Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

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Our Graduate Faculty Members

Adjunct faculty members are included; they may act as members of supervisory committees and co-supervisors of graduate students but normally do not act as primary supervisors.

To find out more information about our faculty members, please click on their profile links.

software engineers

EECS/Digital Media Faculty

Associate Professor

Email: mb@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Human-Computer Interaction.

Computational Linguistics and Human-Computer Interaction, specifically: computational models of human-human multimodal communicative processes; computer–mediated human–human communication; augmentative and alternative communication (AAC); computational devices for individuals with communication disorders.

Email: jenkin@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas

Mobile robotics. Computer vision. Virtual Reality.
Associate Professor

Email: mkyan@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Big Data, Biomedical Engineering, Computer Vision, Data Science, Information Systems

Biologically inspired models for learning & pattern recognition; Multimedia signal processing; Rich-media search, summarization & retrieval; Knowledge-assisted visualization;
Immersive environments and mixed reality;
Email: jelder@yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Computer Vision.

Computer vision, biological vision.
Associate Professor

Email: pfal@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Digital Media, Computer Graphics, Computer Animation.

Virtual Humans, Crowd Simulation, Game Technologies, Serious Games, Interactive Medical Applications and Rehabilitation.

EECS Faculty

Associate Professor

Email: aboelaze@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Computer Networks, Computer Architecture.

Computer Networks, Mobile Networks, Performance of ATM networks, Computer Architecture and Special Purpose Architecture for Image Processing.
Assistant Professor

Email: amirsol@yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Computing Hardware Design, Bio-inspired Computing, In-memory Computing by Emerging Technologies

Integrated Circuits for AI Hardware Accelerator Design, Neuromorphic Hardware & Architecture, Security Hardware, Non-volatile Memory Technology Circuits using  RRAM, Memristors, 3D Xpoint, STT-MRAM, PCM, CBRAM, etc.
Associate Professor

Email: allison@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Computer Vision.

Machine vision, Measurement & Analysis of Eye Movements and Measurement and Perception of Human Motion

Email: aan@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Data Mining, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing.

Pattern mining, data stream mining, parallel and distributed deep learning, affect detection from text, text classification and regression, text generation, data-driven recommendation, graph analytics.
Associate Professor

Email: mb@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Human-Computer Interaction.

Computational Linguistics and Human-Computer Interaction, specifically: computational models of human-human multimodal communicative processes; computer–mediated human–human communication; augmentative and alternative communication (AAC); computational devices for individuals with communication disorders.
Assistant Professor

Email: alvine.belle@lassonde.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Software engineering, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence

System assurance, assessment of confidence in assurance arguments, assessment of uncertainty in assurance arguments, knowledge representation, cultural awareness in information systems, requirement debt, architectural technical debt (ATD), artificial intelligence, machine learning.

Email: franck@yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Concurrency and Verification

Model checking techniques and tools for software systems with randomization; Model checking of Java code; Developing benchmarks for probabilistic model checkers.

Email: mbrown@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Computer Vision, Image Processing, Computer Graphics

Computer Vision, Image Processing, Computer Graphics
Assistant Professor

Email: burjons@yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Kernelization and parameterized complexity, algorithms for computational geometry
online, algorithms and applications
Assistant Professor

Email: mab@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Bayesian Statistics, Computational Biology

Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Bayesian Statistics, Computational Biology
Associate Professor

Email: genec@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Computer Vision, Signal Processing

Graph Signal Processing, 3D Imaging.
Assistant Professor

Email: datta@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Bioinformatics, Computer Networks.

Parallel and distributed computation, performance evaluation, network modeling, and simulation, bioinformatics.
Associate Professor

Email: kosta@yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Computer Vision

Computer vision (both high- and low-level tasks) and its intersection with machine learning and image/video processing
Professor (Retired)

Email: dymond@cse.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas

Complexity theory, parallel algorithms and architectures.
Associate Professor

Email: aeckford@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Communications networks, Information Theory.

Communications networks, sensor networks, error–control coding for wireless and other difficult channels, analysis of iterative decoding algorithms.

Email: jeff@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas

Complexity, lower bounds, algorithms, combinatorics, probability theory, scheduling.

