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Research at EECS

Excellence in research is central to Lassonde’s mission and is fundamental to the university’s ability to contribute to the economic, scientific, cultural and social health of our society. Research at York University takes place in every discipline and spans the full spectrum of programs from the pure and applied sciences through business, law and the humanities and social sciences. 

Additionally, the University has renowned research strength in areas such as space science, vision science, aboriginal and indigenous studies, history and psychology. Our commitment to taking focused risks and our passion for innovation stakes a claim to a future that touches almost every facet of the complex issues facing society.

The electrical engineering and computer science department is home to 12 unique research groups, exploring a wide spectrum of topics in electrical engineering and computer science. Check out some of the research being done at EECS.

computers and robotics in research lab

Research Areas

Below you will find our faculty categorized by research area. You can also visit our faculty page for a full list of profiles.