Lassonde research group’s paper on cover of Applied Polymer Science
Lassonde Professor Siu Ning (Sunny) Leung, Master’s student Hao Ding and post-doctoral fellow Yanting Guo have published their recent research in January’s issue of Journal of Applied Polymer Science.
The article entitled “Development of thermally conductive polymer matrix composites by foaming-assisted networking of micron- and submicron-scale hexagonal boron nitride,” has been featured on the cover of the journal.
The paper reports their latest work with polymer foams. Though generally polymer foams are known as good thermal insulators, their research shows the potential to transform polymer foams to thermal conductors.
Using a counter-intuitive approach, the Lassonde-based research group has discovered this possibility that has a wide range of technological implications, from automotive parts to smartphones.
As the technology of highly integrated and miniaturized processors advances rapidly, lightweight thermally conductive PMC foams are in great demand for improving heat dissipation and portability of future electronic devices.