May Haidar
Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Email: mayhai@yorku.ca
May received her Ph.D. in Computer Science from Université de Montréal with distinction, in 2008. She also received her M.S. from Concordia University and her B.S. from the American University of Beirut, Lebanon.
She has over 20 years of combined experience in teaching, research, as well as in the software industry. She served at several Computer Science departments in Montreal and American universities in the Middle East including Université de Montréal, the American University of Beirut, and the Lebanese American University.
Her interests include software engineering, web applications, formal methods, and temporal logics.
Research Interests
- software engineering
- web applications
- formal methods
- temporal logics
1. May Haydar. A Formal Framework for Run-Time Verification of Web Applications: An Approach Supported by Scope Extended Linear Temporal Logic. VDM Verlag, Germany, September 2009. ISBN: 978-3-639-18943-8. Book Chapters 1. Yuhong Yan, May Haydar. “Discrete Event Models for Web Service Processes”, In Venky Shankararaman (Ed.) "Business Enterprise, Process and Technology Management: Models and Applications", IGI Global, 2011. 2. May Haydar, Ghazwa Malak, Houari Sahraoui, Alexandre Petrenko, and Sergiy Boroday. "Anomaly Detection and Quality Evaluation of Web Applications", In Coral Calero, Mª Ángeles Moraga, and Mario Piattini, Handbook of Research on Web Information Systems Quality. IGI Global, 2008. Refereed Journal Papers 1. May Haidar, Hicham H. Hallal. “Using Goals to Infer Formal Behavioral Models from Web Services Applications”. International Journal of Education and Information Technology. 2017. 2. May Haidar, Hicham H. Hallal. “A Formal Hybrid Analysis Technique for Composite Web Services Verification”. IARAS International Journal of Internet of Things and Web Services, 2 (2017), pp. 26 – 34, 2017. 3. May Haydar, Alexandre Petrenko, Sergiy Boroday, and Houari Sahraoui. “A Formal Approach for Run-Time Verification of Web Applications using Scope-extended LTL”. Elsevier Journal on Information and Software Technology, 55 (2013), pp. 2191 – 2208, 2013. 4. May Haydar, Alexandre Petrenko, and Houari Sahraoui. "Formal Verification of Web Applications Modeled by Communicating Automata". Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3235, pp.115-132. September 2004. 5. V.S. Alagar, R. Achuthan, M. Haydar, O. Ormandjieva, and M. Zheng. "A Rigorous Approach for Constructing Self-Evolving Real-Time Reactive Systems". Elsevier’s Journal of Information and Software Technology, (45): 743-761, Aug. 2003. Refereed Publications 1. Asma Hijazi, Arwa Al-Oqbi, Ghofran Al-Haddad, May Haidar, Hesham Hallal. “Smart Anti-Theft and Tracking System for Automobile”. 8th World International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology. Dubai, UAE, May 11-12, 2017. 2. May Haydar, Hesham, Hallal. “A Formal Hybrid Analysis Technique for Composite Web Services Verification”. 17th International Conference on Software Engineering, Parallel and Distributed Systems, University of Cambridge, UK, February 24-26, 2017. 3. May Haydar, Hesham, Hallal. “Towards a Formal Framework for Hybrid Analysis of Composite Web Services”. Proc. of the 14th International WorldComp Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice. Las-Vegas, USA, July 21-24, 2014. 4. May Haydar, Hesham Hallal. “Event-based State Characterization for System Verification”. Proc. of the 4th European Conference on Computer Science. Paris, France, October 29-31, 2013. 5. Hesham Hallal, May Haydar, Maya Fakhreddine, Angham Salem, Ansaf Kamal. “Wireless Heart Rate and Blood Pressure Monitoring Network”. Proc. of the 11th Int. Conf. on Embedded Systems and Applications. Nevada, USA, 2013. 6. Hesham H. Hallal, May Haidar. “Goal Based Reengineering of Web Business Applications”. Proc. of the 11th Conference on Software Engineering and Research Practice (SERP 12). July 2012, USA. 7. Hicham H. Hallal, May Haidar, Taha Barake, Sami Al-Khaldi, Mohamad Al-Orayfij, Amal Al-Bluwi, Raneem Al-Jehani. “GSM-based Embedded Water Meter System”. Proc. Of 9th Int. Conf. on Embedded Systems and Applications. July 2011, Las Vegas, U.S.A. 8. May Haydar, Alexandre Petrenko, and Houari Sahraoui. "WeSPaS – Web Specification Pattern System". Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Machine and Web Intelligence (ICMWI 2010). October 2010. 9. May Haydar, Houari Sahraoui, and Alexandre Petrenko. "Specification Patterns for Formal Web Verification". In Proc. of 8th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 08). Yorktown Heights, New York, USA, July 2008. 10. May Haydar, Sergiy Boroday, Alexandre Petrenko, and Houari Sahraoui . "Properties and Scopes in Web Model Checking". In Proc. of 20th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 05). Long Beach, California, USA, November 2005. 11. May Haydar, Sergiy Boroday, Alexandre Petrenko, and Houari Sahraoui. "Propositional Scopes in Linear Temporal Logic". In Proc. of 5th International Conference on New Technologies of Distributed Systems (NOTERE 05). Gatineau, Quebec, Canada, August 2005. 12. May Haydar. "Formal Framework for Automated Analysis and Verification of Web-based Applications". In Proc. of 19th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 04). Linz, Austria, September 2004. 13. V.S. Alagar, M. Haydar, O. Ormandjieva, and M. Zheng. "A Rigorous Approach for Constructing Reusable, Self-Evolving Real-Time Reactive Systems". In Proc. of Concordia Prestigious Workshop on Communicating Software Engineering (CPWCSE 01). Montreal, Canada, January 2001. Technical Reports 1. May Haydar, Sergiy Boroday, Alexandre Petrenko, and Houari Sahraoui . "WeSPaS: a Specification Pattern System for the Analysis and Verification of Web Applications”. Technical Report, Montreal, CRIM, 2007. [CRIM-07/10-17] 2. May Haydar, Sergiy Boroday, Alexandre Petrenko, and Houari Sahraoui. "Adding Propositional Scopes to Linear Temporal Logic". Technical Report, Montreal, CRIM, 2005. 24 p. [CRIM-05/05-06]. 3. V.S. Alagar, M. Haydar, O. Ormandjieva, and M. Zheng. "A Rigorous Approach for Constructing Reusable, Self-Evolving Real-Time Reactive systems". Technical Report, Concordia University, 2002. |
- EECS 1022 - Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
- EECS 2030 - Advanced Object-Oriented Programming
- DIGT 1207 - Web Development Basics
- DIGT 2107 - Practice of Software Development
- CSSD 1201 - Coding with Objects
- CSSD 1202 - Web-Centric Programming
Previous Teachings:
- Data Structure and Algorithms
- Internet Programming and Web Design
- Software Engineering
- Software Requirements Engineering
- Android Mobile Application Development
- Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- Theory of Computation
- Operating Systems
- Computer Networks
- Programming Languages
- Introduction to Cryptography and Computer Security
- Capstone Project I and II