Sushanta Mitra awarded Medal for Engineering Excellence
Lassonde’s Sushanta Mitra has been awarded the medal for Engineering Excellence by Professional Engineers of Ontario. The award will be presented this November at the annual award gala. Each year at the Ontario Professional Engineers Awards PEO recognizes exceptional engineers who have made outstanding contributions to their profession.
Sushanta Mitra will be awarded the medal that recognizes his accomplishments in solving unique problems and advancing engineering knowledge. Mitra’s wide-ranging research achievements have led to innovative technologies and have made an influential impact on society.
Among these solutions is a method of detecting E.coli in contaminated water within two to 60 minutes and novel solutions to problems in the energy field.
Over the past six years, Dr. Mitra has attracted more than $20 million in external funding for his work, a testament to its importance and viability.
Professor Mitra has been recently appointed the AVP of Research at York University and previously was the chair of Mechanical Engineering at Lassonde.