Magdalena Krol
Associate Professor, P.Eng
Civil Engineering
Email: magdalena.krol@lassonde.yorku.ca
Website: https://mkrol.info.yorku.ca/
Dr. Magdalena Krol is an associate professor at York University in the Lassonde School of Engineering. Her area of expertise is in environmental engineering, specializing in numerical modeling of groundwater flow and contaminant transport. Her research activities include simulation of subsurface gas movement at contaminated sites that are under thermal remediation, optimizing groundwater remediation technologies, modeling subsurface transport of nano-scale zero valent iron (nZVI) particles as well as microbially influenced corrosion of used nuclear fuel containers.
Dr. Krol completed her doctoral studies in Civil Engineering at the University of Toronto and holds a M.E.Sc. and a B.E.Sc. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Western Ontario (Western). Prior to her doctoral studies, she was a remediation engineer at a consulting company where she worked on a diverse set of remediation projects dealing with a wide range of contaminants. She is a licensed professional engineer in the province of Ontario.
Magdalena has received several distinguished awards, including the Early Career Award from the International Association of Hydrogeologists, the Lassonde Excellence in Graduate Mentorship Award, the Lassonde Innovation Award and the NSERC Post Doctorate Fellowship (PDF). She has also co-established the innovative Water Technologies for Environmental Research (iWaTER) lab at York University which brings together researchers from different water disciplines to work together on various environmental problems.
Research Interests
- Contaminant transport modelling
- Innovative groundwater remediation technologies
- Microbially influenced corrosion of used nuclear fuel containers
- Gas bubble movement in the subsurface
- Green roof design
- Nano-scale zero valent iron (nZVI) for groundwater remediation
Recent Publications
- Papry, S., Rashwan, T., Mondal, P., Behazin, M., Keech, P., and Krol, M. (2023) “Investigating bisulfide sorption onto bentonite through laboratory batch experiments” Applied Geochemistry, in press
- Kaur, G., Kaur, G., Krol, M., Brar, S. (2022) “Unravelling the mystery of subsurface microorganisms in bioremediation" Current Research in Biotechnology
- Rashwan, T., Asad, A., Molnar, I., Behazin, M., Keech, P., and Krol, M. (2022). "Exploring the governing transport mechanisms of corrosive agents in a Canadian deep geological repository" Science of the Total Environment.
- Md Abdullah, A., Khan, U.T., and Krol, M (2021) “Soil Heterogeneity Effect on nanoscale Zero Valent Iron (nZVI) Travel Distance”, Journal of Contaminant Transport
- Kaur, G., Krol, M., Brar, S.K. (2021) “Geothermal heating: Is it a boon or a bane for bioremediation?” Environmental Pollution
- Roohi, I. and Krol, M. (2021), "Applicability of ground source heat pumps as a bioremediation-enhancing technology for monoaromatic hydrocarbon contaminants" Science of the Total Environment
- Molnar, I., Mumford, K., and Krol, M. (2019), “Electro-Thermal Subsurface Gas Generation and Transport: Model Validation and Implications”, In Press, Water Resources Research
- Molnar, I., Pensini, E., Md Abdulla, Mitchell C., Nitsche, L., Pyrak-Nolte L., and Krol, M. (2019), “Colloid Transport in Porous Media: A Review of Classical Mechanics and Emerging Topics”. Transport in Porous Media, Special Issue, June, 1-28
- Daemi, N. and Krol, M. (2019), “Impact of Building Thermal Load on the Developed Thermal Plumes of Multi-Borehole GSGP system in Different Canadian Climates”, Renewable Energy, 134, 550-557
- Mondal, P., Furbacher, P., Cui, Z., Krol, M., and Sleep, B. “Transport of Polymer Stabilized Nano-scale Zero-Valent Iron in Porous Media”, in press, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 2017
- Briggs, S., McKelvie, J., Sleep, B., and Krol, M. “Multi-dimensional transport modelling of corrosive agents through engineered barriers for Canadian deep geological repository”, Science of Total Environment, Vol 599-600, 348- 354, 2017
- Briggs, S., McKelvie, J., Keech, K., and Krol, M. “Transient modelling of sulphide diffusion under thermal conditions typical of a deep geological repository”, Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology (CEST), 1-4, 2017.
