Kamelia Atefi-Monfared
Associate Professor, P.Eng
Civil Engineering
Email: catefi@yorku.ca
Kamelia Atefi is an Associate Professor in the Lassonde School of Engineering at York University. She completed her Masters, Doctoral, and Postdoctoral studies in Civil Engineering at the University of Waterloo. Prior to joining York University in Aug 2020, she was an Assistant Professor in the Civil, Structural, and Environmental Engineering Department at the University at Buffalo, NY, since 2016. K. Atefi is a registered professional engineer in Ontario, an Editorial Board Member of the Canadian Geotechnical Journal, a member of the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) for Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code, and the secretary of the Technical Committee TC308 on Energy Geotechnics of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE).
K. Atefi has over 16 years of research experience in computational geomechanics aimed at design of environmentally friendly operations for production or storage of energy and water, and design of resilient infrastructure against climate change. Her current research is centered on geomechanics of coupled processes (biochemical-hydraulic-mechanical-thermal-dynamics) in porous media aimed at development of: eco-friendly bio-mediated techniques to stabilize ground and mine tailings, energy and water production/storage operations (e.g., hydrocarbon, geothermal, aquifer storage recovery), and tunneling in extreme geological settings.
She obtained multiple competitive grants as PI, including NSERC Discovery and the New Frontiers Research Fund (NFRF) Exploration. She received the TUST Best Paper Award 2023 from the Tunneling and Underground Space Technology (TUST) journal.
Research Interests
- Coupled processes (Thermal-Hydraulic-Mechanical-Biological-Chemical-Dynamic) in porous formations
- Bio-mediated ground improvement
- Mechanical wave propagation porous media
- Enhanced geothermal, hydrocarbon, and aquifer storage recovery (ASR) systems
- Geomechanics of tunneling
Selected Publications
- Healy, J., & Atefi-Monfared, K. (2023). Fire-induced damage in tunnels: Thermo-mechanical modeling incorporating support system and geological conditions. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 135, 105027.
- Mehrabi R., and Atefi-Monfared K. (2022). A coupled bio-chemo-hydro-mechanical model for bio-cementation in porous media. Canadian Geotechnical Journal. 59(7), 1266-1280.
- Zhai X., and Atefi-Monfared K. (2021). A novel numerical model on hydro-mechanical response of a saturated porous formation containing fines to injection: incorporating fines mobilization and straining. Transport in Porous Media. 137(3), 629-650.
- Zhai X., and Atefi‐Monfared K. (2021). Thermo‐poroelasticity under temporal flux in low permeable layer confined with flexible sealing media. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 45(3), 382-410.
- Zhai X., and Atefi-Monfared K. (2021). Production versus injection induced poroelasticity in porous media incorporating fines migration. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 205, 108953.
- Zhai X., and Atefi-Monfared K. (2020). Local thermal non-equilibrium effects on thermal pressurization in saturated porous media considering thermo-osmosis and thermal-filtration. Computers and Geotechnics, 126, 103729.
- Zhai X., and Atefi-Monfared, K. (2020). Explanation of early failure in porous media confined with flexible layers, considering thermo-osmosis, thermal-filtration and heat sink from fluid dilation. Computers and Geotechnics, 122, 103501.
- Zhai X., and Atefi-Monfared, K. (2020). Thermo-poroelasticity under constant fluid flux and localized heat source. International Journal of Heat & Mass Transfer, 150, 119278.
- Zhai X., and Atefi-Monfared, K. (2020). Non-isothermal injection-induced geomechanics in a porous layer confined with flexible sealing rocks. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 126, 104173.
- Atefi-Monfared K., and Rybicki J. (2018). Production versus injection induced poroelasticity surrounding wells. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 162: 102-113.
- Atefi-Monfared K., and Rothenburg L. (2017). Poroelasticity during fluid injection in confined geological reservoirs: incorporating effects of seal-rock stiffness. SPE Journal. 22(1): 184 – 197.
- Atefi-Monfared K., and Rothenburg L. (2016). Poro-elasto-plastic response of an unconsolidated formation confined with stiff seal rocks under radial injection. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. 40(13): 1799 – 18
- Atefi-Monfared K., and Rothenburg L. (2015). Poroelastic stress modifications surrounding a fully-penetrating injection well. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 135: 660 – 670.
- Atefi-Monfared K., and Rothenburg L. (2011). Reconstruction of reservoir deformations using surface displacements and tilt monitoring. International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences. 48(7): 1113 – 1122.