a list of EE major courses, ii. including a
minimum of 8.0 credits from:

3603 4.00, 3611 4.00, 3641 4.00
List A: LE/EECS 3216 3.00, LE/EECS 3610 4.00, LE/EECS 3611 4.00,
LE/EECS 3612 4.00, LE/EECS 4214 4.00, LE/EECS 4610 4.00, LE/EECS
4611 4.00, LE/EECS 4612 4.00, LE/EECS 4613 4.00, LE/EECS 4614 4.00,
LE/EECS 4621 4.00, LE/EECS 4623 4.00, LE/EECS 4640 3.00, LE/EECS
4642 4.00, LE/EECS 4643 4.00

b) Additional 15 credits from List A or B
List B: LE/EECS 3213 3.00, LE/EECS 3214 3.00, LE/EECS 3221 3.00,
LE/EECS 4201 3.00, LE/EECS 4210 3.00, LE/EECS 4215 3.00, LE/EECS
4221 3.00, LE/EECS 4352 3.00, LE/EECS 4403 3.00, LE/EECS 4404 3.00,
LE/EECS 4413 3.00, LE/EECS 4421 3.00, LE/EECS 4422 3.00, LE/EECS
4452 3.00, LE/EECS 4471 3.00, LE/ENG 4650 3.00