Michael Bazzocchi
Assistant Professor, P.Eng
Email: mbazz@yorku.ca
Website: https://www.astrolabresearch.com/
Dr. Michael C.F. Bazzocchi is an Assistant Professor at York University (Toronto, Canada) and the Director of the Astronautics and Robotics Laboratory (ASTRO Lab). He is also a Research Associate Professor at Clarkson University (NY, USA).
Previously, Dr. Bazzocchi held positions at the University of Toronto (Canada) in Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, the Institute for Robotics and Mechatronics, the Toronto Institute of Advanced Manufacturing, and the Institute for Aerospace Studies. He was a researcher in Onboard Space Systems at Luleå University of Technology (Sweden). Dr. Bazzocchi also worked for the RHEA Group as a spacecraft concurrent design engineer on the Canadian Space Agency satCODE (satellite concurrent design) project.
In addition to his work in aerospace engineering, Dr. Bazzocchi enjoys volunteer work—he is the Founder and President of the Trek for Teens Foundation (a charity that supports homeless youth), and is actively involved in various educational, social justice, and leadership-based charities.
Research Interests
Dr. Bazzocchi’s research interests can be broadly categorized into the fields of astronautics and robotics. Within the realm of astronautics, Dr. Bazzocchi has expertise in the areas of asteroid science and engineering, orbital dynamics and control, mission and systems design, as well as satellites, spacecraft formations, and space debris. He has research interests within several application areas of robotics, including space, terrestrial, industrial, and personal and assistive robotics. Dr. Bazzocchi is also exploring applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning to develop innovative solutions to research challenges in these areas.
For a comprehensive overview of Dr. Bazzocchi’s research, please refer to the ASTRO Lab website: https://www.astrolabresearch.com/