Student Life

Talk to an Academic Advisor
We’re here to help you succeed. Get in touch for anything you need.

Connect Lassonde
Check out our student engagement platform to browse clubs, organizations and see upcoming events.

Have a question?
Our staff are available in 105 Bergeron Centre from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm, Monday to Friday.
Program Checklists
Your official degree requirements can be found in the Academic Calendar for the year in which you entered the program.
Program checklists are meant to be a guide to track progress in your program. Select the program checklist corresponding to your Academic Calendar:
We're here to help you make the most of it.
As a Lassonde student, you’re learning to become a world-class engineer, scientist and changemaker.
While you’re here, we want to support you in achieving your goals and making the most of your university experience. From clubs and events to academic advising and counselling, we’re here to help you with whatever you need.

Engineering helps provide the framework and knowledge base for problem solvers, who eventually lead projects that can help change the world. Studying engineering allows students to dissect problems, collaborate, demonstrate leadership, effectively communicate and engineer solutions. This process is what helps create positive, global change.
Rashiq, Second Year, Mechanical Engineering