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Graduate Scholarships

There are many scholarships on offer to fund your graduate studies here at the Lassonde School of Engineering. 

Please consult the list of opportunities below.

We strongly encourage you to apply for this financial support, and we are eager to assist you. We are here to help you through the process so please email us at if you have any questions.

SOFT LAUNCH FALL 2024 – Financial Aid, Awards and Scholarships (FAAS) solution

York has transformed the way students get access to the many financial aid, awards, and scholarships opportunities available to them. 

This new centralized online solution streamlines government financial aid processing, awards, and scholarships. You will be able to view your scholarship and awards opportunities in one place, search and apply for funding opportunities and even get matched with some automatically. You will also be able to track the applications and receive funding.

To learn more, watch this short, animated video about York’s new solution for Financial Aid, Awards and Scholarships.

The new system will be soft launched in late August/early September 2024. Please note that there will be a multi-year phase-in period to ensure all awards across the University are captured in this system. We will continue to use the Lassonde Fluid Review system for Lassonde specific graduate awards that are to be adjudicated for 25-26 academic year. .

The Computer Science & Engineering Outstanding Thesis & Dissertation Prize will be awarded to recognize the outstanding achievement of graduate students who are considered among the top most candidate from the graduate program.
There is no formal application process, as consideration for this prize will be done automatically by the graduate program. Please contact the Graduate Program in Computer Science & Engineering for more information about this award.

Graduate Program in Computer Science & Engineering
1012T Lassonde Building
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext. 66183
To be awarded to a female doctoral candidate conducting research with in the general area of atmospheric, earth or space science/engineering in the Lassonde School of Engineering. Nominees should be outstanding role models, who are not only successful in their own research, but have also shown a strong desire and enthusiasm for mentoring their peers. The recipient must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person, and an Ontario resident*, who demonstrates financial need.

Value and Duration:
Four awards up to $12,500
The value and number of award(s) in any given year will depend on the rate of distribution from the endowment fund and the number of recipients selected
Note: This award is comprised of matching funds. If you are expecting to receive the York Graduate Fellowship, this award will impact your Fellowship amount. Please visit Matching Funds to learn more.

Full-time Doctoral York graduate student
Incoming and current students;
Canadian citizens, permanent residents and/or protected persons who are residents of Ontario;

Selection criteria includes:
Research in atmospheric, earth or space science/engineering
Academic accomplishments
Demonstrated desire and enthusiasm for mentoring peers, and,
Financial need
Note: The student must be registered full-time for the upcoming academic year (Fall/Winter).

Graduate program deadline: program nomination, with complete documentation, is due to the Scholarship and Awards Coordinator in FGS by April 27. The Faculty of Graduate Studies Awards Committee will review nominees for eligibility

Award Period (when the award will be paid):
Upcoming academic year

How to Apply:
Students must apply through the Financial Aid, Awards and Scholarships (FAAS) system.

Graduate Program Responsibility:
The admissions committee in the Graduate Program in Earth and Space Sciences is encouraged to review all admission applications to the program to identify eligible students for nomination
Encouraged to use this significant award to help persuade top applicants in ecology within the Graduate Program Earth and Space Sciences to accept an offer of admission from York University

Required Documentation (Retrieved from Admissions file where possible):
Statement of research
Transcripts (supplied by graduate program from admissions file)
Two letters of support
Completed online Student Financial Profile

Please contact the Graduate Program in Earth & Space Science:
The Dr. Ralph Nicholls Graduate Scholarship has been established as a meaningful tribute to Dr. Ralph Nicholls for his many years of service to the University and mentoring of York faculty members and students. The award supports research in Physics, Astronomy, Atmospheric or Space Sciences. Applicants must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, be Ontario residents*, and demonstrate financial need.

Value and Duration:
One award up to $4,500 (Subject to change)

Incoming or continuing full-time graduate student in Physics, Astronomy, Atmospheric or Space Sciences;
Must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or protected person, a resident of Ontario;
Entering students must have exhibited outstanding academic achievement (minimum GPA of an A in the last two years of full-time studies) and participated in scientific activities related to their area of study;
Continuing graduate students must demonstrate a high level of research and academic performance and good communication skills as demonstrated through participation in teaching, presentations (conferences/seminars), or the publishing of research papers;
Confirmation of financial need;
Preference will be given to first year students but continuing graduate students will be considered in instances where there are no suitable incoming candidates.

