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Student Well-being

We’re here to support you.

Mental Health and Wellness

We know that the combined stress of educational endeavours, personal responsibilities, and extracurricular activities are a lot to take on. We strive to provide a supportive environment that assists students in achieving their goals.

Lassonde and York University are committed to advancing a mentally healthy campus. Want to learn more or get support?

Four young people smiling in the sun
Laptop, hands

Mental Health Lassonde (MHL)

Mental Health Lassonde as part of the Peer Helper program provides peer support and mental health and well-being education to assist students with university life at the Lassonde School of Engineering.

MHL’s aim is to provide tips, tools, and resources to equip and encourage a supportive student community. We also host a variety of events and workshops directed toward personal and professional development and knowledge of community mental health and well-being resources.

Student Counselling, Health, and Well-being (SCHW)

York University’s Student Counselling, Health, and Well-being (SCHW) provides a professional and supportive environment in which all York students have equitable access to a range of services that assist in facilitating their academic success. 

Counsellor listens to client

Addressing student concerns

Within a course or program

If you are experiencing issues or concerns within your course, please begin by discussing with your course instructor. Additionally, department staff and your Undergraduate Program Director may be able to assist you further should you feel the need to escalate your concerns.

First contact the course instuctor, then department staff, undergraduate program director and department chair in that order if your problem isn't resolved

Related to your student experience

The staff within the SWSC are always willing to listen and provide you with support and resources to assist you. Feel free to connect with us to discuss your experience or provide us feedback. If you aren’t sure where to start, feel free to pop by our virtual front desk in the banner above to get advice. 

Additional Resources

Should you wish to have a SWSC staff member support you in connecting to one of the following resources, please get in touch with us.

Office of Student Community Relations (OSCR)

OSCR’s mandate is to provide advice, referrals, training, alternate dispute resolution methods, judicial processes (local adjudication, tribunals), critical incident support and student leadership opportunities. OSCR administers the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities (CSRR). Any community member can submit a complaint under the CSRR.

Osgoode Mediation Clinic 

Offers free mediation services, conflict resolution training and coaching to York University students and the surrounding area.   

Centre for Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion 

If you are concerned about an issue impacting your human rights, contact the Centre for Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion.

Centre for Sexual Violence Response, Support and Education

The Centre strives to foster a culture where attitudes and behaviours that perpetuate sexual violence are rejected, survivors are supported, community members are educated and those who commit incidents of sexual violence are held accountable. 

Students walking on campus

Athletics and Recreation

We sometimes forget that our physical and mental health are intertwined. Reduced physical activity can have detrimental effects on our ability to cope mentally. Exercising and pursuing outdoor activities are some ways to help stay active. If you are unable to exercise outdoors, joining a virtual exercise class is a great way to stay fit and interact with others. Engage in physical activities at your own comfort and pace. Consult with a physician before starting any exercise program.

York University’s Trait McKenzie Centre offers students many ways to get active.

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