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On behalf of the Lassonde School of Engineering Faculty Council and in alignment with the York University Senate, the Committee on Evaluations and Academic Standards shall oversee academic policy, academic standards and policies and practices related to graded evaluations, as well as the development and oversight of the academic petitions process, including review and decisions of academic petitions and appeals. It will monitor and provide Faculty-level academic oversight of grades exercises undertaken by academic units. The Committee shall conduct hearings and make decisions in cases of suspected breach of the Senate Policy on Academic Honesty in accordance with Senate Policy, and oversee a panel system for the hearing of petitions and appeals. The Committee embodies appropriate standards of fairness and natural justice in all its proceedings.

stack of books

Meeting Dates 2023-24

Academic Standards meetings typically take place on the fourth Monday of the Month.

Full Terms of Reference

On behalf of the Lassonde School of Engineering Faculty Council and in alignment with the York University Senate, the Committee on Evaluations and Academic Standards shall oversee academic policy, academic standards and policies and practices related to graded evaluations, as well as the development and oversight of the academic petitions process, including review and decisions of academic petitions and appeals. It will monitor and provide Faculty-level academic oversight of grades exercises undertaken by academic units. The Committee shall conduct hearings and make decisions in cases of suspected breach of the Senate Policy on Academic Honesty in accordance with Senate Policy, and oversee a panel system for the hearing of petitions and appeals. The Committee embodies appropriate standards of fairness and natural justice in all its proceedings.
The Committee shall be responsible for reviewing and recommending to Faculty Council policies and procedures as they relate to evaluations and academic standards and academic petitions in the Lassonde School of Engineering, including but not limited to:

2.1. Oversight of academic policy, academic standards, and policies and practices related to evaluations:

2.1.1. Implementation of relevant Senate policies, procedures, etc. as it relates to academic standards of courses and grades. Create/amend and regularly review Faculty policies and procedures regarding academic standards of courses and grades exercises

2.1.2. Monitor trends over time with respect to anomalous grades in courses and requesting responses from
responsible departments as applicable for correction or explanation.

2.1.3. Collaborate with departments to improve grading and evaluation consistency, which may include making recommendations to the relevant departmental authority.

2.1.4. Act as Designated Committee to hear Grade Reappraisals as outlined in the Senate Policy on Grade Reappraisals:
• Committee will determine if there are grounds for an appeal to be heard.
• The Committee will convene a panel to hear the appeal and render a decision following procedures of the Policy.

2.1.5. Reviewing current policies and procedures regarding the administration of academic evaluations (i.e.,
Departmental, Faculty, and University-wide initiatives)

2.2. Governance of the Senate policy on academic honesty within the Lassonde School of Engineering:

2.2.1. Understanding and implementation of current policies and procedures as defined by the York University Senate regarding the administration of the Senate Policy on Academic Honesty.

2.2.2. Designing and developing initiatives to enhance faculty and student awareness of the Senate Policy on Academic Honesty within the Lassonde School of Engineering community and assisting in course design to limit potential breaches of Academic Honesty.

2.2.3. Institute and oversee an Academic Honesty panel system for hearings, including the development/amendment of procedures and policies for how the panels operate:
• Three panels comprised each of two full-time faculty members and one student representative, where one of the faculty members is a full member of CEAS and shall act as Chair of the panel.
• Quorum shall exist where three panelists (as outlined above in (2.1.1) are available to convene a hearing.
• Panels will follow hearing procedures as set out in the Senate Policy on Academic Honesty
• A decision will not be ratified until there are three votes recorded. A panel will only see a file once.
• A Secretary to the Panel to record the proceedings will be provided by the office of the Assistant Dean Students.

