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A school for people who want to create a better world

Video Transcript


00:00.000 –> 00:05.000
[Aerial panning shot of the Bergeron Centre for Engineering Excellence, highlighting its striking architecture and lush surroundings. Students walk along pathways.]

00:05.000 –> 00:07.000
[Interior view of the Bergeron Centre’s ground floor. Students engage in discussions and independent work.]

00:09.000 –> 00:10.000
[Expansive shot of the Bergeron Centre eatery: students gather in a modern, sunlit dining space with floor-to-ceiling windows.]

A school for people who want to create a better world

Lassonde School of Engineering

4,830 Undergraduate students

17 Programs

250 Active research grants

Empowering the next generation of creators and changemakers who want to make an impact.

11,200+ Alumni

5,000+ Students from 100+ countries 

145 Full-time faculty members

2,193 Co-op/internship
job postings

137 Undergraduate
research positions

780 Students participated in
experiential BEST activities

Empowering the next generation of creators and changemakers who want to make an impact.