Student deadline: March 1

Award Period (when the award will be paid):
Upcoming academic year.

How to Apply:
Students must apply through the Financial Aid, Awards and Scholarships (FAAS) system.

Scholarship and Awards Coordinator
230 York Lanes
Office of the Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies
(416) 736-2100 ext. 33954
Contact the FGS Scholarship and Awards Coordinator
The Dr Anthony Szeto Graduate Scholarship in Earth and Space Science has been established by the Lorraine Ng Charitable Foundation to give back to York University as the employer of Ms Ng’s spouse throughout his career. The award supports graduate research in the area of earth and space science.

This award is created to benefit an entering or continuing full-time graduate student enrolled in the Earth and Space Science program. To be eligible, entering students must have exhibited outstanding academic achievement (minimum GPA of an A (or equivalent) in the last two years of full-time studies, continuing students must demonstrate a high level of research and academic performance and good communication skills as demonstrated through participation in teaching, presentations (conferences/seminars), or the publishing of research papers. Preference will be given to first year students; however continuing students will be considered if there are no suitable incoming candidates. Consideration will be given to a statement of personal values and lifelong goals.

Value and Duration:
1 award of up to $10,000
This award is expendable and is only available for the 2024-2025 academic year.

Incoming or Current Graduate Student
Registered active in full-time studies
Enrolled in the Earth and Space Science program
Minimum GPA of an A (or equivalent) in the last two years of full-time studies

April 30

How to Apply:
Students must apply through the Financial Aid, Awards and Scholarships (FAAS) system.

If you require further assistance, please contact the FGS Scholarship & Awards Coordinator by visiting the FGS Staff Directory.
The Eshrat Arjomandi Scholarship in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science will be given annually to an undergraduate and/or graduate student studying or doing research in Computer and/or Electrical Engineering at York University. The recipients must have demonstrated academic excellence (minimum 7.5 GPA for undergraduate candidates and minimum “A” average for graduate candidates); preference will be given to female students (under York’s Women in Science special program). Applicants must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, be Ontario residents*, and demonstrate financial need. For more information, please visit:

Students must apply through the Financial Aid, Awards and Scholarships (FAAS) system.

Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
1012T Lassonde Building
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext. 66183
The Excellence Award in Graduate Research recognizes the outstanding research achievement of graduate students in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. There are two awards: one at the Master’s level, and another at the PhD level.
Candidates must meet all the following criteria at the time of application:
1. Be enrolled as a full-time student in a graduate program (MA or PhD) at the Department of Mechanical Engineering
2. Be conducting research under principal supervision of a faculty member
3. The award is open to both domestic and international students
For more information, please contact the Graduate Program in Mechanical Engineering.

Graduate Program in Mechanical Engineering
437C Bergeron Building
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext. 44139
This award is to recognize the memory of Francis Tetteh, a Lassonde PhD student and member of our Mechanical Engineering community. The award is a celebration of the spirit of this community, his family and friends, and Francis, the person he was and personal leadership qualities he lived by.

One award, $1,600
Normally adjudicated for Fall term.

Deadline: February 15, 2025

Candidates must, at minimum, meet 1 & 3 or 2 & 3 from the following criteria to be considered eligible:
1. International student who graduated from a post-secondary institution in Africa
2. Member of an under-represented group in Engineering in Canada (i.e., self-identifying as Black, Indigenous, or a Woman as per York University practice/definition).
3. Demonstrate a minimum GPA of 7.0 or B+ (or equivalent for international students) in their most recent post-secondary degree.

Other Criteria for Consideration of the adjudicating body:
Demonstrated financial need (as per York University practice/definition)
Exemplary character demonstrated by voluntary service in general, or in support of communities that are under-represented in engineering such as Black, Indigenous, or Gender minority as per York University practice/definition. Some possible examples are: senior’s home volunteering; mentorship for youth, community volunteering, science fair activities, Canadian Black Scientists Network, Women in Science and Engineering (WISE), Women in Renewable Energy (WiRE), or similar organizations and activities relevant to the country or community of applicant.

