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Lassonde Community Stressbuster

Stressbuster Team Challenge: Zombie Attack!

The city has become overrun with zombies! Firefighters, police officers, civilians and even celebrities have worked together and managed to contain them in a fenced area in the middle of the city. But the fence won’t hold up long and if they aren’t transferred outside of the city ASAP, it could spell the end for humanity. You are part of a team of engineers that have been called in to design a device that will safely transfer the zombies from the fenced zone to an area outside of the city for disposal, without touching the infected area.

Join the Lassonde k2i academy team at the Bergeron Centre (Room 125) from 10 am to 3 pm to compete for some great prizes!

Register your 4-person team in advance, and make sure to indicate the timeslot in which you’d like to compete, by selecting the corresponding ticket option.

Student, staff, and faculty teams are all welcome!

For questions about this event, please contact


Mar 23 2022


10:00 AM - 3:00 PM