2.3 Academic Petitions and Appeals
2.3.1 Responsible for the development and oversight of the academic petitions process, including review and decisions on academic petitions and appeals of petitions for Lassonde students
2.3.2 Adhering to the Guidelines for the Consideration of Petitions/Appeals by Faculty Committees as codified in the Academic Calendar, taking into consideration Senate’s “General Considerations for Granting Specific Petitions (v2013)”
2.3.3 Meet regularly to review policies, procedures, and guidelines relating to the processing and decision making of academic petitions and appeals
2.3.4 The Committee shall report on business/activity to CEAS on a biannual basis and identify trends in petition activity that may be of interest to CEAS and could impact policy/procedures that CEAS may wish to address. The Committee may also make recommendations or requests for action to be taken by CEAS to address issues related to policy as they arise
2.3.5 The Committee shall make recommendations on policy matters and procedures relating to student academic petitions and appeals.
2.3.6 Members will attend regular training on procedural fairness and decision making
2.3.7 Receive and act upon student academic petitions. A petition is a written request, made by a student, to be exempt from or have waived a Lassonde School of Engineering rule or regulation.
2.3.8 Receive and act upon student appeals to academic petition decisions. An appeal is a written request, made by a student, for re-consideration of a previously denied petition
2.3.9 Institute and oversee a panel system for the hearing of petitions and appeals.
a.     Three panels comprised each of two full-time faculty members and one student representative. Ad hoc or alternate student representatives may include students from other Lassonde student communities (e.g., Lassonde peer mentors, members of the Lassonde Squad)
b.     A decision will not be ratified until there are three votes recorded per academic petition or appeal
c.      Each panel of the Committee shall meet at least once monthly. Meeting frequency and length is subject to change during peak seasons
d.     Academic petitions and appeals shall be made available for review by the Committee Secretary at least 3 business days prior to the panel meeting via e-mail and/or document-sharing web site. The Secretary shall present each case during the meetings and shall be available for question and answer throughout the review process
2.3.10 Maintain records and periodically review/analyze
2.4 Collaboration with the Learning, Curriculum, and Students (LCS) Committee on issues of joint concern.
The Committee recognizes the importance of cultivating a culture of fairness, equity, diversity and inclusion. The Committee ensures that these essential principles are integrated into the School’s/Committee’s policies, programs, operations and practices.
4.1 Membership
The membership of CEAS shall be as follows:
Title# of Members# of Votes
CEAS Membership
Vice Dean (voting in the event of a tie. See 5.7)11
Assistant Dean, Students (non-voting)10
Three full-time faculty members33
Two students22
Secretary to Committee (non-voting)10
Academic Honesty Panel Membership
3 faculty representatives from CEAS membership33
3 undergraduate student representatives from CEAS membership33
3 full-time faculty representatives at-large33
Academic Petition Panel Membership
Academic Services Coordinator and Secretary to the Committee (non-voting)10
Assistant Dean Students11
3 undergraduate student representatives33
6 Full-time faculty members66

4.2. Period of Appointments

Ex-Officio Members:
• Ex Officio members shall hold their position for the duration of their appointment in that role.

Faculty Members:
• Faculty members will be elected at-large for a two-year term. Each year, one-half of the membership turns over and will be replaced on a rotational basis by other faculty members.

• The undergraduate students elected and/or appointed as members will serve for one-year, renewable.

4.3. Elections/Nominations

• The Chair of the Committee is selected by the voting members of the Committee for a two-year term with the understanding that the Vice-Chair will succeed the Chair

• Student vacancies are filled via a centralized process which will be managed by the Executive Committee. The election process is conducted by the respective student body of the Lassonde undergraduate student government

Faculty Members:
Lassonde Faculty Council Committee on Evaluations and Academic Standards
• Faculty members at large shall be elected through the process managed by the Executive Committee of Council and will include a call for nominees to committees.
• Should an elected member resign from the committee, a by-election shall be held to fill the vacancy.

• An alternate should be identified for each committee and panel member to attend committee meetings in cases when a member cannot. Ideally, the alternate shall succeed the member in the following membership term.

