Gene Cheung
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Phone Number: +1-416-736-2100 x.22093
Email: genec@eecs.yorku.ca
Gene Cheung received his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering and computer science from the University of California, Berkeley in 2000. He was a senior researcher in Hewlett-Packard Laboratories Japan, Tokyo, from 2000 till 2009. He was an assistant, then associate professor in the National Institute of Informatics in Tokyo, Japan from 2009 till 2018.
He has served as associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (2007--2011), DSP Applications Column in IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (2010--2014) and IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (2016--2017) and IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (2015--2019). He currently serves as senior associate editor for IEEE Signal Processing Letters (2021--present).
He is a co-author of the best student paper award in IEEE Workshop on Streaming and Media Communications 2011 (in conjunction with ICME 2011), ICIP 2013, ICIP 2017 and IVMSP 2016, best paper runner-up award in ICME 2012, best paper finalists in ICME 2011, ICIP 2011 and ICME 2015, IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) Japan best paper award 2016, and best student paper finalist in ICASSP 2021. He is a recipient of the Canadian NSERC Discovery Accelerator Supplement (DAS) 2019. He is a fellow of IEEE.
Research Interests
- Graph Signal Processing
- 3D Imaging
See personal homepage. See Google Scholar page.
Selected Publications
- Yung-Hsuan Chao, Gene Cheung, Antonio Ortega, "Pre-demosaic Graph-based Light Field Image Compression," accepted to IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, January 2022. (arXiv)
- Chinthaka Dinesh, Gene Cheung, Ivan V. Bajic, "Point Cloud Sampling via Graph Balancing and Gershgorin Disc Alignment," accepted to IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, December 2021. (arXiv)
- Cheng Yang, Gene Cheung, Wei Hu, "Signed Graph Metric Learning via Gershgorin Disc Perfect Alignment," accepted to IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, June 2021. (arXiv) (code)
- Yuichi Tanaka, Yonina C. Eldar, Antonio Ortega, Gene Cheung, "Sampling on Graphs: From Theory to Applications," IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 37, no.6, pp.14-30, November 2020. (arXiv)
- Yuanchao Bai, Fen Wang, Gene Cheung, Yuji Nakatsukasa, Wen Gao, "Fast Graph Sampling Set Selection Using Gershgorin Disc Alignment," vol. 68, pp. 2419-2434, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, March 2020. (arXiv) (software)
- Chinthaka Dinesh, Gene Cheung, Ivan Bajic, "Point Cloud Denoising via Feature Graph Laplacian Regularization," vol. 29, pp. 4143-4158, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, January 2020.
- Yuanchao Bai, Gene Cheung, Xianming Liu, Wen Gao, "Graph-Based Blind Image Deblurring from a Single Photograph," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 28, no.3, pp.1404-1418, March 2019. (arXiv) (software)
- Gene Cheung, Enrico Magli, Yuichi Tanaka, Michael Ng, "Graph Spectral Image Processing," Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 106, no. 5, pp. 907-930, May 2018. (arXiv)
- Xianming Liu, Gene Cheung, Xiaolin Wu, Debin Zhao, "Random Walk Graph Laplacian based Smoothness Prior for Soft Decoding of JPEG Images," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol.26, no.2, pp.509-524, February 2017. (arXiv) (software)
- Jiahao Pang, Gene Cheung, "Graph Laplacian Regularization for Image Denoising: Analysis in the Continuous Domain," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 26, no.4, pp.1770-1785, April 2017.
- Wei Dai, Gene Cheung, Ngai-Man Cheung, Antonio Ortega, Oscar Au, "Merge Frame Design for Video Stream Switching using Piecewise Constant Functions," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol.25, no.8, pp.3489-3504, August 2016.
- Wei Hu, Gene Cheung, Antonio Ortega, Oscar Au, "Multiresolution Graph Fourier Transform for Compression of Piecewise Smooth Images," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol.24, no.1, pp.419-433, January 2015.
Recent Presentations
- "Spectral Graph Learning: Algorithm and Application to Image Coding & Graph Convolutional Nets (pdf)," hosted by Prof. Yuichi Tanaka in Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo, Japan, February 2022.
- "Graph Learning, Sampling & Filtering for Image & Signal Estimation (pdf)," hosted by Prof. Ivan Bajic in Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada, March 2021.
- "Graph Signal Analysis: Imaging, Learning, Sampling (pdf)," hosted by Prof. Zhou Wang in University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada, June 2019.
- "Fast Graph Sampling using Gershgorin Disc Alignment," Oxford University, Oxford, UK, May 2019.
- "Graph Spectral Image Compression & Restoration," invited keynote in PCSJ/IMPS 2018, Shizuoka-ken, Japan, November 2018.
- "Recent Advances in Graph Spectral Image Processing," invited keynote in Graph Signal Processing Workshop, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, June 2018.