Summer 2021 Conference
On August 17, 2021, the Lassonde School of Engineering hosted the annual Undergraduate Summer Student Research Conference.
This year, we had three student sessions plus a Keynote Presentation:
9:00 am – Opening Remarks
9:20 am – Plenary Presentations (Oral student session)
11:05 am – Morning Break
11:15 am – Research Project Presentations – Morning Session
12:45 pm – Lunch
1:45 pm – Research Project Presentations – Afternoon Session
3:15 pm – Afternoon Break
3:30 pm – Keynote Speaker
4:00 pm – Graduate Student Recruitment Talk
4:15 pm – Closing Remarks & Awards Ceremony
To read more about the program read the article published earlier this month in YFile here.

Check out what students had to say about last year’s event!

2021 Undergraduate Summer Student Researchers
There are 62 students who have been awarded LURA and USRA for 2021. Moreover, an additional 20 students will participate in the conference from programs such as Research at York (RAY), Mitacs Globalink, or as Research Assistants and Volunteers.
To see all of these students, visit the links below:
Student Profiles

Tricia Martinez is a 3rd-year Civil Engineering student. With an interest in Transportation Engineering, Tricia is working with Dr. Peter Park this summer through the Lassonde Undergraduate Research Award (LURA) program.

Tianpei Liao is working with Dr. Jinjun Shan in the summer of 2021 through the Lassonde Undergraduate Research Award (LURA) program.

Ellen van Wijngaarden is a fourth-year mechanical engineering student who is working with Dr. Pouya Rezai in the summer of 2021 through the NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA) program.

Jessie Chesal is a fourth-year Atmospheric Science student. This summer, Jessie is researching the atmosphere of Venus in Dr. Isaac Smith’s lab group through the Lassonde Undergraduate Research Award (LURA) program.

Matthew Walker is a 4th-year Software Engineering student working with Dr. Franck van Breugel in the summer of 2021 through the Lassonde Undergraduate Research Award (LURA) program.

Julia DeLongis is a 4th-year Mechanical Engineering student who is working with Dr. Cuiying Jian in the summer of 2021 through the Lassonde Undergraduate Research Award (LURA) program.