Peter Lian
Professor, FCAE, FAES, FIEEE, P.Eng
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Phone Number: 416-736-2100 ext 44647
Email: peterlian@eecs.yorku.ca
Dr. Lian received the B.Sc degree from the College of Economics & Management of Shanghai JiaoTong University (SJTU) in 1984, and the Ph.D degree from the Electrical Engineering Department of National University of Singapore (NUS) in 1994. He spent 9 years in industry before joining NUS in 1996 where he was appointed as the first Provost's Chair Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and served as the Deputy Department Chair for Research, Area Director for IC and Embedded Systems of the department, member of University Tenure and Promotion Committee, and member of Senate Delegacy. Currently he is a Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
His research interests are in biomedical circuits and systems and energy efficient signal processing. His research has won many awards including 1996 IEEE Guillemin-Cauer Award for the Best Paper published in the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems and 2008 Multimedia Communications Best Paper Award from the IEEE Communications Society, the 2011 Institute of Engineers Singapore Prestigious Engineering Achievement Award, 2012 Faculty Research Award of NUS, CN Yang Award in Science and Technology for New Immigrant(Singapore 2014), Design Contest Award in ISLPED 2015, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society 2023 Mac Van Valkenburg Award for contributions and leadership in biomedical circuits and systems, 2023 IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems Best Paper Award. He is a Fellow of IEEE, the Canadian Academy of Engineering, and the Academy of Engineering Singapore.
Dr. Lian is an active volunteer to IEEE, and serves/served many leadership roles in IEEE including:
IEEE Boards/Committees:
• IEEE Division I Director-Elect, 2023
• IEEE Division I Director, 2024-2025
• IEEE Board of Director, 2024-2025
• Member-at-Large, IEEEE Publication Services and Production Board (PSPB), 2022-2024
• Member, IEEE Technical Activities Board (TAB), 2024-2025 and 2018-2019
• Member, IEEE PSPB Publishing Conduct Committee, 2022-2023
• Member, IEEE PSPB Strategic Planning Committee, 2024, 2022, and 2013-2015
• Member, IEEE MGA Strategic Planning Committee, 2023 - 2024
• Chair, IEEE TAB Periodicals Partnership Opportunities Committee, 2019-2024
• Member, PSPB Representative to IEEE TAB Products and Services Committee, 2021-2022
• Member, IEEE TAB Periodicals Committee, 2019-2024
• Member, IEEE TAB Periodicals Review Advisory Committee, 2019-2024
• Member, IEEE Biomedical Engineering Award Committee, 2018-2020
• Member, IEEE Medal for Innovations in Healthcare Technology Committee, 2009-2012
• Member, IEEE Fellow Strategic Planning Sub-committee, 2022
• Member, IEEE Fellow Committee, 2023-2024, 2020-2021 and 2016-2018
• Chair, IEEE TAB Ad Hoc Committee on Accelerating Partnerships with Chinese Publications, 2022 - 2024
• Member, IEEE Ad Hoc Committee on Guiding the IEEE Constitutional Amendment, 2022
• Member, IEEE Press Editorial Board, 2020-2022
IEEE Circuits and Systems Society:
• Past President, 2020-2021
• President, 2018-2019
• President-Elect, 2016-2017
• Vice President-Publications, 2013-2016
• Vice President-Region10, 2007-2008
• Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, 2010-2013
• Member, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems Steering Committee, 2007-present
• Member, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia Steering Committee, 2013-2015
• Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I/IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II/IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 2002-2019
• Chair, DSP Technical Committee, 2010-2012
• Chair, Biomedical Circuits and Systems Technical Committee, 2007-2009
• General Co-Chair of ISCAS2026, ISCAS2024, BioCAS2004/2009/2016/2023/2024, IFETC2022, ISICAS2020, ASP-DAC2014. ASICON2015/2017/2019
• Technical Program Co-Chair of AICAS2023, ISCAS2013/2018, BioCAS2006/2008, APCCAS2006/2014, DSP2015, ICSICT2018/2020/2022
Research Interests
- Wearable/implantable wireless biomedical sensors;
- Miniaturized biomedical instrumentations;
- Ultra low power biomedical circuits and systems;
- Event-driven circuits and systems for energy efficient sensors;
- Embedded AI for AIoT sensors;
- Signal processing.
