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In some cases, you may find courses which have more than one catalogue number assigned to a single meet (a single lecture, tutorial, lab etc.). Multiple catalogue numbers indicate that the course is cross-listed. For more information about the cross-listing, please see the course description in the Courses Web site.

FacDeptTermCourse IDLOITypeMeetCat.No.DayTimeDurationRoomInstructorsNotes/Additional Fees
LEEECSSUNet-centric Introduction to Computing
 1012  3.00 A ENLECT 01  T18:00120LAS CAndriy Pavlovych  
 LAB  01 Q93P02 R18:00180WSC 106  
 LAB  02 Q93P03 R18:00180WSC 108  
 LAB  03 Q93P04 R14:30180WSC 106  
 LAB  04 Q93P05 R14:30180WSC 108  
 LAB  05 Q93P06 W14:30180WSC 106 (Backup) 
LEEECSS2Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science
 1019  3.00 M ENLECT 01 K92M01 (SC MATH)
M95C01 (LE EECS)  
M18:00180CLH DW18:00180CLH DNursel Ruzgar  
 1019  3.00 N ENLECT 01 E39V01 (SC MATH)
G42Y01 (LE EECS)  
M18:00180ACW 206W18:00180ACW 206 
LEEECSSUObject Oriented Programming from Sensors to Actuators
 1021  3.00 E ENLECT 01  M18:00120LSB 103Reza Mani Expanded Course Description

 LAB  01 H28N02 W18:00180WSC 106  
 LAB  02 H28N03 W18:00180WSC 108  
LEEECSSUProgramming for Mobile Computing
 1022  3.00 A ENLECT 01  R16:30120LAS CYves Lesperance  
 LAB  01 R22H02 T18:00180WSC 106  
 LAB  02 R22H03 T18:00180WSC 108  
 LAB  03 R22H04 T14:30180WSC 106  
 LAB  04 R22H05 T14:30180WSC 108  
 LAB  05 R22H06 W14:30180WSC 108 (Backup) 
LEEECSSUComputer Use: Fundamentals
 1520  3.00 A ENLECT 01 E45R01 M13:0090CLH GR13:0090CLH GNader El-Taweel  
LEEECSSUIntroduction to the Theory of Computation
 2001  3.00 E ENLECT 01  T16:0090CB 121R16:0090CB 121Alireza Mahmoodi $5.00 – Course Materials 
 TUTR 01 E42N02 F16:0090CB 121  
LEEECSSUFundamentals of Data Structures
 2011  3.00 E ENLECT 01 U89V01 T17:3090CB 121R17:3090LAS BSlawomir Kmiec $5.00 – Course Materials 
LEEECSSUComputer Organization
 2021  4.00 E ENLECT 01  M13:0090CB 121W13:0090CB 121Kamen Kanev  
 LAB  01 Z36H02 W15:00180LAS 1006  
 LAB  02 Z36H03 R13:00180LAS 1006  
LEEECSSUAdvanced Object Oriented Programming
 2030  3.00 A ENLECT 01  T17:3090LAS BR17:3090CB 121Abdullah Sawas $5.00 – Course Materials 
 LAB  01 A46H02 T19:0090LAS 1006  
 LAB  02 A46H03 R19:0090LAS 1006  
LEEECSSUSoftware Tools
 2031  3.00 A ENLECT 01  M18:00120CB 121Hui Wang $5.00 – Course Materials 
 LAB  01 K98X02 M15:00120LAS 1006  
 LAB  02 K98X03 W18:00120LAS 1006  
LEEECSSUDesign and Analysis of Algorithms
 3101  3.00 E ENLECT 01  M19:0090LSB 105W19:0090LSB 105Alireza Mahmoodi  
 TUTR 01 H83Q02 W20:3090LSB 105  
LEEECSSUOperating System Fundamentals
 3221  3.00 E ENLECT 01 B30C01 T17:3090LSB 103R17:3090LSB 105Minas E Spetsakis $5.00 – Course Materials 
LEEECSD2User Interfaces
 3461  3.00 M ENLECT 01 E16C01  0:000   International summer school in Greece:
LEEECSSUUser Interfaces
 3461  3.00 A ENLECT 01 U63K01 R19:00180LSB 105Andriy Pavlovych  
LEEECSSUComputer Science Internship Work Term
 3900  0.00 A ENPRAC 01 Z10T01  0:000   $475.00 – Course Materials 
LEEECSSUComputer Security Internship Work Term
 3980  0.00 A ENPRAC 01 H57F01  0:000   $475.00 – Course Materials 
LEEECSSUDirected Studies
 4070  3.00 A ENISTY 01 A75W01  0:000  Eric Ruppert  
LEEECSSUComputer Science Project
 4080  3.00 A ENISTY 01 U34S01  0:000  Eric Ruppert $5.00 – Course Materials 
LEEECSSUIntroduction to Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition
 4404  3.00 A ENLECT 01 U92C01 M16:3090VH 3006W16:3090VH 3006Ruth Urner  
LEEECSS3Computer Vision
 4422  3.00 A ENLECT 01 G35K01   0   International summer school:
LEEECSSUComputer Security Project
 4480  3.00 A ENISTY 01 N81E01  0:000  Eric Ruppert $5.00 – Course Materials