Jianguo Wang
Professor, Teaching Stream, P.Eng
Phone Number: 4167362100x20761
Email: jgwang@yorku.ca
Dr.-Ing. Jianguo Wang has been a faculty member in the Department of Earth and Space Science Engineering in Toronto, Canada since 2006 and a founding member of Lassonde School of Engineering of York University. He is a member of Professional Engineers Ontario of Canada and a Fellow of Engineers Canada. He worked as Senior Navigation Engineer at Applanix Corp. (A Trimble Company) from 1999 to 2006, and was faculty member as Assistant Lecturer, Lecturer at Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping (WTUSM) from 1982 to 1993 (promoted to Associate Professor in 1992, declined). Prior to this, he obtained his Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in Surveying Engineering from WTUSM, and his Dr.-Ing. in Geomatics Engineering from University of The Federal Armed Forces Munich (Universität der Bundeswher München), Germany. With more than 35 years of academic and industrial experience in Canada, China, and Germany, he has been teaching different undergraduate and graduate courses (UNDERGRADUATE: Fundamentals of Surveying, Field Surveys, Geodetic Concepts, Geodetic Surveys, Advanced Field Surveys, Adjustment Calculus, Analysis of Overdetermined Systems, GNSS, Global Geophysics and Geodesy and GRADUATE: Advanced Optimization and Applications, Advanced Satellite Positioning etc.). His current research interests focus on multisensor integrated kinematic positioning and navigation, GNSS, precision Engineering Surveying and advanced data processing methodologies. He has authored and co-authored more than 60 publications (papers, book chapters and books).
Research Lab
Earth Observation Laboratory (Dr. Baoxin Hu)
Location: PSE 432
Multisensor (GNSS receivers/IMUs/Cameras/LiDAR/Indoor beacons/Magnetometers) integrated kinematic positioning and navigation
Research Interests
- Multisensor (GNSS receivers/IMUs/Indoor beacons/Cameras/LiDAR) integrated kinematic positioning and navigation
- GNSS, precision Engineering Surveying
- Mobile mapping, and advanced data processing methodologies (Least-Squares and Kalman filter).
Selected Publications
- Wang, Jianguo; Aaron Boda and Baoxin Hu (2021): Comprehensive Error Analysis beyond System Innovations in Kalman Filtering, Chapter 3, page 59 – 92, Learning Control, Elsevier, December 2020, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-822314-7.00008-0.
- Wang, Jianguo; Weining Qiu; Yibin Yao and Yun Wu (2019): Error Theory and Foundation of Surveying Adjustment, (Higher Education) Textbook, English Edition, 337 pages, translated and edited, Wuhan University Press, Wuhan 2019 (The Chinese edition Editor-In-Chief: Benzao Tao; Weining Qiu; Yibin Yao).
- Zhang, Ya, Wang, Jianguo; Gao, Wei and Yu, Fei (2017): Adaptive Cubature Kalman filter based on the variance component estimation, Journal of GPS, March 2017, 15:1.
- Qian, Kun; Wang, Jianguo and Hu, Baoxin (2016): A posteriori estimation of stochastic model for multisensor integrated inertial kinematic positioning and navigation on basis of variance component estimation, Journal of GPS, 2016, 14:5.
- Leslar, Michael; Wang, Jianguo and Hu, Baoxin (2016): Boresight and lever arm calibration of a mobile terrestrial LiDAR system, Geomatica, 2016, 70(2): 97-112.
- Wang, Jianguo; Kun Qian and Baoxin Hu (2015): An Unconventional Full Tightly-Coupled Multi-Sensor Integration for Kinematic Positioning and Navigation, Chapter 65, in J. Sun et al. (eds), China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2015 Proceedings: Volume III, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 342, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015.
- Gopaul, Nilesh; Jianguo Wang and Baoxin Hu (2015): Multi-frame Visual Odometry in Image-Aided Inertial Navigation System, Chapter 57, in J. Sun et al. (eds), China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2015 Proceedings: Volume III, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 342, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015.
- Qian, Kun; Wang, Jianguo and Hu, Baoxin (2015): Novel integration strategy for GNSS-aided inertial integrated navigation, Geomatica, 2015, No. 2, Vol. 69, pp. 217-230.
- Qian, Kun; Wang, Jianguo; Gopaul, Nilesh and Hu, Baoxin (2012): Low Cost Multisensor Kinematic Positioning and Navigation System with Linux/RTAI”, Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks, 2012, 1(3), pp. 166-182.
- Guo, Jiming and Wang, Jianguo (2011): Foundation of Geodesy, Textbook, 117 pages, Surveying and Mapping Press, Beijing, China, ISBN: 978-7-5030-0, 2011, Beijing.
- Wang, Jianguo; Gopaul, Nilesh and Guo, Jiming (2010): Adaptive Kalman Filter based on Posteriori Variance-covariance Component Estimation, In Shi, C. (Editor in Chief): CPGPS 2010 Navigation and Location Services: Emerging Industry and International Exchanges, ISBN 978-1-935068-44-0, Scientific Research Publishing, USA 2010, pp. 115-125, 2010.
- Wang, Jianguo; Gopaul, Nilesh and Scherzinger, Bruno (2009): Simplified Algorithms of Variance Component Estimation for Static and Kinematic GPS Single Point Positioning, Journal of Global Positioning Systems [1], Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 43-52, 2009.
- Wang, Jianguo (2009): Reliability Analysis in Kalman Filtering, Journal of Global Positioning Systems, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 101-111, 2009.
- Wang, Jianguo (2008): Test Statistics in Kalman Filtering, Journal of Global Positioning Systems, Vol. 7, No.1, 2008, pp. 81~90.