Selected Publications
A full list of publications can be found at Google Scholar.
- IEEE Fellow (2009), for the contributions to the design of low-power high-performance digital filters
- Fellow of the Academy of Engineering Singapore (2012)
- Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering (2020)
- 2024 IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Meritorious Service Award
- 2023 IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Mac Van Valkenburg Award for contributions and leadership in biomedical circuits and systems.
- 2023 IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems Best Paper Award for the paper "A 13.34μW Event-Driven Patient-Specific ANN Cardiac Arrhythmia Classifier for Wearable ECG Sensors" IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, Volume 14, Issue 2, April 2020.
- Winner of the Design Contest Award in the 15th International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED2015) for the design “A 2.89μW Clockless Fully-Integrated Wireless ECG SoC for Wearable Sensors”, Rome, Italy, July 22-24, 2015.
- 2014 Chen-Ning Yang Award in Science and Technology for New Immigrant (Singapore)
- 2013 Outstanding Contribution Award by the Tan Kah Kee International Society and Hua Yuan Association (an organization for Chinese immigrants in Singapore).
- Best Design Award of Student Design Contest in 2013 IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference for the paper “An ECG-SoC with 535-nW/Channel Lossless Data Compression for Wearable Sensors” by Ph.D students, CJ Deepu, X Zhang, and WS Wong.
- 2012 Faculty Research Award, National University of Singapore.
- 2011 IES (Institution of Engineers Singapore) Prestigious Engineering Achievement Award in the recognition of the development of CardioLeaf ECG Plaster.
- 2008 Multimedia Communications Best Paper Award from the IEEE Communications Society for the paper "Joint source-channel-authentication resource allocation and unequal authenticity protection for multimedia over wireless networks" in the IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Vol.9, No.4, June 2007, pp.837-850, with Z Li, QB Sun and CW Chen. The award recognizes outstanding work in the field of Multimedia Communications. The best paper is selected from any publication in an IEEE Communications Society’s journal/magazine or in the proceedings of an IEEE Communications Society sponsored conference/workshop/symposium in the two years preceding the award.
- 1996 IEEE Circuits and Systems Society’s Guillemin-Cauer Award for the paper “Frequency-response masking approach for digital filter design: complexity reduction via masking filter factorization” in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part 2, Vol.41, No.8, pp.518-525, 1994, with Y.C. Lim. The Guillemin-Cauer Award is to recognize the best paper published in the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems during the two calendar years preceding the award.
- Winner of the 47th DAC/ISSCC Student Design Contest(2010) by Ph.D student, Liew Wen Sin, for the paper “A 0.8-V 32-fJ/Conversion-Step Dual-Capacitive-Array Successive Approximation Analog-to-Digital Converter”. The paper was presented in both IEEE Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) in Feb 2010 in San Francisco, USA and IEEE 47thDesign Automation Conference (DAC) in June 2010 in Anaheim, USA.
- Gold Leaf Award received by Ph.D student, Jinghua Zhang, at 2010 Asia Pacific Conference on Postgraduate Research in Microelectronics & Electronics (PrimeAsia 2010) for the paper “A 1-V 42.6µW 1.5-bit Continuous-Time Delta-Sigma Modulator for Audio Applications”. The Gold Leaf Award recognizes the top 10% papers presented in the conference.
- Silver Leaf Award received by Ph.D student, Lei Wang, at 2010 Asia Pacific Conference on Postgraduate Research in Microelectronics & Electronics (PrimeAsia 2010) for the paper “A 3-5 GHz All-Digital CMOS UWB Pulse Generator”. The Silver Leaf Award recognizes the top 20% papers presented in the conference.
- First Place Winner with $300 cash in 2009 IEEE Region 10 Undergraduate Student Paper Contest by Final Year Student, Ho Bing Kun, for the paper “Low Power Design of a 16-Band Non-Uniform Filter Bank for Hearing Aid Application”.
- Gold Leaf Award received by M.Eng student, Muhammad Cassim Mahmud Munshi, at 2009 Asia Pacific Conference on Postgraduate Research in Microelectronics & Electronics(PrimeAsia 2009) for the paper “An Efficient Threshold Setting Algorithm for Digital Ultra Wideband Communication Systems”.
