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Maximum number of EECS courses during Summer

The EECS Department offers a limited number of courses in the summer term; students should not expect to be able to take a full load of courses during the summer.

Due to high demand, and in order to ensure that more students have an opportunity to enroll in courses during the summer, Departmental policy specifies that, before the term begins, all students (including engineering students) are limited to enrolling in two EECS courses in the summer term.

On May 11th, you may request one extra course via the EECS UG Office queue on QLess.

Students who are currently enrolled in more than two EECS courses will soon be alerted and subsequently de-enrolled from courses of our choosing to bring their summer enrollments into compliance. We suggest, if you are enrolled in more than two summer EECS courses right now that you drop the excess course(s) immediately.

Students already enrolled in three courses who wish to graduate in October 2023 — which means you will complete all degree requirements during the Summer term — who require three EECS courses in Summer are invited to contact us now via email.

Students with an OCGPA of 7.0 or higher may request a third EECS course on May 11th at the same time as other students.

Enrollment changes frozen on May 1 for most EECS courses

Self-service enrollment and changes in REM to labs/tutorials in EECS courses with prerequisites will be locked on April 30 at 11:59pm so the Department can effectively check prerequisites. If you want to make an enrollment change after this time, you must contact the Department via the EECS UG Office queue on QLess.

The following courses have no enforced prerequisites, so enrollment will remain open until May 21 (or until the course becomes full): EECS 1012, 1015, 1019, and 1028.

Graduating students waitlist process

The Department will not run a general waitlist this summer since most courses currently have remaining spaces.

We will run a waitlist exclusively for students planning to graduate at the end of the Summer term (in the October 2023 convocation ceremony) who have been unable to enroll into an EECS course required to graduate. This graduating students waitlist is available here now. Entries must be submitted by May 1st at 11:59pm. Results of the graduating students waitlist will be ready by May 5th.

First come, first served enrollment via QLess

Since there is no general waitlist, starting May 1, when self-service enrollment in REM is frozen, qualified students should contact the Department via QLess to enroll in these courses: 1021, 1022, MATH1090, 2001, 2011, 2021, 2030, 2031, 2200, and 3201.

Starting May 8, we will begin giving enrollment access to qualified students for these courses: 3101, 3214, 3221, 3311, 3421, 3461, 4101, 4313, 4412, and 4413A.

QLess hours and contacting the Department

The EECS UG Office QLess Queue will be open from 10am – 4pm each day for the first three weeks of May. The Department will be offering both remote and in-person service via QLess. In-person and remote service will receive the same priority so you can contact us however is most convenient for you.

Accelerated offering of EECS 4413 (Section M)

The Department will be piloting an accelerated offering of EECS 4413 over a three-week period in July. Lectures will occur in the mornings, and labs in the afternoons, for a total of four hours of class each day.

If you are interested in enrolling into this offering of EECS 4413, contact the EECS UG Office, either by QLess or email.

Unfortunately, Software Engineering students are not eligible to enroll in this section since this section is not taught by a P. Eng instructor.