How to Apply:
Interested applicants should complete an online application via Lassonde’s application website.
Completed online Student Financial Profile.

Almey Tse Soriano
Manager, Graduate Studies
The Hadi and Ozra Arjomandi Graduate Scholarship will be awarded to an incoming or continuing full-time graduate student in a master’s or PhD level of study in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Graduate Program in the Lassonde School of Engineering.
Entering students must exhibit outstanding academic achievement (minimum grade average of ‘A’) and have participated in engineering activities related to their study.
Continuing graduate students must demonstrate a high level of research and academic performance through their participation in teaching, presentations (conference/seminars), or publishing of research papers.
Areas of study/research could be related to any current and future program in Electrical Engineering or Computer Science.

Graduate Program in Computer Science & Engineering
1012T Lassonde Building
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext. 66183
The Indigenous and Black Engineering and Technology (IBET) Momentum Fellowship is available to one full-time PHD student in the Lassonde School of Engineering. This fellowship is valued at $30,000 per year for 4 years/12 terms. Students enrolled in a PhD program in the Lassonde School of Engineering will receive $25,000 per year from the fellowship as well as an additional $5,000 per year from their supervisor in the form of a Graduate Research Assistantship (GRA) for a maximum of 4 years/12 terms. Applicants must be Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents of Canada and self-identify as Indigenous* or Black**
*For the purposes of this Fellowship, an Indigenous person is a person who self-identifies as First Nations (Status/Non-Status), Métis, or Inuit as defined in the Canadian Constitution Act 1982.
** For the purposes of this Fellowship, a black person is a person who is of African-Canadian, Caribbean-Canadian or Afro-Caribbean heritage

One award of $100,000
The value of the award will be distributed over 4 years.
In addition to this amount, the recipient will receive an additional $5,000 per year in the form of a Research Assistantship from their supervisor.

Canadian Citizen or permanent resident of Canada who self-identify as being Indigenous* or Black**
Applicants must meet the minimum admission requirements for their PhD program.
Applicants must have submitted an application to a PhD program in the Lassonde School of Engineering.
Plan to start their PhD program on a full-time basis in Fall term.

Applicants applying as a direct entry to PhD are eligible for this fellowship.

February 15, 2025

How to Apply:
Interested applicants should complete an online application via Lassonde’s application website.
Personal and research statement indicating their career vision and how the proposed research aligns with the strategic priorities of the Lassonde School of Engineering.
Academic Transcripts
Letter of support from the student’s doctoral supervisor

Almey Tse Soriano
Manager, Graduate Studies
The Lambert Family Award will be given to support incoming graduate students in the area of engineering or medicine. Until such a time as a medical school is established at York University, consideration will be given solely to qualified graduate students in the area of Engineering. Applicants must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons, be Ontario residents*, and demonstrate financial need.

Value and Duration
Up to 2 awards of $2,200 each (Subject to change)

Entering full–time Master’s or doctoral student
Canadian citizens, permanent residents and/or protected persons who are residents of Ontario
Applicant must be studying in the area of Engineering
Confirmation of financial need

Students have to be nominated by their Graduate Programs. 
Graduate Program Deadline: nominations are due to the Faculty of Graduate Studies by January 31.

Documentation (supplied from the admissions file where possible)
Research statement
Two academic letters of recommendation
A completed online Student Financial Profile

Students must apply through the Financial Aid, Awards and Scholarships (FAAS) system.
If you require further assistance, please contact the FGS Scholarship & Awards Coordinator by visiting the FGS Staff Directory.
The Mercedes T. Richards and Jane St. Amour Award in Engineering was established to support research and related scholarly activities. The award will benefit a full–time international student enrolled in a PhD or Master’s program within the Lassonde School of Engineering who demonstrates academic excellence and financial need. Preference will be given to students who demonstrate community involvement and leadership.

One award of $1,200
The value and number of award(s) in any given year will depend on the rate of distribution from the endowment fund and the number of recipients selected.

Full–time registered Master’s or doctoral York international student;
Minimum B average in the last two completed years of study;
Demonstrate financial need.

