Matthew J. Kyan
Associate Professor
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Email: mkyan@eecs.yorku.ca
Dr. Matthew Kyan received a B.Sc. in Computer Science, B.Eng. and PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Sydney, Australia.
Dr. Kyan’s research focuses on the challenges in the efficient organization, management and analysis of media-rich datasets, while developing more natural and intuitive modes for associated human-computer and computer-mediated interaction.
He won the Siemens National Prize for Innovation, Australia (’99) for his work with 3D confocal image analysis. He is a member of the IEEE Signal Processing (SPS), Computational Intelligence (CIS) and Engineering in Medicine and Biology Societies (EMBS) and currently serves as Treasurer for IEEE EMBS, Toronto Chapter.
Prior to Lassonde, he worked at Ryerson University where he was instrumental in establishing the Centre for Interactive Multimedia Information Mining (CIM2) in 2008.