Developing leading-edge research through collaboration that impacts the world.
Research Vision
The Lassonde School of Engineering is developing a dynamic, innovative, leading-edge research and collaboration that captivates, engages, empowers and impacts the world at large.
Our research vision for Lassonde focuses on:
• Creation of a research culture that fosters the cross-pollination of ideas and disciplines.
• Extensive networking and partnerships, through integrated networking.
• Creation of a critical mass of stakeholders in strategic priority areas.
• Intensification of our presence in and engagement of the community to raise research awareness and improve the recognition and competitiveness of our programs.

$14 M Average annual external research funding
250 Active research grants
600 Average publications per year
Research News
View All View all stories14 Research Chairs
61 Active Industry Partners
3 Research Centres
58% Increase in graduate student
enrolment over 5 years
30% Annual increase in
post-doctoral fellow
7 Royal Society of
Canada members
5 Canadian Academy of
Engineering Fellows
6 Engineering Institute
of Canada Fellows

Meet our Researchers
Our researchers come from all over the world and bring expertise in a wide variety of disciplines including:
- Environment and Climate Change
- Space Exploration
- Infrastructure Development
- Resilience and Sustainability
- Intelligence and Interactive Systems
- Bioengineering
For more information about research at Lassonde, send us an email at resday@yorku.ca.