February 15, 2025

How to Apply
Interested applicants should complete an online application via Lassonde’s application website.
A complete application consists of the following:
A one–page statement on community involvement and leadership;
Transcripts (unofficial or official, can be a student copy downloaded from the student account. Must include the last two years completed studies.);
Completed online Student Financial Profile.

Almey Tse Soriano
Manager, Graduate Studies
Lassonde School of Engineering

The Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award recognized up to two exceptional teaching assistants (TAs) in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. The award honours the importance of teaching as one of the core missions of the Department and aims to inspire graduate students to give increased attention to teaching and learning processes.
To be eligible for this award, students must meet all of the following criteria at the time of nomination:
1. Be enrolled as a full-time student in the Mechanical Engineering program (in exceptional circumstances the TA may be from other programs) at York University;
2. Be employed as a teaching assistant by the Department of Mechanical Engineering;
3. The award is open to domestic and international students.
For more information, please contact the Graduate Program in Mechanical Engineering.

Graduate Program in Mechanical Engineering
437C Bergeron Building
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext. 44139
The Patel Family Fighting Spirit Award will recognize students who are able to persevere and overcome life’s ups and downs with a fighting spirit by achieving the greatest jump in grade point average from one year to the next. Undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in full-time studies at the Lassonde School of Engineering are eligible.

The value of this award is $500.

How to Apply:
Students must apply through the Financial Aid, Awards and Scholarships (FAAS) system.

Deadline to Apply:
The deadline to apply is February 9.

For more information, please contact your respective Graduate Program within the Lassonde School of Engineering.
The Roderick Guthrie Graduate Scholarship will be awarded to an incoming or continuing full-time graduate student in a Master’s or PhD level of study at the Lassonde School of Engineering whose area of study/research is related to Process Engineering Metallurgy and/or related Environmental/Energy Issues.

Value and Duration:
One award of $5,000
Normally adjudicated for Fall term.

Incoming or continuing full-time graduate (masters or doctoral) student ;
Areas of study/research must be related to Process Engineering Metallurgy and/or related Environmental/Energy Issues;
Minimum grade point average of ‘A’;
In case of incoming students: must have participated in engineering activities related to their study;
In case of current students: must demonstrate a high level of research and academic performance through their participation in teaching, presentations (conferences/seminars), or publishing of research papers.

February 15, 2025

How to Apply:
Interested individuals may apply to this scholarship using the Lassonde Fluid Review website. This is an online application system.
To login into the application system, applicants must sign up by creating an account. Applicants can build their application through multiple visits to the system and save their application as they progress through the form.
A statement of research;
Academic transcripts (from admissions and/or student file—Graduate Program Assistant can help with this).
Graduate programs may identify potential incoming candidates and request them to submit an online application.

Allocation Process:
The Lassonde School of Engineering awards adjudication committee will select a successful recipient no later than July 30 for disbursement in the following Fall term of the academic year.
The Lassonde awards committee will inform the successful candidate. The Manager, Graduate Studies will forward pertinent details to the Scholarships & Awards Coordinator at FGS to post the funds to the student account.

Almey Tse Soriano
Manager, Graduate Studies
The Carswell Scholarships will be awarded to incoming Doctoral students in the Lassonde School of Engineering, who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement.

Value and Duration:
Two awards up to $10,000

Must be an Incoming (Fall 2023) Doctoral student in the Lassonde School of Engineering
Domestic or international

February 15, 2025

How to Apply:
Interested individuals may apply to this scholarship using the Lassonde Fluid Review website. This is an online application system.
To login into the application system, applicants must sign up by creating an account. Applicants can build their application through multiple visits to the system and save their application as they progress through the form.

Required documentation:
Personal statement indicating their career vision and research direction (500 words)
Transcripts (From admissions file and student file; Graduate Program Assistant can help)
Two letters of support: one from the student’s supervisor and one preferably from an external source (both letters are expected to be from academic sources)

Assessment Process:
All applications will be assessed by the Lassonde Awards Committee.
The committee will take into consideration the student’s GPA and commitment to research as demonstrated in the letters of support and personal statement.
In addition, the committee will consider how the proposed research aligns with the Strategic Priorities of LE, and the opportunity for the new scholar to forge collaborations between Lassonde and other research areas at York.

Almey Tse Soriano
Manager, Graduate Studies