Email: jelder@yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Computer Vision.

Computer vision, biological vision.
Associate Professor

Email: pfal@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Digital Media, Computer Graphics, Computer Animation.

Virtual Humans, Crowd Simulation, Game Technologies, Serious Games, Interactive Medical Applications and Rehabilitation.
Associate Professor

Email: hefarag@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Power Distribution Systems.

Plug-in electric vehicles, smart grid technologies, distributed and renewable power generation in distribution systems.
Assistant Professor

Email: ifruend@yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Computational Neuroscience, Computer Vision

Computational Neuroscience, Computer Vision
Assistant Professor

Email: egz@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Biologically Inspired Sensor and Actuator (BioSA) technologies.

Biologically Inspired Sensor and Actuator (BioSA) technologies.  In this direction, we examine novel BioSA methods by mimicking the biological micro–environments using Integrated Microelectronic Circuit, Micro–electromechanical System and Microfluidic techniques.
Associate Professor

Email: godfrey@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Database systems.

Database systems.
Assistant Professor

Email: grau@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Microfabrication, Semiconductor devices, Printed electronics, Additive manufacturing

Microfabrication, Semiconductor devices, Printed electronics, Additive manufacturing

Email: jarek@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Database systems.

Database systems.

Email: richard.hornsey@lassonde.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Electronic Sensors.

Integrated electronic sensors, biologically inspired image sensors, low vision enhancement systems, sensors for space applications.

Email: jhuang@yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Information retrieval.

Information retrieval, web/text mining, health and medical informatics, natural language processing, bioinformatics, computational linguistics and digital library.
Assistant Professor

Email: mjammal@yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Cloud computing, Networking, and Machine Learning

Machine learning modeling and optimization; cloud management; self-organizing networks; network automation; network function virtualization and software-defined network orchestration; performance-aware modeling for cloud, networking, ORAN, and IoT systems.

Email: jenkin@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas

Mobile robotics. Computer vision. Virtual Reality.

Email: hj@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Speech recognition, language processing, bioinformatics.

Speech recognition; language processing; multimedia communications; bioinformatics.
Associate Professor

Email: zmjiang@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Software Engineering, Computer Systems.

Software performance engineering, mining software repositories, debugging and monitoring of distributed systems, source code analysis, software architectural recovery and software visualizations.
Assistant Professor

Email: kamalis@yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Algorithms’ design, analysis, and limitations.

Shahin is interested in algorithms’ design, analysis, and limitations. He is particularly interested in online problems such as bin packing, paging, list update, and k-Server.
Associate Professor

Email: hossein@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Micro/Nanoelectronics, Medical Devices.

Analog and Mixed Signal Integrated Circuit (IC) Design, Low Power Implantable/Wearable Systems-on-Chip (SoC), VLSI Signal Processing, Wirelessly-Powered Medical Sensory Systems
Assistant Professor

Email: hkh@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Software Engineering

Cloud computing, performance modeling, big data management, and intelligent systems.
Associate Professor

Email: hkim@schulich.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Blockchain Research.

Blockchain Research.
Associate Professor

Email: mkyan@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Big Data, Biomedical Engineering, Computer Vision, Data Science, Information Systems

Biologically inspired models for learning & pattern recognition; Multimedia signal processing; Rich-media search, summarization & retrieval; Knowledge-assisted visualization;
Immersive environments and mixed reality;
Associate Professor

Email: johnlam@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Power Electronics and Energy Systems.

High frequency power conversion for sustainable energy systems, power converter topologies, control techniques for power converters.
Associate Professor

Email: ahabibil@yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas

Network Security, Internet Traffic Analysis, Malware Analysis, Threat Modeling and Detection, Risk Assessment, Risk Analysis, Risk Mitigation,  AI and ML for Cybersecurity, Pattern Recognition, User and Asset Profiling, Dataset Generation

Email: reginal@yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Nanosatellite Technologies.

Nanosatellite Technologies.
Associate Professor

Email: szlichta@yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Data Science, Machine Learning and Big Data

Big Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Responsible and Explainable Data Science / AI,  Data-Driven Systems, Stream Processing, Web Search, Graph Data, Knowledgebases and Data Quality 

Associate Professor

Email: koyibo@yorku.ca

Research Area

Associate Professor

Email: lesperan@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Artificial Intelligence.