- Chowdhury, A., Krol, M., Kocur, C., Boparai, H., Weber, K., Sleep, B., O'Carroll, D. "nZVI Injection into Variably Saturated Soils: Field and Modeling Study" Journal of Contaminant Hydrogeology, 183: 16-28, 2015
- Krol, M. M. Sleep, B.E., and Johnson, R.L. "An analysis of a mixed convection associated with thermal heating in contaminated porous media", Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 15, 7-17, 2014
- Kocur, C., Chowdhury, A., Sakulchaicharoen, N., Boparai, H., Weber, K., Sharma, P., Krol, M., Austrins, L., Peace, C., Sleep, B., O'Carroll, D. “Characterization of nZVI mobility in a field scale test". Environmental Science & Technology, 48(5), 2014
- Krol, M. M., Oleniuk, A. J., Kocur, C. M., Sleep, B. E., Bennett, P., Xiong, Z. and O'Carroll, D. M. "A Field-Validated Model for In Situ Transport of Polymer-Stabilized nZVI and Implications for Subsurface Injection” ES&T, 47(13), 2013
- O’Carroll, D., Sleep, B., Krol, M.M., Boparai, H., Kocur, C. “Nanoscale Zero Valent Iron and Bimetallic Particles for Contaminated Site Remediation” Review Article, Advances in Water Resources, Vol. 51, 104-122, 2013
- Krol, M.M., Sleep, B.E. and Johnson, R.L. “Impact of Low Temperature Electrical Resistance Heating on Subsurface Flow and Transport”, Water Resources Research, 47(5), 2011
- Krol, M.M., Mumford, K.G., Johnson, R.L. and Sleep, B.E. “Modeling discrete gas bubble formation and mobilization during subsurface heating of contaminated zones”, Advances in Water Resources, 34(4), 537-549, 2011
Invited Talks
Academia Panel at the Women in Engineering & Science National Conference Jan 21, 2024
Panel on Educational Transformations, Toronto Global Forum, October 2022
"New Developments in Energy Modelling", Women and Inclusivity in Sustainable Energy Research (WISER) Symposium, Urban Transitions, and Energy Poverty Symposium, Sept 15, 2022
"Applicability of ground source heat pumps as a bioremediation-enhancing technology for monoaromatic hydrocarbon contaminants", Thermal Remediation Focus Area Presentation, Arcadis Canada, Inc., June 1, 2021
“Remediation technologies and environmental site assessments” Guest lecture at University of Victoria, March 11, 2021.
“The importance of subsurface transport in nuclear repository design” Invited speaker, Canadian Association of Water Quality Conference Feb. 20, 2020, Toronto ON.
“Balancing Partnership, Independence, and the Role of Peer Review in Industry-Academic Collaborative Research Programs”. Hornepayne and Manitouwadge Community Meetings; Invited Speaker, Oct 8-9, 2019, Northern Ontario.
“Why I chose engineering and why diversity matters” Thales Canada: Technovation, Keynote Speaker, York University, May 4, 2019
Recent Presentations
- Ashmore, N., Krol., Molnar, I., (2024) “A coupled discrete-continuum approach to simulation CO2 migration and dissolution in porous media”, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 9-15, 2024.
- Krol, M., Chowdhury, F., Papry, S., Md Abdullah Asad (2024) “Anion transport through bentonite under various geochemical conditions”, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 9-15, 2024
- Aziz, G., Kaur, G. Krol, M., and Brar, S. (2024) “The Effect of Cyclic Temperatures on Bioremediation of BTEX in Groundwater”, Poster presentation, 59th CAWQ Symposium, London ON, April 9, 2024.
