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Lassonde Assistant Dean, Students –
Some examples of concerning behaviour that should be addressed may include
- Discriminating or derogatory comments related to a fellow student’s sexuality, race, and/or ability.
- Bullying or belittling a group members thoughts and ideas
- Using terms such as rape when referring to academic assessments and grading
- Female identifying students being ignored by their male identifying lab partner
- Male identifying lab partners redoing the work done by their female identifying lab partner
- Constantly messaging or contacting a fellow student after they have asked you not to or you have received no response
- Making positive comments or references about known perpetrators of sexual violence
Office Student Community Relations
Any conflict involving a student as the respondent (student who is responding to a complaint against them) can be referred to OSCR
- Student – Student
- Course Director – Student
- Staff – Student

Centre for Human Rights, Equity, and Inclusion
Any concern or complaint related to a protected ground(s) under the Ontario Human Rights Code and related York policies and procedures, can be referred to the CHREI.
REI plays an important role in supporting the work of The Centre for Sexual Violence Response, Support & Education Office (The Centre) by processing matters under the Sexual Violence Policy.

Process for Exploring a Concern/Complaint
- Document all the facts/details of your concern/complaint
- Contact,
- Options for resolution may include informal, mediation, or formal complaint