4.4. Representation by Proxy
• Provisions have been made for members designate a substitute.
o For any one meeting there may not be more than two substitutes for voting members. At least half of voting members in attendance should be regular members.
• In the case of issues pertaining to academic honesty:
o Alternate member(s) may be identified for each voting member
o Faculty member shall be responsible for identifying a substitute
o The secretary shall be responsible for identifying an alternate Lassonde student representative

4.5. Resignation/Dismissal of Members
• Should an elected member resign from the committee, the Chair will endeavour to find a replacement.
In the event a replacement cannot be found, a call will go out from the Executive Committee to solicit a replacement from Faculty Council.
• Any member may be dismissed for any of the following reasons: 1) missing three (3) consecutive meetings (except in cases of illness or other weighty grounds); and/or 2) for other cause for which the committee finds to be just.
5.1. Meetings and Protocols
• Meetings are open to members of the Lassonde community, subject to the availability of space
• All Committee meeting agendas should be made available to the Lassonde community at least one week in advance of a committee meeting.
• Meeting minutes should be shared to the extent possible without breaching confidentiality.
• When the committee considers matters relating to specific individuals or to other matters where confidentiality must be observed, the committee may, in the notice for a meeting, declare part of a meeting to be closed or in camera.
• When the committee meets in camera, only committee members may be present.
• The Lassonde Faculty Council has adopted “York University Rules of Senate” to guide and inform its governance structure and operations.
• This committee shall make its decisions based on a simple majority of those members present and voting at a duly constituted meeting
• Committee members will notify the Chair/Secretary if they will be absent from a meeting.

5.2. Chair
• The Chair of CEAS is responsible for providing leadership to the committee in pursuit of its mandate.
The Chair presides at all committee meetings, acts as the official spokesperson for the committee, and ensures that the committee operates in conformity with the rules enacted by Faculty Council and Senate.
• In the case of the absence or illness of the Chair and the Vice-Chair, the committee may appoint one
of the members of the committee to act as Chair pro tempore and for such period the member so
appointed shall act as, and have all the powers of, the Chair.

5.3. Quorum
• Quorum shall consist of at least three regular voting members.
• In the case of issues pertaining to academic honesty, quorum shall consist of three panelists, including
one student representative among the voting members (i.e., 2 Faculty and 1 Student).

5.4. Timing and Frequency of Meetings
• The Committee shall meet monthly for regular and ongoing business. Panels for hearings will be convened as required.

5.5. Standing Orders
• The conduct of the business of the meeting shall be subject to the “York University Rules of Senate”

5.6. Agenda, Administration, and Minutes
• The administration of the committee shall be taken up by the Secretary to the Committee.
• All records of the meetings, including the minutes, shall be retained in accordance with the Common Records Schedule (CRS) for Faculty Councils (ADG15) and Faculty Council Committees (ADG17) under York University’s Information, Privacy and Copyright Office.
• The Secretary to the Committee shall be responsible for ensuring correspondence and decisions made by the Committee are available to relevant people or bodies, including the membership of sub-Lassonde Faculty Council Committee on Evaluations and Academic Standards committees and secretaries of relevant Faculty Councils.

5.7 Voting
• All members of the committee are voting members unless specifically indicated otherwise. Ex officio and elected/appointed members have the same voting rights.
• Vice Dean will have voting rights in the event of a tie or where only two voting members are present
• Votes may be cast in person or by e-vote
o Pursuant to the discretion of the Chair, members may be permitted to vote by means of an electronic communication (e-vote) which enables the votes to be gathered in a manner that permits their subsequent verification
The Committee shall provide a report of its activities to Faculty Council on an annual basis.
Version Number: Committee on Evaluations & Academic Standards V.3

Approved By: Faculty Council

Date: June 2023

*Click here for the PDF version

2023-24 Committee Members

2023-24 Academic Honesty Panel Members

2023-24 Academic Petitions Panel Members