Become a Research Assistant
If you are an ambitious, curious, energetic and self-starting undergraduate student, that’s exactly what our Department are looking for in our summer research assistants. We encourage our undergraduate students to contact professors in our Department to explore summer research opportunities in areas including, but not limited to, additive manufacturing, biomedical devices, drop-surface interaction, energy harvesting and storage, medical imaging, mechanics of materials, smart and multifunctional materials, surface engineering, …etc. These opportunities provide exposure to research experience as well as a route to learn more about potential graduate studies or careers in research.
Potential financial supports for these summer research opportunities include NSERC Undergraduate Summer Research Award (USRA), Lassonde Undergraduate Research Award (LURA), and Research at York (RAY) programs. Voluntary summer research positions may also be available in research laboratories run by our faculty members. Please do not hesitate to contact our faculty members to find out more.
Please contact individual professors for more information about research opportunities.