Professor Hany Farag Featured in The York University magazine

York Research Chair in Integrated Smart Energy Grids and Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Hany Farag, was featured in the York University Magazine promoting the use of electrical hydrogen buses in province-wide public transit.
Battery-powered electric buses have zoomed to the heart of the environmental zeitgeist as cities around the world hop on a technological development that looks to significantly reduce emissions levels by the 2030 deadline established by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals four years ago. In hot pursuit to the finish is a comparatively new type of electric vehicle that researchers at York University claim is the next big thing in sustainable urban transportation systems.
They are hydrogen, or fuel cell, buses and for Hany Farag, an associate professor in the Lassonde School of Engineering, they are the way of the future.
Read the full article here.