Intelligence, knowledge representation and reasoning, intelligent agents.

Email: peterlian@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Biomedical sensors, Biomedical instruments and Biomedical circuits.

Zero-power wearable wireless biomedical sensors, miniaturized biomedical instrumentations, ultra low power biomedical circuits and systems, and signal processing.
Associate Professor

Email: liaskos@yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Software Engineering, Information Systems Engineering, Blockchain Networks.

Blockchain Network Modeling and Simulation; Applications of AI Automated Reasoning to Software Engineering; Conceptual Modeling; Requirements Engineering; Empirical Methods.

Email: mlitoiu@yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Software Engineering.

Performance modeling and evaluation, capacity planning, software engineering, adaptive and autonomous systems, web services, Internet technologies.
Associate Professor

Email: burton@cse.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Medical Devices.

Computer-assisted surgery; image processing, image registration, visualization, surgical planning, error analysis, applications of computer assistance in orthopaedic surgery.
Associate Professor

Email: omermut@yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Biophotonics, Biomedical and biophysical optical engineering.

Applied photonic techniques for the study of age-related biosensory diseases, Photonic treatment and dosimetry of vision, neurological and aging disorders, Cancer biomarker diagnostics.
Associate Professor

Email: mack@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Human-Computer Interaction.

Input devices and interactive techniques for advanced and mobile computing; human performance measurement, prediction, and modeling.
Associate Professor

Email: magiero@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas

Semiconductor devices, integrated circuits, and VLSI for communications and embedded systems.
Associate Professor

Email: mnayebi@yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Software Engineering.

Empirical software engineering, release planning and engineering, platform mediated software engineering, open innovation, requirements engineering, machine learning, mobile app engineering, software in society.

Email: rfm@yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Visual Perception.

Visual Perception.
Associate Professor

Email: utn@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Computer Networks, Wireless Networking, Information Security.

Mobile ad-hoc networks and wireless mesh networks: routing, multirate-aware routing, multicasting, medium access control, quality of service support, video transmission, security, transport issues, applications.
Wireless sensor networks: routing, localization, medium access control, security, applications.
Network security: authentication, key management, online social networking.
Video and multimedia applications.

Email: jonathan@yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Software Engineering.

Design of real–time software for reactive systems such as safety critical medical systems, nuclear plants, communication systems and robots. The use of formal methods for modeling, specification and automated verification of complex systems. CASE tools for formal methods. Software engineering.
Associate Professor

Email: papaggel@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Big data, Data Sciences, Knowledge Representation

Graph & Information Network Mining; (Big) Data Mining & Analysis; Databases & Knowledge Discovery; Recommendation Algorithms, Trust & Personalization; City Science/ Urban Informatics
Associate Professor

Email: pisana@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Nanoelectronics, nanoscale materials, magnetic materials, heat transport.

Electron and heat transport in nanoscale materials and electronic devices.
Hard magnets for magnetic recording. Optical pump-probe techniques for
heat transport and materials characterization.
Assistant Professor

Email: apotu@yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Theoretical computer science

His main area of research is theoretical computer science, especially combinatorial problems that arise in the context of algorithms, coding theory, and the foundations of data science.
Assistant Professor

Email: enamulh@yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Information visualization, natural language processing, human-computer interaction.

Natural language interactions with visualizations, visual text analytics, question answering, summarization.
Associate Professor

Email: rezaei@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Power and Renewable Energy Systems.

Electromagnetic Transients in Power Systems and Equipment; Power System Resilience to Geomagnetic Disturbance (Solar Storm); Real-Time Power System Simulators Based on Wide-Area Monitoring; Power Quality and Harmonics; Microgrids and Renewable Energy Systems; Transportation Electrification
Associate Professor

Email: ruppert@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas

Design and analysis of algorithms and data structures for multi-process systems, in which processes communicate via shared memory, message passing or other means. Complexity lower bounds and impossibility results for such systems.
Associate Professor

Email: asn@yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Artificial Intelligence, Biomedical Engineering.