- Gold Leaf Award received by Ph.D student, Jun Tan, at 2009 Asia Pacific Conference on Postgraduate Research in Microelectronics & Electronics(PrimeAsia 2009) for the paper “A 1-Volt, 2.5-mW, 2.4-GHz Frequency Synthesizer in 0.35µm CMOS Technology”.
- Best Student Paper Award Received by M.Eng student Zhi Li at 2007 International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (Beijing, China, 2-5 July 2007) for the paper “Constructing secure content-dependent watermarking scheme using homomorphic encryption,” with Z Li, XL Zhu, and QB Sun.
Other Awards by Students
- 2016 Ontario Trillium Scholarship by PhD student, Zhongxia Shang, Dept. of EECS, Lassonde School of Engineering, York University.
- Finalist for the Best Paper Award by PhD student, Jingna Mao, in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, May 22-25, 2016, Montreal, Canada.
- Winner of 2015 IEEE CAS Charles Desoer Life Science Systems Student Attendance Grant by PhD student, Jingna Mao. The award aims at recognizing early career accomplishments by graduate students in the field of biomedical circuits and systems and life science.
- Winner of 2014 IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Student Travel Grant Award by PhD student, Yongfu Li. The award aims at recognizing early career accomplishments by graduate students in the field of solid-state circuits.
- Winner of 2014 IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Student Travel Grant Award by PhD student, Zhe Zhang.
- Winner of 2013 IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Student Travel Grant Award by Ph.D Student, Xiaoyang Zhang.
- Winner of the Rohde & Schwarz 5th Engineering Case Study Competition (2012) with fully paid trip to Munich by Ph.D student, Lei Wang.
- Winner of Top 5 Teams Prize in 48Hacks National Hackathon 2011 with SGD6000 Cash and an AlphaPitch sponsorship in DemoAsia2012 by Research Engineer, David Wong.
- Winner of 2012 IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Student Travel Grant Award by Ph.D student, Lei Wang.
- Winner of the Rohde & Schwarz 3rd Engineering Case Study Competition (2010) with fully paid trip to Munich by Ph.D student, Chacko John Deepu.
- Winner of the Rohde & Schwarz 2nd Engineering Case Study Competition (2009) with fully paid trip to Munich by Ph.D student, Mahmood Khayatzadeh, M.Eng student Chang Xaifei, and final year student Li Yongfu.
- 2009 IEEE Circuits and Systems Singapore Chapter Graduate Student Award with a cash prize of S$200 received by Ph.D student Xiaodan Zou.
- Finalists in 2009 Startup@Singapore by Ph.D student, Deepu Chacko John.
- Finalists with US$1500 and Kiatnakin Bank 99-Second Pitch Winner with US$750 by Ph.D student, Deepu Chacko John in 2009 The mai Bangkok Business Challenge@Sasin in Feb. 2009.
- 2nd Prize with $5000 cash received by FYP student, Maung Zaw Win Min at 2008 Agilent Engineering Excellence Competition 2008.
- Travel grant (EUR 770) received by Ph.D student, Hu Yingping to attend International Conference on Interactive Computer Aided Learning, Villach, Austria, 27 – 29 Sept. 2006.
- Plenary Session Presentation by UROP student, Shi Ting Jia, in 9th National Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme Congress 2003. 16 out of 500 submitted papers were presented in the Plenary Session.
Teaching Awards
- 2009/2010 National University of Singapore Annual Teaching Excellence Award
- 2008/2009 National University of Singapore Annual Teaching Excellence Award
- 2010/2011 Faculty of Engineering Teaching Commendation List
- 2009/2010 Faculty of Engineering Teaching Honors List
- 2008/2009 Faculty of Engineering Teaching Honors List
- 2007/2008 Faculty of Engineering Teaching Commendation List
- 2006/2007 Faculty of Engineering Teaching Honors List
- 2004/2005 Faculty of Engineering Teaching Commendation List
- 2003/2004 Faculty of Engineering Teaching Commendation List
- 2003/2004 Faculty of Engineering Innovative Teaching Award (Silver)
- 2002/2003 Faculty of Engineering Teaching Commendation List
- 2001/2002 Faculty of Engineering Innovative Teaching Award (Silver)
- 2001/2002 Faculty of Engineering Teaching Honors List