- Kaur, G., Aziz, G., Krol, M., and Brar, S. (2024) “Coupling Geothermal Heating with Bioremediation for Enhanced Degradation of BTEX from Subsurface”, Presentation, CAWQ Symposium, London ON, April 9, 2024
- Papry, S. A., Rashwan, T. L., Mondal, P., Behazin, M., Keech, P. G., & Krol, M. (2023). Exploring bisulfide sorption onto bentonite under deep geological repository (DGR) conditions, 5th Canadian Conference on Nuclear Waste Management, Decommissioning and Environmental Restoration, Niagara Falls, ON, Canada, August 27-31, 2023
- Kaur, G., Krol, M., and Brar, S.K. (2023). “Analysis of geothermal heating effects on BTEX biodegradation using novel bacterial strains isolated from borehole soil”, International In-situ Thermal Treatment (i2t2) Symposium, May 17-18, 2023, Banff Centre, Calgary, Canada. (1st place student presentation winner)
- Rahimi, R., and Krol, M. (2023). “The Effect of Initial Air Content on the Performance of Electrical Resistance Heating: a Numerical Modeling Study”, International In-situ Thermal Treatment (i2t2) Symposium, May 17-18, 2023, Banff Centre, Calgary, Canada.
- Kaur, G., Aziz, G., Krol, M., and Brar, S.K. (2023). “Potential of microbes towards decontamination of harmful pollutant in the subsurface”, World Water Day Celebrations and CAWQ, March 20-21, 2023, York University, Toronto, Canada.
- Papry, S. A., Rashwan, T. L., Mondal, P., Behazin, M., Keech, P. G., & Krol, M. (2023). Investigating bisulfide sorption onto bentonite: methodology development and design of batch experiments, CSCE 2023 Annual Conference, New Brunswick, Canada, May 24-27, 2023
- Papry, S. A., Rashwan, T. L., Mondal, P., Behazin, M., Keech, P. G., & Krol, M. (2023). Bisulfide sorption onto bentonite: effects of key geochemical factors in a deep geological repository, Geoscience Seminar, Toronto, Canada, June 7-8, 2023
- Ashmore, N., Molnar, I., Gilfillan, S., and Krol, M (2023). “ET-MIP: Predicting Fate and Transport of Co2 Overburden at the Field Scale” SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences (GS23), June 19- 22, 2023, Bergen, Norway;
- Ashmore, N., Molnar, I., Gilfillan, S., and Krol, M (2023). “ET-MIP: A coupled model approach to simulating the fate and transport of CO2 in overburden”, InterPore 2023, May 22- 25 2023, Edinburgh, UK
- *Chowdhury, F (2022) “Diffusive Transport Mechanism of Bisulfide through Mx-80 Bentonite: Effect of Bentonite Dry Density and Ionic Concentration”, CGS -SOS Graduate Student Competition, Toronto (2nd place winner)
- Papry, S. A., Rashwan, T. L., Mondal, P., Behazin, M., Keech, P. G., & Krol, M. (2022). Investigating the effects of temperature, pH and ionic strength on bisulfide sorption onto bentonite. AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago, USA, 12-14 December (poster presentation)
- Asad M.A., *Chowdhury F., Rashwan T., Molnar I., Keech P. G., Behazin M., Krol M.M. (2022) Exploring key geochemical processes in bentonite relevant to bisulfide transport: model development and analysis. AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 12-16, 2022.