Quantitative Imaging and Biomarkers; AI and Machine Learning for Precision Medicine; Radiomics and Theranostics; Image-Guided Therapeutics; Computational Biomedical Modeling
Assistant Professor

Email: sariks@yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Process mining,
Data-driven Operations Management,
Business Process Management,
Causality in Processes,
Privacy preserving data publishing in scheduling.

Professor Senderovich is an Assistant Professor (tenure-track) at the School of Information Technologies (ITEC) at York University. He is also a Research Fellow at the TD-MDAL (Rotman School of Management) where he supervises student projects and organizes professional events. Prior to joining ITEC he held Assistant Professor positions at the Rotman School of Management and the iSchool (both at the University of Toronto). Arik is also the Scientific Advisor of mindzie, a process mining Startup, which has a vibrant R&D center in Toronto.
Arik has a PhD in Data Science (2017), an MSc in Statistics (2012) and a BSc in Industrial Engineering and Management (2006): all three degrees were obtained at the Technion. In 2017, he received the Lyon Sachs scholarship (awarded to one PhD grad per year) and worked as a postdoctoral fellow in the Toronto Intelligent Decision Engineering Laboratory (TIDEL) at the University of Toronto.
Associate Professor

Email: sodagar@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Biomedical Engineering, Micro/nanotechnology.

Implantable Microsystems; Biomedical Signals, Circuits, and Systems; Integrated Circuits (ICs).
Assistant Professor

Email: yansh@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Usable privacy; Sociotechnical systems; Information Technology Policy

Designing usable privacy methodologies and tool; Analysis of Sociotechnical systems and networks; Building privacy-preserving systems
Assistant Professor

Email: psrikan@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Power Systems Engineering.

Game theory, large-scale optimization and distributed control for enabling adaptive, sustainable and resilient power grid operations.
Associate Professor

Email: zbigniew@cse.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Computational logic and Knowledge Representation., History of Computing.

Computational logic and Knowledge Representation: methodology of automated reasoning and theorem proving systems, computer science and applied logics. Logic Programming.
Assistant Professor

Email: hina@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas

5G/B5G wireless communications; Massive MIMO; mm-wave, Visible light Communication, Free Space Optics; Stochastic geometry, Geometric Probability; Smart grid, Energy harvesting systems; Ultra-reliable, low latency communication.

Email: gt@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas

Logic (classical, calculational, modal), Computability theory (computation with partial function oracles, arithmetical forcing), Complexity theory.

Email: troje@yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Computer Vision.

Visual Perception, Biological Motion, Gait Analysis, People Perception, Sensory Neuroscience, Multi-Sensory Integration, Space Perception, Virtual Reality, Embodied Cognition.

Email: tsotsos@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Computer Vision.

Computational Vision with a current major focus being the modelling of visual attention.
Associate Professor

Email: bil@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Software Engineering.

Software engineering, in particular, software maintenance, reverse engineering and software clustering.
Assistant Professor

Email: ruth@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Machine Learning, Big Data.

Machine Learning, Big Data.
Associate Professor

Email: vlajic@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Information Security, Mobile/Wireless Communications

Mobile/Wireless Communications, Pattern Recognition, Optimization and Game Theory.
Associate Professor

Email: grrrwaaa@yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Interactive Information Visualization.

Interactive Information Visualization.
Associate Professor

Email: pingw@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas

Wireless communications and networking.
Assistant Professor

Email: wangsong@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Software Engineering, Machine Learning.

Machine learning in data process, knowledge representation, classification, NLP.
Associate Professor

Email: wildes@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Computer Vision.

Computational vision and allied areas of image processing, robotics and artificial intelligence.
Associate Professor

Email: jxu@eecs.yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Real-time systems

Real–time systems, including real–time operating systems, real–time database systems, real–time communication systems, real–time embedded systems.
Associate Professor

Email: xhyu@yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Database systems.

Database systems.
Assistant Professor

Email: joelzy@yorku.ca
Profile: website

Research Areas
Computational Neuroscience

Deep learning, Information theory.
Associate Professor

Email: guddin@yorku.ca

Research Area
