Richard Hornsey
University Professor, P.Eng
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
I have served as Associate Dean for Engineering in the Faculty of Science & Engineering, Vice Dean and Interim Dean in the Lassonde School of Engineering, Chair of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and the inaugural Associate Dean Academic and Students.
My MA, MSc and DPhil degrees are in Engineering Science from the University of Oxford and I am a licensed Professional Engineer in Ontario. Also, I am a Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada and an honorific University Professor at York.
Research Interests
My current research projects relate to the history of engineering and technical education.
Earlier research interests have included: liquid metal ion sources; quantum electronic devices; amorphous silicon devices and sensors; CMOS active pixel sensors and integrated cameras; biologically inspired image sensors; sensor networks and swarms.
Selected Publications
The Many-sidedness of George Minchin Minchin: educator, satirist, early pioneer of television. Springer, 286 pages, published October 2023.
Imperial Engineers: the Royal Indian Engineering College, Coopers Hill. University of Toronto Press, 432 pages, published April 2022.