- Kuar, G, Krol, M, Brar, S “Coupling of geothermal heating with bioremediation for enhanced degradation of BTEX from subsurface” Canadian Geothermal Student Day Conference, Edmonton, Aug, 2022 (1st place student presentation winner)
- Md Abdullah Asad*, Rashwan, T.L.*, Couillard, S, Molnar, I.L., Behazin, M., Keech, P.G., and Krol, M. (2022) “Spatiotemporal modelling of species transport in Canada’s deep geological repository”, GAC-MAC-IAH-CNC-CSPG Joint Meeting, Halifax, May 15-18
- Papry, S.A ,*Rashwan, T., Behazin, M., Keech, P., Mondal, P., and Krol, M (2022), “Methodology development for investigating bisulphide sorption onto bentonite through laboratory batch experiments”, GAC-MAC-IAH-CNC-CSPG Joint Meeting, Halifax, May 15-18
- Chowdhury, F.*, Rashwan, T.*, Papry, S.*, Behazin, M., Keech, P., Mondal, P., Sharma, J., and Krol, M. (2022) “Understanding bisulfide transport behavior through bentonite under deep geological repository conditions”, GAC-MAC-IAH-CNC-CSPG Joint Meeting, Halifax, May 15-18
- Rashwan, T.*, Chowdhury, F.*, Papry, S.*, Behazin, M., Keech, P., Mondal, P., Sharma, J., and Krol, M. (2021) “Exploring Bisulfide Transport through Bentonite Under Deep Geological Repository Conditions”, AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, Dec 13-17.
- Patel, P., Krol, M., and S. Karimpour (2021) “Impact of surge wave Froude number on the transport of macro-plastics” IAHR Young Professional Congress
- Pihani, B.Y., Khan U.T. and Krol, M. (2021) “Optimizing Green Roof Design Parameters and Their Effects on Thermal Performance Under Current and Future Climates in the City of Toronto”, CSCE Conference, May 26-29, Niagara Falls, Canada
- Roohi, I. and Krol, M. (2021) “Impact of Building Thermal Load on the Bioremediation Potential of Ground Source Heat Pumps for Monoaromatic Hydrocarbon Contaminants in Different Canadian Climates”, GeoNiagara Conference, Sept 26-29, Niagara Falls, Canada
- Md Abdullah Asad, Couillard, S., Molnar, I.L., Behazin, M., Keech, P.G., and Krol, M. (2020) “Modelling the Transport of Corrosive Species through Highly Compacted Bentonite Clay: Optimizing Boundary Conditions” AGU, December, Virtual Presentation
- Asad,A., Couillard, S., Molnar, I.L., Behazin,, M., Keech, P.G., and Krol, M. (2020) “Modelling the Transport of Corrosive Species through Highly Compacted Bentonite Clay: Optimizing Boundary Conditions” GeoEnvironmental Division of CGS, Webinar
- Asad A., Couillard S. Molnar, I., Behazin, M., Keech, P., and Krol, M (2020), “Transport of Corrosive Species through Highly Compacted Bentonite Clay: Model Development and Sensitivity Study”, COMSOL Conference, Oct 7-8, Virtual
- Asad, A., Krol M., and Perras, M. (2020) “Statistical Quantification of Earthquake Effects on the Excavation Damage Zone” GeoVirtual Calgary, September, Virtual Presentation
- Asad A., Molnar, I., Behazin, M., Keech, P., Mondal, P., and Krol, M (2019), “A Framework for Modelling the Transport of Corrosive Species Through an Engineered Barrier System”, Long-term Prediction of Corrosion Damage in Nuclear Waste Systems Workshop, N
- Chowdhury, F., Babaee, Y., Behazin, M., Keech, P., Mondal, P., Sharma, J. and Krol, M (2019), “Diffusion of Hydrogen Sulphide through MX-80 Bentonite”, Long-term Prediction of Corrosion Damage in Nuclear Waste Systems Workshop, Nov 19-21, Nancy, France
- Babaee, Y., and Krol, M (2019), “Effect of Temperature on Cadmium Sorption in Various Soils”, GeoStJohn, Canadian Geotechnical Society, October 1-4., St. John, Canada
- Molnar, I., Krol, M., and Mumford, K. (2019), “ET-MIP: A Framework for Coupling and Validating Continuum-Discrete Models for Thermal Applications” I2T2 Symposium, June 5-6, Banff, Canada
- Krol, M., Molnar, I., and Mumford, K. (2019), “ET-MIP: A Numerical Tool for In-Situ Thermal Remediation Applications” I2T2 Symposium, June 5-6, Banff, Canada