About WiCSE
Our mission at WiCSE revolves around the growth and empowerment of women and gender inclusivity in Computer Science & Engineering. Through a spectrum of initiatives, including professional development workshops, social gatherings, and outreach events, we are committed to nurturing our members’ talents, and helping them to discover their passions, and empowering them to succeed in their professional journeys.
WiCSE at LE/EECS in 2023-2024 is composed of faculty members, and 27 UG/Grad student volunteers at EECS.

Our Team
Faculty Members@WiCSE

Elisabet Burjons
email: burjons@yorku.ca

Pooja Vashisth, Chair
email: vashistp@yorku.ca

Razieh Salahandish
email: raziehs@yorku.ca

Sonya Allin
email: sallin@yorku.ca
Student Representatives@WiCSE
This is a group of student volunteers actively representing various roles at WiCSE. Representatives are responsible to assist the faculty members in the committee and coordinate with other volunteers in order to organize various events, workshops, and gatherings at WiCSE@LE/EECS
Roles | Representative(s) |
Advertising events on social media | Syeda Chowdhury |
Community engagement | Bohina Manochehrzadeh |
Coordinate catering | Bohina Manochehrzadeh |
Creating forms | Sanjida Afreen |
Event planning and coordination | Angelene Francisco, Nidhi Modi |
Collating information for website maintenance | Alice Luong, Luana Ribeiro Madeira |
Presenters and mentors | Sanjida Afreen |
Professional photography | Hajer Al Obeidli |
Rising stars at EECS

Maryam Keyvanara

Dr. Mercedes Tharam Richards
(Photo credit: Wendy Estep and Sara Brennen)
PhD candidate M. Keyvanara wins Mercedes T. Richards & Jane St. Amour Award in Engineering
Congratulations to Maryam Keyvanara on receiving the Mercedes T. Richards & Jane St. Amour Award in Engineering!

PhD student in the Vision, Graphics and Robotics (VGR) Laboratory at Lassonde school of engineering
Recipient of NSERC Postgraduate Doctoral Scholarships PGSD
Congratulations to Enas Tarawneh !!!!
Her research involves mining emotional patterns in conversations and the development and evaluation of emotion-aware, cloud-based animated AI agents for human-robot interaction. She has received a Master’s and two doctoral OGS scholarships. She currently holds a VISTA and PGSD doctoral scholarship. Prior to this Enas worked as an academic Lead, IT support manager and e-learning coordinator in the Institute of Applied Technology in UAE in which she received an award for “Distinguished Curriculum Support” and another for “Excellence in E-learning coordination”. Most importantly Enas, is a wife and mother of three , that believes that open-mindedness and positivism is the best accomplishment and the source of true happiness.
IEEE WIE International Leadership Conference (Apr 2021)
Grad Cohort workshop (Apr. 2021)
Women in Machine Learning workshop (July 2021)
Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing (Sep 2021)
Rising stars workshop (Oct 2021)
ACM Celebration of Women in Computing
Grad Cohort workshop (Apr. 2021)
Women in Machine Learning workshop (July 2021)
Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing (Sep 2021)
Rising stars workshop (Oct 2021)
ACM Celebration of Women in Computing
Ecole Polytechnique Montreal Women’s Memorial Scholarship (March 2021)
RBC Canadian Women Entrepreneur Awards (RBC/Women of Influence) – (Apr 2021)
Women in Engineering Awards (IEEE Women in Engineering) – (May 2021)
WCT Leadership Recognition Awards (WCT) – (Spring 2021)
Hydro One Women in Engineering Award – (Oct. 2021)
Award for the Support of Women in the Engineering Profession – (Fall 2021)
CEMF Awards for Women in Engineering (CEMF) – (Jan 2022)
Senior Women Academic Administrators of Canada (SWAAC) Awards -Graduate Students– (Jan 2022)
Grace Hopper Celebration ABIE Awards (Anita Borg Institute) – Closed
RBC Canadian Women Entrepreneur Awards (RBC/Women of Influence) – (Apr 2021)
Women in Engineering Awards (IEEE Women in Engineering) – (May 2021)
WCT Leadership Recognition Awards (WCT) – (Spring 2021)
Hydro One Women in Engineering Award – (Oct. 2021)
Award for the Support of Women in the Engineering Profession – (Fall 2021)
CEMF Awards for Women in Engineering (CEMF) – (Jan 2022)
Senior Women Academic Administrators of Canada (SWAAC) Awards -Graduate Students– (Jan 2022)
Grace Hopper Celebration ABIE Awards (Anita Borg Institute) – Closed
Women Techmakers Scholars Program
Women Techmakers Udacity Scholarship
Amelia Earhart Fellowship (Zonta International) – International (July 2021)
David Suzuki Fellowships (David Suzuki Foundation)
Order of the White Rose (Polytechnique Montréal) (Sept 2021)
Women in Computing Scholarship (Apr 2022)
Women Techmakers Scholars Program (Google)
Women Techmakers Udacity Scholarship
Amelia Earhart Fellowship (Zonta International) – International (July 2021)
David Suzuki Fellowships (David Suzuki Foundation)
Order of the White Rose (Polytechnique Montréal) (Sept 2021)
Women in Computing Scholarship (Apr 2022)
Women Techmakers Scholars Program (Google)